„To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.“ That is the purpose of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, which is sometimes referred to as the „copyright clause“ (or „the patent clause“), which enables both areas of law to be created via Congress. It‘s also the part that is most often ignored.
Daily Archives: 25. März 2013
Eurogroup Dijsselboem threatens savers: “Cyprus deal is template for the future”
On Monday afternoon, President of Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem was unable to hide his enthousiasm about the successful Cyprus rescue plan, that foresses a massive haircut of deposits above 100,000 euro. He directly threatened savers in other eurozone member countries.
UK Laiki Bank customers told ‚it is business as usual‘
Laiki Bank customers in the UK face no restrictions on access to their cash and have been told it is „business as usual“ at the firm‘s four British branches, despite an overnight decision to close its Cyprus parent.
FINMA eröffnet die Anhörung zum neuen Rundschreiben ‚Limitierung gruppeninterner Positionen – Banken‘
…An dieser Stelle ist noch darauf hinzuweisen, dass der prudenzielle Fokus verschiedener Jurisdiktionen künftig noch stärker auf die Risiken der Einzelinstitute und inländischen Gruppen im örtlichen Zuständigkeitsbereich der nationalen Aufsichtsbehörden gerichtet sein wird. Zu nennen sind in diesem Zusammenhang der U.S. Dodd Frank Act 2010, die Recommendations der UK Independent Commission on Banking 2011 und die Aufsichtspraxis in diesen und anderen Ländern vor allem der EU.
The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery by Financial Terrorists
The artist taxi driver
Uhrwerk im Fliegenauge
Die Tatsache, dass Cryptochrom in den Sehprozess eingreift, ist für die Wissenschaft völlig neu. „Bisher galt Cryptochrom als wichtiger Photorezeptor in der inneren Uhr der Fliege“, sagt Förster. In speziellen Nervenzellen, den sogenannten Uhrneuronen, interagiert Cryptochrom bei Belichtung mit dem Uhrprotein Timeless und sorgt so dafür, dass dieses Protein abgebaut wird. Eine Rolle von Cryptochrom im Sehprozess und damit an den Membranen der Sehzellen war bisher nicht bekannt.
Albany police: SWAT used poor black neighborhood for training because it’s ‘realistic’
The chief of police in Albany, New York says that his department just wanted a “realistic” setting when it frightened residents in a poor, predominately African-American neighborhood with SWAT training exercises that included firing blank ammunition and exploding flash grenades.
Police training exercise draws criticism
A photo shared on Facebook of police involved in a hostage training scenario at buildings that are scheduled to be demolished at Ida Yarbourgh Apartments in Albany March 21, 2013. Albany police said they‘re reviewing training procedures after complaints about the proximity of tear gas and the release of fake ammunition to apartments that are still occupied.
94. Platonica
Eine Sonderstellung unter diesen nachgelassenen Arbeiten nehmen ohne Zweifel eine Reihe von Übertragungen aus dem “Corpus Platonicum” ein, die sich durch ihre metrische Form und szenische Akzentuierung fundamental von allen anderen bisher vorgelegten deutschen Platon-Übersetzungen unterscheiden. Dabei beeinträchtigt der Bruch mit der stilistischen Konvention keineswegs die Wiedergabe der Sachebene der Originaltexte. Die genaue Nachvollziehbarkeit der jeweils gebotenen philosophischen Argumentation bleibt immer gewahrt.
93. Lyrik & Geld
Lyrik und Geld? Das eine gilt als brotlose Kunst, das andere regiert die Welt. Katharina Schultens bringt die Gegensätze zusammen und gewinnt den Leonce und Lena Lyrik-Preis. Knut Cordsen hat mir ihr und dem Förderpreisgewinner Tobias Roth gesprochen.
The Day That TV News Died
But if I had to pick a date when commercial television decided amassing corporate money and providing entertainment were its central mission, when it consciously chose to become a carnival act, it would probably be Feb. 25, 2003, when MSNBC took Phil Donahue off the air because of his opposition to the calls for war in Iraq.
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is broken
The tragic death of Aaron Swartz, a 26-year-old coder and social activist, has shone a light on the sad truth about America‘s misguided computer crime law. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) has vague language that broadly criminalizes accessing a computer without „authorization,“ but doesn‘t explain what that actually means.
13–Commercial Leaded Training Ammo (CLTA)
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice.The solicitation number is HSFLAR-13-Q-00020 and is issued as an invitation for bids (IFB), unless otherwise indicated herein.The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular FAC 2005-65.
Guccifer emails link Tony Blair to top-secret Bohemian Grove gathering
The San Francisco Chronicle also reported that summer that Prime Minister Blair was rumored to be attending the festivities, which have long become a topic of debate and discussion of conspiracy theorists, largely due to the sheer elusiveness of an event that attracts high-profile men of power with a strict embargo on admitting the media.
Stuttgart: Parkschützer-Appell an Baden-Württembergs Finanzminister Schmid
Land darf kein weiteres Geld für Stuttgart 21 überweisen – auch nicht 50 Millionen Euro im April!
TSA removes airport’s full-body scanner
On Thursday evening, the Transportation Security Administration removed the L3-AIT scanner that required passengers to enter and then raise their hands for a three-second scan. Replacing it is a metal detector.
SAS amnesty ‚filled a skip‘ with weapons
13.03.2013 – A culture of „entitlement“ among SAS veterans means they have no qualms about bringing back anything from bazookas to quad bikes stolen from the US military in combat regions such as Afghanistan. Some appear not even to have considered that what they are doing is illegal, according to army officers.
Zambia ex-leader arrested over oil deal
ZAMBIA‘S ex-leader, Rupiah Banda, has been arrested and charged with abuse of authority over an oil deal struck with a Nigerian firm while he was in power, an investigator says.
Banda’s Lawyer Denounces ‘Politically Motivated’ Arrest
Following today’s arrest of former President Rupiah Banda by the Patriotic Front government, his international lawyer Robert Amsterdam denounced the move as a “politically motivated” ploy to eliminate political competition in the wake of President Michael Sata’s “enfeebled” condition.
WIKILEAKS RELEASE Sweden: 20,065 emails from US intelligence contractor Stratfor
They named their kid ‚Osama.‘ Does it get more obvious?
Was bomber radicalised by his wife?
December 15 2010 at 10:35am
Mona Thwany‘s lips are painted bright red, and she wears a clinging top
with a plunging neckline.
Smiling broadly for the camera with dark hair flowing over her shoulders,
she looks very much a glamorous Western wife.
Kurze Durchsage an die üblichen Verdächtigen: KEINE SAU interessiert, was ihr glaubt, wie viel ‚politische Arbeit‘ ihr leistet.
Genau niemanden. Null. Keinen. Leere Menge. Beurteilt werdet ihr nach dem Ergebnis.
Colombian workers fight for the future of our morning joe
But the workers continued to resist. “We are going to march all day in a peaceful manner until they listen to us,” said Gutiérrez
Zyprische Tochter russischer VTB-Bank: Keine Zwangsabgabe auf Einlagen
Zuvor hatte der russische Erste Vizepremier Igor Schuwalow erklärt, es wäre ungerecht, gegen die VTB-Tochter die gleichen Maßnahmen anzuwenden wie gegen die Banken, die einer Sanierung bedürfen. Dies habe Moskau Zypern bei den Verhandlungen vorige Woche bereits mitgeteilt.
Merkel back on Capri this Easter
German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be on Capri for her annual spring break around Easter, sources said Monday.
Totalrasur in Zypern: EU ist, wenn immer nur die Bank gewinnt – und die Politbonzen
Man sollte die korrupten Politiker und Funktionäre in den nächsten Kerker schmeißen und die Schlüssel wegwerfen, und dasselbe mit irgendwelchen EU-Troika-, IWF-, Weltbank-Heinis tun. Sie sind alle ohne Ausnahme Agenten des Großkapitals und nur für sie tätig.
CIA aids huge arms smuggling to Syria – report
A conservative estimate of the payload of these flights would be 3,500 tons of military equipment,” Hugh Griffiths, of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, told the newspaper. He added that it appears as a “well-planned and coordinated clandestine military logistics operation.”
Zypern ist nicht gerettet, Zypern ist tot
Die Euroretter wollen das Land genauso zu Tode retten, wie man das bei Griechenland bereits gemacht hat. Man nimmt ihnen die Grundlage für ihr Geschäftsmodell weg. Das wäre so ähnlich, als wenn man Deutschland verbieten würde, Maschinen und PKWs zu produzieren
Lloyds pays 25 staff more than 1 million pounds each
The bank, which is 40 percent owned by the UK taxpayer, said on Monday it paid bonuses worth a total 365 million pounds in 2012, down 3 percent on the previous year and the lowest of the big four British lenders. That equated to an average 3,900 pounds for each of the bank‘s employee
Klage am Europäischen Gerichtshof gegen Gentechnik-Soja
Seit letztem Sommer darf die „Intacta“-Soja des US-Konzerns Monsanto in die EU importiert und als Futter- und Lebensmittel verwendet werden. Die Pflanze ist gegen das Spritzmittel Glyphosat (Wirkstoff von Monsantos „Roundup“) resistent und sondern auch eigene Gifte ab die Insekten töten.
Tell them to go jump in a lake
For your own sakes believe in your selves, tell the IMF and ECB to jump in a lake. Start new banks and leave the euro. The choice is between self reliance and succumbing to fascism.
Wall Street Rises on Cyprus
The deal between Cyprus and the heads of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund will spare the Mediterranean island a likely banking collapse by winding down the largely state-owned Popular Bank of Cyprus and shifting deposits below 100,000 euros to the Bank of Cyprus to create a “good bank.”
Bank of Cyprus‘ uninsured deposits stand to lose around 30 percent
Cypriot government spokesman Christos Styllianides confirmed that Bank of Cyprus would take on the 9.2 billion euro debt of Laiki and that it would recapitalize by using part of uninsured deposits.
US presid security advisor may meet Putin in Moscow April 15
US President’s National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon intends to visit Moscow on April 15 to discuss, among other things, issues related to the American missile defence system, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters on Monday. He did not rule out that President Vladimir Putin may receive Donilon.
Durchschaubares Wahlkampf-Manöver
Seit letzten Sommer ist es in aller Munde: Die Bundeswehr will Kampf-Drohnen anschaffen! Bundesverteidigungsminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) sprach sich noch am 31.01.2013 im Bundestag für dieses Vorhaben aus, verteidigte es gegen Kritik im Parlament und kündigte an, dass eine Entscheidung hierüber in den kommenden Monaten zu erwarten sei. Spätestens seither ist eine öffentliche Debatte am kochen. Denn entgegen der Absichtserklärung der Bundesregierung ist die überwiegende Mehrheit der Öffentlichkeit gegen den Kauf von Kampf-Drohnen. In der ARD-Meinungsumfrage Deutschland-Trend vom Februar 2013 haben sich 65% der Befragten klar dagegen ausgesprochen. Zu Recht!
Mass rally as Imran Khan kicks off campaign
The PTI is shaping up to be a wildcard for the May 11 parliamentary election – the first transition between democratically elected civilian-led governments in a country that has been ruled by the military for more than half of its 65-year history.
Pakistani cricket legend Imran Khan rallies tens of thousands of supporters ahead of election
Khan is shaping up to be the biggest wildcard in the May 11 parliamentary election — the first transition between democratically elected governments in a country that has experienced three military coups.
New kinds of GM plants and pesticides not being assessed for safety
In a new peer-reviewed paper published by an international team from New Zealand, Brazil, and Australia in the prestigious journal Environment International, the researchers Jack A. Heinemann, Sarah Z. Agapito-Tenfen and Judy A. Carman have found that government safety regulators are failing to consider important risks of new kinds of genetically modified (GM) plants and some emerging co-technologies.
Greece celebrates Independence Day with ‘private’ Parades, audience excluded
Every year, it gets worse. Out of fear of anti-austerity protests and harassment of politicians, Greece celebrates its National Days with … private parades. Hundreds of students and members of the Armed Forces paraded in front of politicians and …policemen on 24. and 25. March 2013
Secretary of State Kerry makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan
Secretary of State John Kerry paid an unannounced visit to Afghanistan on Monday for talks with President Hamid Karzai, a official said
Mississippi lawmaker found dead in apparent suicide at former congressman’s home
The Jackson Clarion-Ledger reported that Upshaw, who represented the state’s 95th congressional district, was found at the home of former state Rep. Clint Rotenberry (R) in Mendenhall, Mississippi, from a gunshot wound to her head.
Medwedew zu Zypern-Krise: „Man raubt das Geraubte“
„Meiner Meinung nach raubt man dort das Geraubte weiter“, sagte Medwedew am Montag in einer Besprechung mit seinen Stellvertretern. Deshalb müsse Russland klären, „was aus dieser ganzen Geschichte wird und welche Folgen für das internationale Finanz- und Währungssystem und auch für unsere Interessen entstehen werden.“
India to sign pact with Iran soon to ship goods to Afghanistan
Also, the fact that Iran and Pakistan have decided to go ahead with their gas pipeline project despite US warnings has put India on alert about Tehran‘s other options. Presidents Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Asif Ali Zardari inaugurated the construction of this pipeline project at Chabahar, a signal India cannot overlook.
Sources said it would be in India‘s interest to harness Chabahar port‘s potential soon enough to ensure a link into Afghanistan for its goods, which bypasses Pakistan. India, Iran and Afghanistan already have a joint working group, which is supposed to work out the details of implementing this plan.
Cyprus bailout deal with EU closes bank and seizes large deposits
Laiki, or Cyprus Popular Bank, is to be closed. Its €4.2bn in deposits over €100,000 will be placed in a „bad bank“ and could be wiped out entirely. Those with smaller deposits will see their accounts transferred to Bank of Cyprus.
Oregon professor fired for bizarre tirade, allegedly threatening student protesters
A law teacher with the University of Oregon got a life lesson from the school of hard knocks when he was fired from his position after he got irate with student protesters, seen in an eyewitness video eventually shoving one protester and snatching the phone of another.
South Korea, US sign military plan against North ‚provocations‘
The US already offers South Korea a „nuclear umbrella“, but Cold War experts have pointed out that while nuclear deterrence may address the possibility of all-out war, it does not deter low-level incidents.
Thema Abgeordnetenbestechung bei Westpol, 24.03.2013
Westpol, Sendung vom 24. März 2013
[45E016-2013] Slope Star feat. Ambelion – Sleeper Brother
Artists: Slope Star feat. Ambelion
Album: Sleeper Brother
Label / Release Date: 45 Echoes Sounds || 2013
Style: Ambient
Time: 67:45
Format: FLAC; MP3 320 kbps
Woodkid – Run Boy Run (Official Video HD)
WOODKID – RUN BOY RUN – Video directed by Yoann Lemoine
Produced By ICONOCLAST with the help of Picseyes
Produced by Roman Pichon
Art director / Chef Decorateur : Pierre Pell
Radio Utopie App für Windows 8 und Windows RT
Für Windows 8 (Desktop und Tablets) und Windows RT (Tablets) steht ab sofort die Radio Utopie App im Windows Store.
Full text: Eurogroup statement on Cyprus
The Eurogroup expects that the ESM Board of Governors will be in a position to formally approve the proposal for a financial assistance facility agreement by the third week of April 2013 subject to the completion of national procedures.
Last minute rescue: painful Cyprus deal, bankruptcy averted, depositors cry
The CPB debt of 9 billion euro to ELA (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) will be transferred to BOC but it will remain ‘frozen’.
The exact percentage of the deposits ’haircut’ – also called “levy” have not been determined. It’s estimated to be between 28-30 percent. Allegedly the Troika had asked 40-50-60% haircut that was vehemently rejected by Anastasiades.
Cyprus President Anastasiades threatens to resign and let people decide
(24.03.) UPDATE: shortly after the news was spread, it was …dismissed or better say “corrected”. After a phone conversation between Anastasiades and Cypriot Parliament Speaker Omirou, Cypriot media reported “Anastasiades did not threaten Christine Lagarde with his resignation, but he asked if her insistence and the insistence of European partners aim to force him to resign.”
Pablo Nerudas Leiche wird exhumiert. War es Mord?
Die Überreste des chilenischen Poeten und Literaturnobelpreisträgers Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) werden am 8. April exhumiert. Das bestätigte einem Bericht des Rundfunksenders Bío Bío zufolge der Richter Mario Carroza. An der Untersuchung wegen Mordverdachts soll ein internationales Expertenteam mitwirken.
Snow’s Lecture
C. P. Snow hat auch politische Themen unter dem Aspekt seines Zwei-Kulturen-Modells behandelt, etwa Fragen der schulischen und universitären Ausbildung in Großbritannien und anderen Ländern und des Zusammenhangs zwischen Ausbildung und Eignung der Universitätsabsolventen für leitende Funktionen in Politik und Wirtschaft, Fragen, auf die Antworten zu finden in der zunehmend durch Wissenschaft und Technik geprägten modernen Welt aus seiner Sicht immer dringender wurde. Viele seiner Feststellungen, Vorbehalte und Vorschläge stießen auf heftige Kritik.
François Hollande is at an all-time low with voters
The French president was elected to tackle the economic and social crises, but now most people don‘t think he‘s up to the job