Archiv: verifications / recounts / recanvass

09.11.2022 - 15:17 [ CNBC ]

2022 midterm elections: Here are the states where recounts are likely

Several states have laws that require automatic recounts in tight races.
Some Republican candidates have already said they plan to challenge the results — if they lose.
The contentious nature of the 2022 midterms sets the U.S. up for another round of bitter and drawn-out legal battles and recounts reminiscent of the 2020 presidential election.

04.11.2020 - 21:20 [ CNBC ]

Trump campaign says it will request a recount in Wisconsin

President Donald Trump’s campaign manager said Wednesday that Trump plans to request a formal recount in Wisconsin.
A top election official there confirmed that nearly all the votes in the state have been counted, and NBC News currently has Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading Trump by more than 20,000 votes.

28.02.2020 - 12:44 [ @Weusedtoknowst1 / Twitter ]

The results are still unofficial: The state party must certify the results by Saturday, the day of the South Carolina primary. And the Sanders campaign says it has already asked the Democratic National Committee to step in and review the recount process in Iowa.

28.02.2020 - 12:37 [ ]

Iowa Democrats should not certify inaccurate caucus results

Ethan Corey and Daniel Nichanian have been pointing out for weeks that no one entered numbers from Des Moines County precinct 3 into the system. Corey spoke to a volunteer in the county who said that precinct had about 140 fewer caucus-goers than the official results (from the Winneshiek precinct) would suggest.

Bleeding Heartland flagged this issue in a post published on February 19. This week, I’ve repeatedly emailed IDP leaders trying to find out whether the party’s operating committee or SCC will direct someone to enter the proper numbers from Des Moines County precinct 3. I have received no reply whatsoever, not even “no comment.”

28.02.2020 - 12:33 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

(That error alone is nearly half of Sanders‘s current deficit.)

But I‘m not sure if this is a new error [as tweet above indicates] or if it was already here; it‘s already in my saved notes from a few iterations ago.

link to verify for yourself:

28.02.2020 - 12:29 [ @fathippy2 / Twitter ]

Can someone explain how they have recounted NL6/Madison (Johnson)?? They have literally reversed the recanvass and given the delegate back to Warren on 104 vs Sanders on 107??? They have even reduced Warren from 105 to 104 to boot!! Its half an SDE

28.02.2020 - 12:26 [ ]

Delegate count unchanged after Iowa caucus recount completed

Recount administration recounted preference cards from 23 unique precincts, 14 requested by the Buttigieg campaign and 10 requested by the Sanders campaign, on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a statement released by the Iowa Democratic Party.

The final state delegate equivalent totals have Buttigieg at 562.954 and Sanders at 562.021.

23.02.2020 - 15:55 [ Des Moines Register ]

Iowa Democrats to recount 23 caucus precincts in ongoing Bernie Sanders-Pete Buttigieg battle

The state party‘s recanvass/recount committee expects to begin the process on Tuesday and for it to last two days, the party‘s news release said.

19.02.2020 - 13:24 [ ]

Bernie Sanders’ campaign to request recount of Iowa caucuses

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign plans to ask for a partial recount of the Iowa caucus results after the state Democratic Party released results of its recanvass late Tuesday that show Sanders and Pete Buttigieg in an effective tie.

Sanders campaign senior adviser Jeff Weaver told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday that the campaign has had a representative in contact with the Iowa Democratic Party throughout the recanvass process.

19.02.2020 - 12:52 [ Jonathan Basile ‏/ Twitter ]

If these results stand Buttigieg would still get 14 national delegates (the ones that actually matter) to Bernie’s 12. Totally democratic system we have!

Bernie is still fighting that decision

19.02.2020 - 12:46 [ Nate Cohn ‏/ Twitter ]

Buttigieg lead in Iowa appears to fall to a mere 0.08 SDEs after recanvass Buttigieg 563.207 Sanders 563.127

19.02.2020 - 12:43 [ ]

Buttigieg, Sanders separated by thousandths of a point after Iowa recanvass

Buttigieg now leads Sanders by .08 state delegate equivalents, according to results posted by the state party — 26.186 percent for Buttigieg to 26.182 percent for Sanders. The initial results were marred by apparent reporting or mathematical errors.

19.02.2020 - 12:41 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party Announces Results of Official Recanvass Request

The recanvass results still have Pete Buttigieg at the top, getting 14 national delegates. He is closely followed by Bernie Sanders who will get 12.

17.02.2020 - 14:03 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party Begins Recanvass of Caucus Precincts

The party is expected to finish the recanvass by Wednesday. After that, candidates can request a recount.

17.02.2020 - 12:56 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

We‘re about to be two weeks away from the Iowa caucuses, & the IDP has still not released real results from likely 2 precincts; & only one of them is on the recanvass list, which makes it an open question whether some voters in Des Moines Co. will ever have their votes included.

(Official reason the Des Moines precinct not on list is that no campaign put it on theirs; based on what co-chair of Des Moines Co Dems told @CoatsandLinen
, real results wouldn‘t change Sanders/Buttigieg‘s gap. But issue is also IDP putting burden of corrections on campaigns.)

16.02.2020 - 14:07 [ Des Moines Register ]

State Rep. Mark Smith to lead Iowa Democratic Party after Troy Price stepped down Saturday

On Wednesday, the state party announced it would honor recanvass requests from both Sanders and Buttigieg.

The recanvass, which begins Sunday and is expected to take two days, involves the party comparing and correcting inconsistencies between the official results reported from 143 precincts and satellite caucuses and what the party reported in its tabulations.

15.02.2020 - 14:12 [ Fiorella Isabel / Twitter ]

Do not stop pushing. Continue talking about Iowa and demand the campaign continue with their recanvass. When you’re going up against the establishment. Every delegate matters.

14.02.2020 - 12:55 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

..even with all that attention, the IDP still hasn‘t felt like it has to so much as acknowledge that it has yet to report the results of likely 2 precincts, which is absolutely bonkers,.or to fix their results we know don‘t conform to sheets.

13.02.2020 - 01:28 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

IDP count still likely lacks results of 2 precincts (but says „100%“). It has dozens of errors, at least one of which is *not* what math sheet shows. And yet: 1) It‘s CHARGING campaigns for a recanvass… 2) … that won‘t even cover all errors, incl. a likely missing precinct!

12.02.2020 - 20:35 [ Anne M. #NotMeUs / Twitter ]

Wait. Candidates have to pay for the recanvass because the Iowa Democratic Party screwed up the process and the results? That seems unfair, to say the least.

12.02.2020 - 20:24 [ ]

Iowa Democratic Party says it plans to begin recanvass of caucus results on Sunday

The party is expected to provide the campaigns with details related to the timeline of the recanvass and the costs for which campaigns will be responsible. After that, the campaigns will have 24 hours to decide whether they want to proceed with the recanvass.

Once the process begins Sunday, the party said, it is expected to last for two days.

12.02.2020 - 13:54 [ Taniel / Twitter ]

The IDP results are still riddled with errors. They are mathematically incoherent. In some cases they don‘t conform to what local precincts are reporting. They can claim what they want. Thankfully, the press isn‘t bound to just account. That‘s where we come in. Let‘s dig in.


11.02.2020 - 10:27 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Election Expert Warns Media: Don‘t trust Iowa caucuses results

Editor of The Appeal: Political Report expands on the latest results in Iowa following a recanvass.

10.02.2020 - 18:35 [ Reid J. Epstein / Twitter ]

And the results @iowademocrats finally posted online? A @UpshotNYT review found at least 10% had improperly allocated delegates – mistakes in all 99 counties. But signed precinct worksheets are final documents — they can‘t be fixed in a recanvass.

10.02.2020 - 18:30 [ Reid J. Epstein / Twitter ]

It took three days for Iowa Democratic Party volunteers to check all the caucus results worksheets that arrived by email. One results page didn‘t reach Des Moines until Thursday — it had been sent through the Postal Service.

10.02.2020 - 18:27 [ Bleeding Heartland ]

Iowa Democrats need new state chair–and new attorney

A February 6 written statement from Price acknowledged that the reporting problems on caucus night “were unacceptable.” What he went on to say raised red flags (emphasis added):

“Should any presidential campaign in compliance with the Iowa Delegate Selection Plan request a recanvass, the IDP is prepared. In such a circumstance, the IDP will audit the paper records of report, as provided by the precinct chairs and signed by representatives of presidential campaigns. This is the official record of the Iowa Democratic caucus, and we are committed to ensuring the results accurately reflect the preference of Iowans.”

What about those dozens of precincts where the official record submitted by the precinct chair did not accurately reflect the preference of caucus-goers in the room, because one candidate received too many or not enough delegates?

IDP leaders decided to stick with the flawed official record.

10.02.2020 - 11:58 [ Jeff Zeleny, CNN Senior Washington Correspondent / Twitter ]

NEW: The @BernieSanders campaign plans to ask for a recanvass of some Iowa precincts before the Monday 1 pm deadline, @fshakir tells @ryanobles

10.02.2020 - 11:55 [ New York Times ]

Iowa Democrats Give Buttigieg the Most Delegates as Sanders Team Seeks Recanvass

A Sanders aide confirmed that the campaign would be seeking a partial recanvass of results. The Iowa Democratic Party did not immediately respond to a request for comment.