Archiv: the "why don´t they just call them an AshkeNazi?" department / dialectics on steroids

02.11.2023 - 15:50 [ Torah Judaism / Twitter ]

Today, during a police raid to take down Palestinian flags in the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood, Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, the Israeli policemen were recorded attacking residents and knocking residents down on the road, hitting, and punching them in the face.


Police violence against ultra-Orthodox Jews continues constantly, Zionists constantly attack Jews, this must stop.

The only crime of these Jews is that they stand with the Palestinian people and are against Zionism.

16.10.2023 - 14:00 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

Israeli police finally made an arrest – of @freyisrael1 the Jew who read the mourners’ prayer for everyone who has died – while his attackers yell at him “Nazi”.

He is the only ultra-Orthodox journalist in the country who considers non-Jews to be human, hence he must be silenced