Archiv: Stein (city)

24.01.2021 - 16:06 [ ]

Niederlande: Krawalle bei erster Ausgangssperre

Die CoV-bedingte Ausgangssperre hat in den Niederlanden zu Protesten und Krawallen geführt. In der Kleinstadt Urk nördlich von Amsterdam hatten Dutzende Menschen gestern Abend gegen die Sperrstunde protestiert, wie die Polizei heute mitteilte. Sie hätten Steine und Feuerwerkskörper auf Polizisten geworfen und Polizeiautos demoliert. Jugendliche steckten nach Polizeiangaben ein Coronavirus-Testzentrum des Gesundheitsamtes in Brand.

24.01.2021 - 15:46 [ ]

Empty roads during curfew; meanwhile riots escalate in Urk

Reportedly, the youngsters took to the streets, played loud music, and drank alcohol. At least a hundred young people had gathered in the center around 9 p.m. From there, they marched through the streets chanting “dictatorship.” They were addressed by someone with a megaphone who said, “today is the first day that we let you know that we are done.” The protestors also lit fireworks with which they attacked the police.

The police struggled to bring the situation on the control and had to call in the riot control unit. What followed was a game of ‘cat and mouse’, in which the police with long batons ran through the streets and groups of protestors repeatedly managed to escape via side streets.

24.01.2021 - 15:19 [ ]

Riot police called to Urk, youngsters protest in Limburg as curfew comes into force

The first curfew in the Netherlands since the occupation during World War II began smoothly in most part of the country but riot police were drafted in to restore order on the staunchly Protestant former island of Urk after youths went on the rampage.