Archiv: Ibrahim al-Organi

13.02.2025 - 20:24 [ Middle East Eye ]

Exclusive: Egyptian firm charges trucks entering Gaza $20,000 in ‘bribes’

Organi is a Sinai businessman, politician and tribal leader allied with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Organi‘s name has become synonynous with unofficial profits made out of the suffocating Gaza blockade, particularly from desperate Palestinians attempting to flee the fighting.

MEE last year revealed that Organi made at least $2m daily from Palestinians who left the Gaza Strip via the border crossing point with Egypt, the only one not directly controlled by Israel at the time. Another report revealed that Organi’s companies charged aid trucks $5000 to enter Gaza.

04.05.2024 - 08:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egyptian militia leader Organi unveils plans for ‘Sisi City’ at Israel border

Prior to merging it with the newly declared union, Organi led the Union of Sinai Tribes (UST), a pro-government paramilitary group set up in 2015 to support the Egyptian army in its battles against a local offshoot of the Islamic State (IS). The UST’s mission in Sinai has been unclear since the IS-affiliate group known as the Sinai Province was officially defeated in 2022.

The bloody, 10-year campaign in the Sinai has almost completely razed Rafah and uprooted thousands of members of the indigenous Bedouin population, leaving most towns and villages pulverised.

04.05.2024 - 07:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egypt detains ten pro-Palestine protesters on charges of ‚spreading fake news‘


Wednesday’s demonstration was held in front of the Journalists‘ Syndicate in Cairo, where dozens of journalists and activists gathered to protest against the ongoing Israeli onslaught on Gaza.

Activists shared videos of one of the protesters chanting against business tycoon and government ally Ibrahim al-Organi, whose companies have been charging Palestinians thousands of dollars to exit Gaza.