Archiv: Faisal Naseer (ISI spy agency / state military general)

12.05.2023 - 13:48 [ Dr.Farrukh Javed / Nitter ]

The events following the arrest of #ImranKhan are mind-boggling and unbelievable; it is my pragmatic belief that, for the first time in this country‘s 75-year history, our nation protested at the right places against those who are the root cause of the problems. 1/

I completely agree with those who say the protest should be peaceful, but if people are denied their constitutional right to protest, they will protest unconstitutionally. You cannot control an enraged mob that has been oppressed for the past 75 years. 2/

Regrettably, this fascist government banned internet and social media sites in order to conceal their incompetence and failed governance, as well as the lack of trust placed in them by the people of Pakistan. As a result, thousands of daily bettors are out of work. 3/

I am hoping that Pakistan‘s stakeholders will come together and accept the legal and constitutional demand for elections. Release all innocent people and reverse all fake cases so that a strong political government can take over Pakistan and avoid economic default.

12.05.2023 - 00:00 [ New York Times ]

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Ex-Leader, Is Arrested

(May 9, 2023)

Mr. Khan and his supporters deny the charges, characterizing them as a misuse of the justice system by the government, led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, and the military to keep him out of politics. Political and military leaders deny those claims.

The tensions surrounding Mr. Khan broke into violence in November, when he was wounded during a rally after an unidentified man opened fire on his convoy, in what aides have called an assassination attempt. In recent months, Mr. Khan has accused a senior intelligence official of playing a role in that shooting.

11.05.2023 - 23:50 [ Imran Khan / Nitter ]

As someone who has suffered 2 assassination attempts on his life in last few months, can I dare to ask SS the following Qs:

(May 8, 2023)

1. Have I, a citizen, the right to nominate those I feel were responsible for assassination attacks on me? Why was I denied my legal & Constitutional right.. register an FIR? Does SS tweet mean mly officers are above the law or that they cannot commit a crime? If we allege one of them has committed a crime, how is institution being maligned?
3. Who was so powerful as to sabotage Wazirabad JIT while PTI govt was in power in Punjab?

11.05.2023 - 23:37 [ ]

Top Pak Army General Involved In Senior Journalist‘s Murder: Imran Khan

(May 07, 2023)

Arshad Sharif, who was critical of the Army, was killed in Kenya last October as he fled the country citing threats to his life from the security agencies.

The killing of the investigative journalist by police in Kenya caused outrage in Pakistan.

Kenya‘s police, in an initial report, had said the 49-year-old was shot dead in a moving vehicle in a case of mistaken identity.

Khan, 71, had earlier accused Gen Naseer along with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah of an assassination attempt on his life in November last year in Punjab province‘s Wazirabad wherein he received three bullets in his leg.