Archiv: de-commercialization / nationalization

24.04.2020 - 13:15 [ BBC ]

Coronavirus: Hard to prevent care home deaths, says Chris Whitty

Coronavirus is likely to result in a high mortality rate in care homes, England‘s chief medical officer has said.

Chris Whitty said it was hard to prevent deaths in care homes „sadly because this is a very vulnerable group“.

Current statistics were likely to be an „underestimate“, he added.

16.11.2019 - 19:47 [ Paul Embery, Blue Labour / Twitter ]

The post-war Labour government gave us full employment; the NHS; modern welfare state; public ownership of railways, electric, gas, coal and steel; and built a million new homes. All when the country‘s back was broken. Never let it be said that we can‘t afford a decent society.

26.07.2019 - 17:28 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abgeordnete des US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

The notion of dismantling ICE is nowhere near as radical as the destructive 2003 decision to establish ICE – an extrajudicial enforcement agency that controls a black-box network of for-profit detention centers accountable to no one, even when people die – in the first place.