Archiv: Dallas

24.06.2020 - 20:41 [ Adam Dick / ]

‚Bleib zu Hause, bleib sicher‘ … was sagt das?

So sehen wir, dass ein hoher Prozentsatz der durch das Coronavirus bedingten Todesfälle aufgrund behördlicher Anordnungen vermehrt auf Pflegeheime zurückzuführen ist, während Berufssportler, die mit dem Coronavirus infiziert sind, in der Regel nicht oder nur geringfügig erkranken.

07.06.2020 - 00:46 [ NBC ]

Thousands March Through Downtown Dallas in One of Most Diverse Protests to Date

Thousands of people gathered at Belo Garden Park in downtown Dallas on the ninth day of protests in the city against social injustice.

07.06.2020 - 00:40 [ NBC ]

Curfew Lifted in City of Dallas After 6 Days

The city of Dallas has lifted a curfew that was first enacted Sunday following two nights of protests, officials announced Saturday.

06.06.2020 - 20:47 [ ]

A Dallas man lost his eye in a protest. Now he wants Police Chief Hall to find those responsible


Brandon Saenz was looking for his friend at a May 30 protest in downtown Dallas when he says he saw a line of police. Then, he said, he was hit with so-called less-lethal ammunition that shattered his left eye.

Now Saenz, his family and lawyers are demanding Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall denounce the incident and find the person responsible.

Dallas police have not replied to The Dallas Morning News’ requests for comment, but two officers spoke with Saenz on Wednesday.

10.03.2020 - 18:00 [ ]

Some Super Tuesday Votes Won’t Count Unless Dallas Judge Fixes Democrat Election Official’s Mistake

Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole will be in district court today asking a state judge to allow a partial recount of the March 3 primary, due to “counting errors” found days after the ballot count was complete.

In a petition filed Friday night, the Democrat official said she discovered “discrepancies” between the number of voters who checked in at the polls and the number of electronic ballots counted:

08.03.2020 - 15:36 [ Texas Tribune ]

Dallas County asks for Super Tuesday recount after discovering it missed some ballots

The tally of ballots had been compiled from flash drives that were turned in to the county, and the county initially believed it had received all ballots from the 454 vote centers, Pippins-Poole said in an affidavit filed with the court.

„However, it was later determined that there are ballots from 44 of the precinct scanner and tabulator machines that are unaccounted for,“ Pippins-Poole said. She could not immediately be reached for comment on Saturday.

03.08.2019 - 20:36 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Cops MOCK Dying Man

We need police reform NOW! Cenk Uygur, Brooke Thomas, and Adrienne Lawrence, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

03.08.2019 - 20:31 [ ]

Tony Timpa’s Mother Reacts To Dallas Police Video Of Son’s Death: ‘They Laughed At Him, Tortured Him’

At a news conference Friday, Vicki Timpa said, “It’s really hard to hear my son scream ‘help me’ and cry. They laugh at him and they torture him and they killed him and they have fun doing it.”

Timpa’s death came less than an hour after he called 911, saying he was off his medication for schizophrenia.

16.05.2019 - 02:16 [ Youtube ]

Dallas City Council, LGBTQ Groups To Protest Visit From Brazil‘s Bolsonaro

Another visit to the United States will likely bring another round of protests and official rebukes of far-right Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro, as American activists and lawmakers opposed to his his racist, sexist, homophobic and environmentally destructive policies attempt to make him persona non grata in the U.S. Seven members and members-elect of the Dallas city council blasted Bolsonaro before he arrived in the city on Wednesday, urging the organizations behind the Brazilian president’s visit to cancel scheduled events with a leader who, they said in a letter, “represents a deep disdain for democracy and civil society.” The councilmembers urged the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth ― a nonprofit group that hosts international leaders and events on global affairs and will hold an event with Bolsonaro ― to cancel his appearance. “Providing President Bolsonaro a platform dangerously normalizes his authoritarianism and shows tacit support for his discriminatory actions, words, and policy positions,” the councilmembers said in the letter. “President Bolsonaro does not reflect the values of the City of Dallas.” Scott Griggs, a city councilman who helped organize the letter, said Bolsonaro’s visit represented “a terrible step backward” for Dallas. “Dallas is a welcoming city built on love,” Griggs, who is running for mayor this year, told HuffPost by phone Wednesday. “Welcoming Bolsonaro sends the wrong message not only to our city but to our state, our country and the world.”

16.05.2019 - 01:58 [ Granma ]

Auch New York mag Bolsonaro nicht

Wie es scheint, mag man den brasilianischen Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro in New York nicht sehr, denn auf Grund der heftigen Kritik und des schweren Drucks musste er die Reise in diese Stadt absagen, wo er die Ehrung der Handelskammer Brasilien-USA erhalten sollte.

Wie das brasilianische Außenministerium bestätigte, ist das neue Ziel Bolsonaros Dallas in Texas, wo er mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten George W. Bush zusammentreffen und am Donnerstag die Auszeichnung Persönlichkeit des Jahres 2019 erhalten wird, die ihm im April von besagter Handelskammer verliehen worden war, die ihn auch zu einem Galadiner in New York eingeladen hatte.