Archiv: Brunswick

27.05.2020 - 15:06 [ NBC News ]

Ahmaud Arbery shooting: A timeline of the case


A video of the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia has thrust the case into the national spotlight, prompting widespread outrage and raising concerns about racial inequities in the justice system.

Here is a timeline of events in the case.

08.05.2020 - 15:44 [ ]

Ahmaud Arbery: Waycross District Attorney explains in letter why no one was arrested in 25-year-old’s shooting death


Jackie Johnson, the district attorney for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit, recused her office as Gregory McMichael, one of the men involved in the shooting, was a former investigator in her office.

08.05.2020 - 15:41 [ ]

Georgia shooting case will go to grand jury as disturbing video surfaces online

That was the case Feb. 23, when Arbery was spotted jogging through his neighborhood by Gregory McMichael, who believed Arbery looked like a suspect in a spate of recent break-ins, according to a police report published by the New York Times.

Only one burglary was reported to the Glynn County Police Department in the Satilla Shores neighborhood between Jan. 1 and Feb. 23, and it involved a pistol taken from a pickup truck outside of Travis McMichael’s home, the Brunswick News reported.

08.05.2020 - 15:29 [ S. Lee Merritt, Esq.,Civil Rights Lawyer / Twitter ]

A lot of people have asked why I keep saying THREE suspects. Here is the third. Thanks @shaunking ! Arrest all three of these men who conspired and murdered #AhmaudArbery


08.05.2020 - 15:19 [ ]

Schwarzer Jogger erschossen: Zwei Weiße in USA festgenommen


Polizeiberichten zufolge sagte der Vater – laut US-Medien ein ehemaliger Polizist – aus, der Jogger habe einem Einbrecher ähnlich gesehen, der zuvor auf Videos in der Nachbarschaft aufgenommen worden sei.

Sie hätten sich daher bewaffnet und seien Arbery hinterhergefahren. Im Polizeibericht heißt es, der Sohn sei mit seinem Gewehr ausgestiegen. Der Vater habe angegeben, Arbery habe den Sohn dann angegriffen, es sei zu einem Kampf um das Gewehr gekommen.

08.05.2020 - 15:12 [ S. Lee Merritt, Esq.,Civil Rights Lawyer / Twitter ]

“The series of events captured in this video confirm what all the evidence indicated prior to its release— Ahmaud Arbery was pursued by three white men that targeted him solely because of his race and murdered him without justification. This is murder.”


08.05.2020 - 15:10 [ NBC News ]

Black man shot dead while jogging in Georgia, and two months later, no arrests


The prosecutor said video footage of the shooting, made by a neighbor, shows Arbery to be the aggressor.

„Given the fact Arbery initiated the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shotgun, under Georgia Law, McMichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself,“ according to the memo, reported in the New York Times.

A Glynn County police spokesman declined comment on the probe and referred all questions to Durden, who has not publicly discussed the case and could not be immediately reached on Thursday.

08.05.2020 - 15:08 [ ]

Police mum on circumstances behind Satilla Shores shooting

(Feb 26, 2020)

Glynn County Police investigators will not say if they are in contact with the person who shot Arbery.

Police also declined to comment on the nature of the investigation, giving no indication whether they are approaching the shooting as a homicide or an act of self- defense.