Archiv: Bongo family (Gabon)

31.08.2023 - 19:30 [ ]

Zentralafrikanische Staaten verurteilen Putsch in Gabun

Nach dem Putsch in Gabun hat die Zentralafrikanische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (ECCAS) die neuen Militärmachthaber aufgefordert, die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung wiederherzustellen.

31.08.2023 - 19:08 [ CNBC ]

African leaders work on response to Gabon military coup ousting President Bongo

Central Africa‘s political bloc, the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), condemned the coup in a statement, saying it planned an „imminent“ meeting of heads of state to determine how to respond. It did not give a date.

The African Union‘s Peace and Security Council will meet on Thursday to discuss the coup, a spokesperson for the African Union Commission chair said.

31.08.2023 - 17:52 [ ]

Gabon soldiers seize power in OPEC member in latest coup

Gabon’s dollar bonds due June 2025 and November 2031 were the worst-performing in emerging markets on Wednesday. The 2025 notes fell 8.55 cents to 84.74 cents on the dollar as of 11:48 a.m. in London. Shares in French mining group Eramet SA, oil and gas producer Maurel & Prom SA and a listed unit of TotalEnergies SE, which all have operations in Gabon, sank in Paris trading.