Daily Archives: 21. März 2022

21.03.2022 - 05:44 [ Haaretz ]

Iron Dome and Beyond: Israel Can, and Must, Save Lives in Ukraine

One Western country has the unique experience and capacity to help Ukraine protect civilian lives from Putin‘s bombardment: Israel. Unfortunately, despite repeated requests from Kyiv, it has chosen not to do

21.03.2022 - 05:29 [ Jerusalem Post ]

‚Why won‘t Israel give Ukraine weapons?‘ Zelensky criticizes Knesset

Sources close to Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said they were surprised by how critical Zelensky was in the address. Despite the speech, mediation would continue, and Israel would not provide weapons to Ukraine, the sources said.

21.03.2022 - 05:24 [ Middle East Eye ]

Russia-Ukraine war: Zelensky presses Israel for its Iron Dome missile defence system

In the latest in a series of international appeals, Zelensky addressed the Israeli parliament by video link and questioned Israel‘s reluctance to sell its Iron Dome missile defence system to Ukraine.

„Everybody knows that your missile defence systems are the best… and that you can definitely help our people, save the lives of Ukrainians, of Ukrainian Jews,“ said Zelensky, who is of Jewish heritage.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has held numerous calls with both Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin to try to end the conflict.

21.03.2022 - 04:38 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Russian Black Sea Fleet commander ‚shot dead by Ukrainians‘ in battle for Mariupol

Andrey Paliy, the deputy commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, is the sixth top military figure to die during the invasion of Ukraine, after he was killed in battle around Mariupol.

21.03.2022 - 04:28 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Video of a shell hitting a shopping center. The explosion was incredibly strong, the wave blew out the windows in the neighboring houses.

21.03.2022 - 04:19 [ Nexta / Twitter ]

Occupiers gave an ultimatum to local authorities to surrender Mariupol to them #Mariupol mayor‘s advisor Petr Andriuschenko suggested not waiting until the morning for an answer and sent the occupiers to the same place as the #Russian warship

21.03.2022 - 04:14 [ ORF.at ]

Mehr als 900 Festnahmen bei Protesten in Russland

Bis zum Nachmittag wurden mindestens 937 Menschen in 38 Städten festgenommen, wie die Organisation OWD-Info mitteilte. Proteste gab es demnach unter anderem in Moskau, St. Petersburg, Jekaterinburg, Nischni Nowgorod und Wladiwostok.