Daily Archives: 10. Januar 2015

10.01.2015 - 22:46 [ Global Research ]

CIA’s Hidden Hand in ‘Democracy’ Groups

For instance, on Nov. 16, 2012, NED and Freedom House joined together to denounce legislation passed by the Russian parliament that required recipients of foreign political money to register with the government.

Or, as NED and Freedom House framed the issue: the Russian Duma sought to

“restrict human rights and the activities of civil society organizations and their ability to receive support from abroad. … Changes to Russia’s NGO legislation will soon require civil society organizations receiving foreign funds to choose between registering as ‘foreign agents’ or facing significant financial penalties and potential criminal charges.”

Of course, the United States has a nearly identical Foreign Agent Registration Act that likewise requires entities that receive foreign funding and seek to influence U.S. government policy to register with the Justice Department or face possible fines or imprisonment.

10.01.2015 - 21:44 [ CBC ]

Netflix geoblocking in Canada ‚a game of whack-a-mole‘

„The situation here is that it’s likely the movie studios and content providers will want to enforce geo-boundaries for commercial reasons,“ he said.

„It’s up to Netflix to decide whether or not they want to meet this.“

10.01.2015 - 21:43 [ Antikrieg ]

Präsident Afghanistans bot Taliban Spitzenposten in der Regierung an

Dass Präsident Ghani solche Posten angeboten hat, ist eine bedeutende Sache, obwohl Regierungsvertreter seither betont haben, dass das Angebot nur vorläufig und „nicht formell“ sei. Es zeigt, wie groß das Vertrauen in das afghanische Militär nach monatelangen Kämpfen ist, und das nicht auf eine gute Art.

10.01.2015 - 21:42 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Alle Heuchler sind jetzt Charlie

Sie sind angeblich gegen jede Gewalt, für Toleranz, Menschenrechte, Frieden, aber zugleich Komplizen der NATO, weil sie sie zu Terror etwa in Syrien schweigen, zu Obamas Drohnenmorden, zu CIA-Folter, Massenüberwachung, verdeckten Operationen zum „regime change“ in anderen Ländern: Medien und Politik zeigen wieder einmal, wie sehr sie zu heucheln imstande sind. Da gibt „Bild“ Edward Snowden die Schuld am Terror und die deutschen Zeitungsverleger benutzen das Attentat für Stimmungsmache gegen Pegida. Am Sonntag wird bei Kundgebungen und dem offiziellen Akt in Paris niemand die Rolle Frankreichs bei der Unterstützung von Terror ansprechen, geschweige denn, sich von der US-NATO-Kriegspolitik distanzieren.

10.01.2015 - 20:29 [ Al-Monitor ]

Bahraini Shiite leader arrested

The arrest of Salman is a clear example of rulers insisting — under the slogan that each country is unique — on repeating their own and others‘ mistakes and producing more crises.

10.01.2015 - 20:20 [ TRT ]

Abbas kommt in die Türkei

„Es ist vorgesehen, dass die bilateralen Beziehungen erörtert und in diesem Rahmen die Hilfen für Palästina bewertet werden. Zudem sollen neben den jüngsten Entwicklungen beim israelisch-palästinensischem Konflikt auch Meinungen über regionale Probleme ausgetauscht werden.“

10.01.2015 - 18:24 [ red pill times ]

Ukraine has legally breached conditions of a $3 Billion Russian loan. These eight facts prove that Putin is the only stabilising force in a US created mess

If we examined the real facts surrounding the entire Ukraine crisis, it is immediately clear that the only thing keeping Ukraine together is the grace of Vladimir Putin…and this must drive neo-cons and neo-liberals absolutely mad.

10.01.2015 - 18:07 [ Tichys Einblick ]

Bettina Röhl direkt: Charlie Hebdo und die schlimme Brunnenvergiftung von Berthold Kohler und Helmut Heinen

Wer sich das System der Meinungsfreiheit vom freien inneren Gedanken bis zur legitimen Ausübung der Pressefreiheit anschaut, muss feststellen, dass das Gedankenkonstrukt, das Kohler an gewichtigem Orte entwickelt und öffentlich verbreitet, nicht nur gegen die Wertung der Verfassung verstößt, sondern auch unter logischen Gesichtspunkten ein einziger verquaster Haufen von anbiederischem Mist ist.

10.01.2015 - 18:01 [ Junge Welt ]

Wer profitiert?

Und welche gesellschaftliche Macht versucht, das Risiko einer sozialen Revolution zu vermeiden, sie zu vernichten, falls sie in einen Kampf umschlägt, der verschiedene Schichten des Volkes oder/und verschiedener Religionen ergreift, in einen Kampf, der die Klasseninteressen sichern würde? Die Antwort kann nur sein: das Großkapital.

10.01.2015 - 17:04 [ Vanguard (Nigeria) ]

Goodluck Jonathan surrender to Zionist Israeli diktat

Nigerian “YES” vote would have paved the way to compelling the racist Zionist Israel state to end the occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, occupied since 1967. The resolution needed nine votes from the 15-member Security Council but it fell short by a single vote, the promised Nigerian vote. But the Nigerian envoy, Joy Ogwu, at the prompting of Goodluck Jonathan, ABSTAINED along with Britain, Lithuania, the Republic of Korea and Rwanda!

10.01.2015 - 16:49 [ Daily Trust (Nigeria) ]

Palestine: Muslim forum wants NASS to probe Nigeria’s no-vote

The Abuja Muslim Forum (AMF) has urged the National Assembly to probe the abstention of Nigeria from voting for Palestinian statehood at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
President of the association Malam Luqman Amoo and Secretary-General Murtala Abd al-Rahman in a statement yesterday also urged Christians and Muslims to dissociate themselves from the self-serving manner in which the country was represented at the UN and contrary to the humanitarian value the nation has been known for.

10.01.2015 - 16:38 [ Hassan Rouhani, Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Terrorism condemned everywhere, either in the Lebanon and Iraq or Europe and the US

President Rouhani further condemned violence and extremism all over the world, either in Lebanon and Iraq or Europe and the US.
‚We are pleased that the region’s Muslim people , from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine to Pakistan and Afghanistan are resisting against terrorism, violence and extremism and gain new victories every day,’ he added.
The president also reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to backing the entire nations that stand against terrorism, said that Iran supports all nations who are fighting and resisting against terrorism, adding that Islam means peace and surrendering to God.

10.01.2015 - 16:35 [ Palestine News Network ]

Nigerian People Criticize their Government Decision to Abstain from Voting in Favor of Palestinian State at UNSC

Defense analyst and Executive Director, Nigerian Society for Strategic and International Studies, Dr. Rasheed Adesokan said: „Nigeria has always been known to be in support of oppressed countries. Why we abstained beats everybody‘s imagination.“

The Nigerian last minute change of mind, according to him, means, „we are not in control. We are being controlled by some powerful forces for their own selfish interest.“

10.01.2015 - 16:19 [ Independent ]

Hamyd Mourad released without charge after being named as suspect in Charlie Hebdo attack

Classmates at lycée Monge de Charleville had protested Mourad’s innocence since hearing that turned himself in to the police after seeing his name mentioned on social media and news channels at around 11pm on the day of the murders.

A teenager who tweeted with the handle @babydroma said that Mourad was in her philosophy class. She said: “Please, he was in [school] all morning, he’s in my class.”

10.01.2015 - 16:07 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Two new papers suggest solar activity is a ‘climate pacemaker’

With these findings it is becoming clear that the entire cli-mate system is responding to the varying incident solar radiation, and is subject to interactions, most likely nonlinear, thatproduce the subharmonics of two or three year period, and is moreover evolving non-continuously, as evidenced by breaks in the pattern whose timing can be identified with known climate shifts.

10.01.2015 - 10:37 [ Dark Mail ]

Our Mission

To bring the world our unique end-to-end encrypted protocol and architecture that is the ‚next-generation‘ of private and secure email. As founding partners of The Dark Mail Technical Alliance, both Silent Circle and Lavabit will work to bring other members into the alliance, assist them in implementing the new protocol and jointly work to proliferate the world‘s first end-to-end encrypted ‚Email 3.0‘ throughout the world‘s email providers. Our goal is to open source the protocol and architecture and help others implement this new technology to address privacy concerns against surveillance and back door threats of any kind.

10.01.2015 - 10:36 [ Golem ]

Wie Dark Mail die Metadaten abschaffen will

Es wird ein Paket völlig neuer Protokolle. Ein neues Ökosystem, in dem sich dann E-Mail-Dienste ansiedeln können. Dieses Ökosystem heißt Dark Internet Mail Environment (DIME). Die verwendeten Protokolle sind für den Transport DMTP (Dark Mail Transfer Protocol) und für die Verschlüsselung DMAP (Dark Mail Access Protocol).

10.01.2015 - 10:35 [ Netzpolitik ]

Erhebungsmatrix zu Funkzellenabfragen im Saarland: Jeder Bürger mit Handy war letztes Jahr sieben mal verdächtig

Siebeneinhalb Millionen Verbindungsdaten bei 991.000 Einwohnern macht 7,5 Datensätze pro Bürger in einem Jahr.

Das ganze kostete “in Summe 34.342 Euro”, eine Funkzellenabfrage kosten zwischen 85 und 765 Euro, im Schnitt knapp unter 200. Der Abfragezeitraum ging von einer Minute bis knapp unter 46 Stunden, durchschnittlich leicht über sechs Stunden.

Bisher gibt es keine sinnvollen und umfassenden Statistiken zum Einsatz der Handy-Rasterfahndung, weil es gesetzlich nicht vorgeschrieben ist.

10.01.2015 - 10:12 [ Washington Post ]

With talks on ice, Palestinians’ Mahmoud Abbas declares diplomatic war on Israel

Frustrated by the failure of U.S.-brokered peace talks and under growing pressure from his people to confront the Israeli occupation, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is launching diplomatic war against Israel, betting on a risky campaign to fully “internationalize the struggle” by moving toward the United Nations and away from the United States.

10.01.2015 - 10:00 [ jns.org Jewish News & Israel News ]

Paris attack shows France’s appeasement of Palestinians and Islamists failed

On Dec. 2, the French parliament voted overwhelmingly to demand that the French government immediately recognize the “State of Palestine.” Not after negotiations. Not with Israel’s agreement. Just do it right away, whether the Israelis like it or not. And the vote wasn’t even close—339 in favor, 151 against.

Four weeks later, the Palestinian Authority presented a resolution to the United Nations Security Council, setting a timetable for Israel to unilaterally withdraw from all of Judea, Samaria, and most of Jerusalem. That is, back to the pre-1967 armistice lines that Abba Eban said would make Israel so vulnerable that it would set the stage for another Holocaust.

10.01.2015 - 08:33 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Why I am not Charlie

But no, if you don’t copy the cartoons, you’re colluding with the killers, you’re a coward. Thus the right-wing Daily Caller posted a list of craven media minions of jihad who oppose free speech by not doing as they’re ordered. Punish these censors, till they say what we tell them to!

„The (Ever-Growing) List Of Cowards Refusing To Publish The Mohammad Cartoons“

— The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 8, 2015

If you don’t agree with what Charlie Hebdo said, the terrorists win.

„How the terrorists win: @Telegraph is now blurring the cover Mohammed cartoon of #CharlieHebdo in its reporting“

— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) January 7, 2015

You’re not just kowtowing to terrorists with your silence. According to Tarek Fatah, a Canadian columnist with an evident fascist streak, silence is terrorism.

„If you r a Muslim on social media & have not yet tweeted „I am #CharlieHebdo,“ then you are an Islamist and our enemy“

10.01.2015 - 08:29 [ Techdirt ]

UK Intelligence Boss: We Had All This Info And Totally Failed To Prevent Charlie Hebdo Attack… So Give Us More Info

We already wrote about surveillance state opportunists like Michael Hayden using the Charlie Hebdo attacks as evidence for why the surveillance state should be allowed to spy on everyone, and now the head of the UK‘s MI5 intelligence agency has similarly used the attack as an excuse to demand more surveillance powers:

10.01.2015 - 08:18 [ Freiheits- und Gerechtigkeitspartei (Ägypten) ]

Amr Darrag: Reconciliation Initiatives, Negotiation Rumors and Intelligence Maneuvers

Dr. Amr Darrag, head of the political Bureau of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council and leading member of both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance, rejects as false reports that the junta regime is making negotiation offers to certain Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

10.01.2015 - 07:51 [ New Yorker ]

Looking for Mourad Hamyd

At the same time, a group of teen-agers at the Lycée Monge in Charleville were writing their own reports, on Twitter and on Facebook, in a tone that was almost desperate. One with the user name @babydroma wrote, “SVP il était en cours toute la matinée, il est dans ma class”—“please, he was present all morning, he’s in my class.” She added the hashtag #MouradHamydInnocent. Another read, “Mourad Hamyd has been wrongfully accused, he was in class when these things happened, his classmates can vouch for him !!” And they kept doing so, with no apparent doubt or hesitation.

10.01.2015 - 01:50 [ Demand Progress ]

White House Responds to Calls to Fire U.S. Attorney Responsible for Aaron Swartz Prosecution

According to Demand Progress executive director David Segal, “Aaron, the tens of thousands who signed this petition, and the countless more who cared about his cause deserve much better than this meaningless rhetoric.