Daily Archives: 1. Oktober 2014

01.10.2014 - 18:26 [ Thanhnien News ]

Vietnam’s internet cable ruptures, again

Vietnam‘s inter-continental internet cable ruptured on a spot just four kilometers away from the spot currently under repair, according to an Internet provider.
On Monday morning, FPT Telecom announced that Asia-America Gateway (AAG) technicians discovered the second rupture some 68 kilometers off the coast of Hong Kong.
They planned to finish repairs on the initial rupture this evening and now estimate that repairs to the other break will be finished by 7 am on October 3.

01.10.2014 - 16:34 [ trend.az ]

Turkey’s ISIL mandate includes ‚military action abroad, opening bases to foreign troops‘

The mandate the Turkish government is seeking from the Parliament to authorize the army to send troops into Iraq and Syria to deal with growing threat of extremist jihadists does also include opening its bases to foreign troops, a senior government official has said, signalling about potential Turkish contribution to the international military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Hurriyet Daily News reported.

01.10.2014 - 16:32 [ Techdirt ]

Absolutely Disgusting: Eric Holder Implies That Mobile Encryption Will Lead To Dead & Abused Kids

Well, you knew it was coming. First, law enforcement trotted out random low level „law enforcement officials“ to freak out about Apple and Google‘s announced plans to make encryption the default on mobile phones. Then it got taken up a notch when FBI boss James Comey lashed out at the idea, bizarrely arguing that merely encrypting your data made individuals „above the law“ (none of that is accurate). And, now, Comey‘s boss, Attorney General Eric Holder has stepped up to issue a similar warning. However, Holder has cynically chosen to do so at the Biannual Global Alliance Conference Against Child Sexual Abuse Online.

01.10.2014 - 14:23 [ Techdirt ]

Imagine How The FBI And NSA Would Flip Out If Tor Browsing Was Built Into Firefox Or Chrome?

All last week, we saw law enforcement types freaking out about the news that Apple and Google were making phone encryption a default. While a good step in the right direction, this was really kind of a minor thing, only protecting a small bit of information — and yet law enforcement folks went nuts.

So just imagine how crazy they‘ll go if Tor were embedded directly into Firefox as the default „private browsing mode,“ as was recently hinted at by Tor exec director Andrew Lewman.

01.10.2014 - 14:22 [ Ria Novosti ]

Putin: Keine Totalkontrolle über Internet – Schutz vor Hackern und illegalem Content nötig

„Ich möchte betonen: Wir haben nicht vor, den Internet-Zugang einzuschränken und das Netz unter totale Kontrolle zu stellen, das Internet zu verstaatlichen sowie die legitimen Interessen und Möglichkeiten von Privatpersonen, Gesellschaftsorganisationen und Business in der Informationssphäre zu beschneiden – dies wird nicht einmal erwogen“, sagte er am Dienstag in einer Sitzung des nationalen Sicherheitsrates.

01.10.2014 - 14:17 [ Techdirt ]

The Worst Legal Advice Ever, Presented By A Clueless Blogger For An Insurance Company

Officially, it‘s an article describing „5 Easy Ways to Get Sued Over Online Content & Social Media“ written by Deb McAlister-Holland. Here‘s the stunning thing about it: nearly every word in the thing is dead wrong. Honestly, there‘s so much that‘s flat out wrong that we wouldn‘t even have the time to go through it all, unless we did basically nothing else today. So we‘ll just pick a few of the more ridiculous low-lights.

01.10.2014 - 14:17 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Thessaloniki: Outrage as man dies after waiting for 1.5 hour to pay the property tax

A 70-year-old man suffered a what it seems a heart attack while waiting at a bank to pay the property tax. The man collapsed after waiting at the queue for one and half hour. An ambulance was called in, the paramedics tried first aid, he was transferred to a nearby hospital. Despite all efforts, the man passed away.

01.10.2014 - 14:15 [ Techdirt ]

Analysis Suggests More Than Half Of Google & Microsoft‘s Patents Likely Invalid Thanks To The Supreme Court

Over the last few months, since the Supreme Court‘s ruling in Alice v. CLS Bank, we‘ve been noting the good news that the courts seem to be interpreting the ruling to invalidate a ton of software patents. Even some trolls have decided to just give up after seeing how the Alice ruling is being interpreted.

A new analytical study of patents held by big tech companies, done by ktMINE, suggests that more than half of Google and Microsoft‘s patents are invalid under Alice.

01.10.2014 - 13:41 [ Trend ]

Filtering social networks is not a solution – Iranian minister

The social networks are new cheap instruments for communication, he said, adding that in some countries the communication ministries see the networks as competitors which are seriously threatening the ministry’s incomes.

01.10.2014 - 12:12 [ Außenministerium der Volksrepublik China ]

Wang Yi Met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

China has made important contribution to the UN peacekeeping, and will carry on as a responsible major country. The reform of the UN should be an all-round process, instead of being limited to certain areas. The major target of reform should be safeguarding the justified and legitimate rights and interests of developing countries. Development holds the key to problems faced by today’s world. The formulation of the post-2015 development agenda should be put on top of UN tasks in the new year. Next year marks the 70th anniversary of the world anti-Fascist war and the victory of the Chinese People’s War Against Japanese Aggression. The UN should take the opportunity to hold commemorating activities to draw lessons from history, uphold the victory of WWII and the post-war international order, and express opposition to all the actions that distort history and reverse the verdict on aggression.

01.10.2014 - 11:43 [ Radio China ]

Festlicher Empfang zum chinesischen Nationalfeiertag

Mit einem Festempfang zum Nationalfeiertag hat die chinesische Regierung am Dienstag in Beijing das 65. Gründungsjubiläum der Volksrepublik gewürdigt.

Dabei sagte Staatspräsident Xi Jinping in seiner Ansprache zum Nationalfeiertag, gegründet auf die gemeinsamen Werte der chinesischen Nation werde der gemeinsame Wille der Nation gestaltet. Dies sei der Geist Chinas und seine Kraft, und dieser Weg chinesischer Prägung führe zu neuen und größeren Errungenschaften.

01.10.2014 - 11:42 [ Kreml ]

Congratulations to President of China Xi Jinping on the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

Russian-Chinese relations have reached an unprecedented high level of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation. We are expanding our constructive political dialogue and intensifying our productive cooperation in trade and finance, industry, the energy sector, humanitarian contacts and other fields. We have achieved effective coordination of our efforts to resolve current issues on the regional and global agenda.

I value greatly the trust and mutual understanding that we have established. I am sure that working together, we will continue to develop the full range of relations between Russia and China. This is fully in the interests of our friendly peoples and will strengthen stability and security in the world.

01.10.2014 - 11:41 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Interview des offiziellen Vertreters des Außenministeriums Russlands, Alexandr Lukaschewitsch, für die Nachrichtenagentur „Rossija segodnja (Russland heute)“ im Zusammenhang mit dem Besuch des Außenministers der Demokratischen Volkrepublik Korea, Ri

Antwort: Das Atomproblem der Korea-Halbinsel und die Wiederaufnahme der Sechsparteiengespräche ist eine akute Frage, welche ein offenes Gespräch erfordert. Die Ungelöstheit des Atomproblems ist ein ernster Faktor, der die russisch-nordkoreanische Zusammenarbeit hemmt. Russland hält strikt die entsprechenden UNO-Sicherheitsratsresolutionen ein und fordert seinerseits von allen Teilnehmern des koreanischen Beilegungsprozesses eine strenge Befolgung der durch diese Resolutionen festgelegten Beschränkungen und Verbote, darunter auch von der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea.

Frage: Wie bewerten Sie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Russland und der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea in internationalen Organisationen und bei der Lösung von wichtigen globalen Problemen?

Antwort: Unsere Kooperation mit den koreanischen Kollegen in internationalen Angelegenheiten hat den Charakter einer gleichberechtigten Zusammenarbeit, baut auf gegenseitiger Achtung auf und ist nicht gegen die Interessen von Drittländern gerichtet.

01.10.2014 - 11:02 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

Deutschland, das Kanonenfutter der Angelsachsen

Interessant ist, die Geschichte wiederholt sich, denn wieder locken die angloamerikanischen Kriegshetzer Deutschland via die Ukraine in einen Krieg gegen Russland. Was geht eigentlich in Berlin vor? Gibt es nur noch Landesverräter dort, die gegen die Interessen Deutschlands Aussenpolitik betreiben? Diese Hörigkeit und Unterwürfigkeit ist nicht auszuhalten. Wie kann man überhaupt noch Respekt vor deutschen Politikern haben? Es mag hart klingen, aber ein Volk von Untertanen und gehirngewaschenen Schlafschafen bekommt was es verdient. „Wer sich nicht an die Vergangenheit erinnern kann, ist dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen,“ sagte Jorge de Santayana

01.10.2014 - 10:58 [ Mondo Weiss ]

ISIS wants us to come in and bomb Arabs (Rouhani and Matthews agree)

Last week the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani said at the U.N. that ISIS wants the U.S. back in Iraq:

„They also have a single goal: the destruction of civilization, giving rise to Islamophobia and creating a fertile ground for further intervention of foreign forces in our region.“

Last night Chris Matthews said the same thing:

„Is it possible that ISIS wants us bombing it, knowing that the more we bomb, the more we maim and kill, the more the world sees what we’re doing, the more the Islamic world will choose sides against us?“

Matthews also questioned how many of ISIS’s supposed 30,000 troops we have to kill. “Do we have to kill them all? Is that how we’re going to defeat them?”– pointed out that there would be lots of collateral damage, and many of those survivors will want ISIS to win, said that we are now being seen, once again, “bombing and killing Arabs.”

01.10.2014 - 10:57 [ New York Times ]

How Israel Silences Dissent

Hamas had warned that it would fire a barrage of rockets at central Israel after 9 p.m., and it did.

But the injuries suffered in Tel Aviv that night stemmed not from rocket fire but from a premeditated assault by a group of extremist Israeli Jews. Chanting “Death to Arabs” and “Death to leftists,” they attacked protesters with clubs. Although several demonstrators were beaten and required medical attention, the police made no arrests.

01.10.2014 - 09:52 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Progressive Caucus: End War in Afghanistan, Bring Our Troops Home

Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) joined CPC Peace and Security Task Force Chair Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) to call for an end to the war in Afghanistan after the United States signed a bilateral security agreement with the Afghan government in Kabul today that allows the United States to keep troops and tie up taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan for the next decade.

01.10.2014 - 09:51 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Executive Order”: Geheime Macht einer imperialen Präsidentschaft

(1. September 2014) Wir sagten noch: Achten Sie auf die Zahl 12333. Aber nein. Wieder einmal musste sich dazu erst Edward Snowden äußern. Dann klickte es.

01.10.2014 - 09:45 [ Anna Biselli / Netzpolitik ]

“Informationserfassung, plus …” – Neue Erkenntnisse über Grundlagen und Auffassung von Massenüberwachung

Dass das Dekret 12333 bisher vernachlässigt wurde, vernachlässigt auch einen entscheidenden Umstand: Dass ein Löwenanteil der Überwachungsaktivitäten von einem Gesetz mit geheim gehaltener Auslegung autorisiert wird. Es legt für die gesamte In- und Auslandsaufklärung fest, dass durch eine Verfügung des Präsidenten andere Genehmigungen überflüssig werden. Richterliche Kontrolle fehlt vollständig.

01.10.2014 - 09:40 [ Techdirt ]

The FBI Wants Speedy DNA Analysis Added To Its Biometric Dragnet

The FBI‘s Next Generation Identification (NGI) database has been discussed here several times, thanks to its „expeditious“ blend of criminal and non-criminal data, its postponed-forever Privacy Impact Assessment the agency has been promising since 2008, the limited, four-state rollout of facial recognition software with a 20% error rate, and its peculiar exclusion of DOJ/law enforcement employees from its lifelong criminal database monitoring.

01.10.2014 - 09:38 [ Watts Up With That? ]

‘Climate change created ISIS’ is now #49 on the ‘official list’ of things supposedly caused by global warming

According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, the reason why ISIS was able to form and grow so fast was global warming (note: do not check your calendar it’s September not April fools day they really believe this).
The authors of the piece; Charles B. Strozier Professor of History, The City University of New York; and Kelly A. Berkell Attorney and research associate, Center on Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice believe that ISIS formed because of a severe drought in Syria from 2006-2010 and that drought happened because of—you guessed it—Climate Change.

01.10.2014 - 09:15 [ Jenapolis ]

Unerhörte Missachtung von Mieter-Interessen

Die Abgeordnete spricht von einer „eiskalten Verhöhnung“ der Mieterinnen und Mieter, aber auch des Bundesfinanzministers, wenn sich Elgeti stolz rühme, die Wohnungen, die die TAG in Ostdeutschland zum Zehnfachen der Jahresmiete gekauft hat, nun zum 18-fachen verkaufen zu können. „Diese Gier übertrifft noch die schlimmsten Befürchtungen, die bereits bei dem Verkauf der TLG-Wohnungen an die TAG geäußert wurden“, so Lukasch.

01.10.2014 - 09:00 [ Zero Hedge ]

Europe & China Start Direct Trading In Euros & Yuan As De-Dollarization Expands

De-dollarization has been an ongoing theme hidden just below the surface of the mainstream media for more than a year as Russia and China slowly but surely attempt to „isolate“ the US Dollar. Until very recently, direct trade agreements with China (in other words, bypassing the US Dollar exchange in bilateral trade) had been with smaller trade partners. On the heels of Western pressure, Russia and China were forced closer together and de-dollarization accelerated from Turkey to Argentina as an increasing number of countries around the world realize the importance of this chart. However, things are about to get even more dramatic. As Bloomberg reports, China will start direct trading between the yuan and the euro tomorrow as the world’s second-largest economy seeks to spur global use of its currency in a „fresh step forward in China’s yuan internationalization.“ With civil unrest growing on every continent and wars (proxy or other) at tipping points, perhaps, just perhaps, the US really does want rid of the weight of the USD as a reserve currency after all (as championed here by Obama‘s former right hand economist)… now that would be an intriguing ‚strategy‘.