Vines estimates there are now 13,000 U.S. troops in Italy at Sigonella and some 50 other facilities like Vicenza, a former Italian air force base near Venice, with the 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), a rapid response force.
Daily Archives: 15. Oktober 2013
New York Anarchist Has Been Imprisoned Nearly Five Months, Not Charged With Any Crime
Jerry Koch has been imprisoned in New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center for nearly five months. He isn’t accused of any crime. He was subpoenaed to a federal grand jury, where he refused to answer questions about his anarchist political beliefs and his community. I previously wrote about Koch’s case for Vice, and Anna Simonton has recently published an excellent article about the use of grand juries to target political dissidents on Alternet.
How the FBI Manipulates Grand Juries to Intimidate Political Dissidents and Radicals
Grand juries have seen a resurgence as the FBI cracks down on radical communities.
U.S. Army Lists Earth First! as Terrorist Threat Alongside Al-Qaeda
A U.S. Army training manual that instructs troops how to recognize terrorist organizations includes environmental groups like Earth First!, and lists the Animal Liberation Front alongside al-Qaeda.
US Army has no money to receive PLA delegation
The global reputation of the United States is now under threat if high-level diplomatic, trade, and military meetings continue to be cancelled, the article said. „When you have a situation like this when you cancel trips, especially on very, very short notice, it diminishes America‘s credibility with a country that still casts a wary eye on America‘s intentions,“ said Jonathan Pollack, director of the John L Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.
Derweil in Hamburg
Augenzeugen berichten von 600 bis 2000 Demonstrierenden. Gleich nach Beginn der Demo, wurde laut Augenzeugeberichten auf Twitter von Seiten der Polizei gekesselt, Reizgas eingesetzt und Reiterstaffeln in die Menge gejagt, Journalisten werden bedrängt. Zwischenzeitlich hat sich die Situation immer wieder entspannt, wenn man in dem Zuge davon sprechen kann. Von ersten Verletzten ist die Rede.
Raytheon demonstrates new protected tactical waveform on a small, lightweight, low-cost modem
A benefit of this approach would be that front-line tactical users, such as forward deployed forces or remotely piloted aircraft, could execute missions more securely and reliably than is now done in environments where communications can be jammed.
Using a modem that is significantly smaller and less expensive, the demonstration involved showing key elements of the protected tactical waveform similar to Advanced Extremely High Frequency, one of the military‘s most complex. Raytheon leveraged its position as the only provider of AEHF satellite terminals to three branches of the military to show that it can provide an affordable protected tactical solution.
French seek lock on Persian Gulf satellite deals
The French government, fresh from securing a $913 million deal with the United Arab Emirates for two military satellites, is pushing hard to sell a military system to Saudi Arabia.
Kerry hat es eilig mit einem Termin für Genf II und mit der Einrichtung einer syrischen ‘Übergangs’regierung
Das ist ein weiterer Vorstoss Kerrys, die Bühne für einen Einfall der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Syrien vorzubereiten, wobei die Genf II-Konferenz schon im Juni hätte stattfinden sollen, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika aber nicht imstande waren, irgendwelche syrischen Rebellen zu bewegen, daran teilzunehmen. Ein grosser Teil der „Rebellion“ hat gleichermassen ausgeschlossen, jetzt an der Konferenz teilzunehmen.
Another U.S. Whistleblower Behind Bars? Investor Jailed After Exposing Corrupt Azerbaijani Oil Deal
In a Democracy Now! exclusive, we look at the case of multimillionaire American businessman and philanthropist Rick Bourke, who blew the whistle on a fraudulent scheme by international criminals to gain control of the oil riches of the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan — only to end up as the only person sent to jail by federal prosecutors in the massive conspiracy.
Spaniards take German drug firm to court over birth defects
The court’s ruling is expected to be given within a month.
This is while in late 2012, German prosecutors and customs officials found that some 611 gynecologists have been involved in the illegal sale of an unapproved injectable drug, Depocon (Norethisterone) that prevents women from becoming pregnant.
Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Petition for a Grant of Executive Clemency to Leonard Peltier
Leonard Peltier, an innocent man, was convicted for the 1975 shooting deaths of two agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. U.S. prosecutors have repeatedly admitted that they did not and cannot prove Peltier‘s guilt and the appellate courts have cited numerous instances of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct in this case. As late as November 2003, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals acknowledged that „…Much of the government’s behavior at the Pine Ridge Reservation and its prosecution of Mr. Peltier is to be condemned. The government withheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses. These facts are not disputed.“
The courts claim they lack the power to right this wrong. But, as President, you can. CDU soll Großspenden zurück zahlen
Die BMW-Großaktionäre Johanna Quandt, Stefan Quandt und Susanne Klatten haben am 09. Oktober der CDU zusammen insgesamt 690.000 Euro gespendet. Die Zuwendungen fallen zeitlich mit der Blockade von strengeren Abgasnormen durch die Bundesregierung auf EU-Ebene zusammen, wovon vor allem Oberklasse-Hersteller wie Daimler und BMW profitieren.
Looking for Voters in the 2014 Syrian Presidential Elections
(05.10.) The bid by regional and Western opponents to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by military means has all but failed. Today, Washington is mulling a different approach: achieving Assad’s ouster using the next presidential election scheduled for 2014. In the United States’ view, this goal can only be achieved by relying on “displaced voters,” who are mostly in pro-opposition environments in the Diaspora.
ICRC determined to continue work in Syria
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) stressed its commitment to continue its work in Syria despite the abduction of six of its staff by terrorist groups.
Wen Syriens Volk unterstützt, können nur freie Wahlen zeigen – Vizepremier
Sowohl loyale als auch oppositionelle Gruppen behaupten, ausgerechnet sie seien das syrische Volk. „Vorläufig hat aber niemand das Volk nach seiner Meinung gefragt. Erforderlich sind freie demokratische Wahlen, damit das Volk entscheidet, mit wem es ist und für wen er stimmen will“, so Dschamil.
„Dann werden die politischen Kräfte sagen können, wen sie vertreten. Jetzt ist es aber bloß leeres Geschwätz“, fügte er an.
UNBELIEVABLE: Pro-surveillance Senators are trying to revive CISPA. Again! We‘ve killed it twice before, we can do it again.
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Happy Anniversary Afghanistan!
October 7 marked the 12th anniversary of the Afghanistan War, but you wouldn’t know it by reading the papers. In fact, “America’s longest war” has become so unpopular that both the media and the Obama administration have done everything in their power to sweep the whole matter under the rug hoping that people just forget about it. But it’s hard to forget about it when US troops keep getting blown up like they did on Sunday. Just look at this from CBS News:
Your fall 2013 night sky guide to eclipses, comets and more
A lot is happening in the night sky between now and the winter solstice on Dec. 21. Between now and then, northern stargazers will see two eclipses (one lunar, one solar), four meteor showers, the brightest planet in the solar system reaching its pinnacle in brilliance and a potential bright comet.
Kissinger-Professur: Gefährlicher Präzedenzfall
Nachdem unlängst die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Grünen veröffentlicht wurde, sind nun auch weitere Infos durchgesickert, die den ganzen Vorgang noch problematischer machen (Drucksache 17/14706). Als Ziel des Unterfangens gibt die Bundesregierung an: „Mit der Professur soll die außen- und sicherheitspolitische Ausbildung gestärkt und zugleich ein Beitrag zur Verbreitung des außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Bewusstseins sowie zur Vertiefung des transatlantischen Verhältnisses geleistet werden.“
S.P.O.N. – Fragen Sie Frau Sibylle: Die Muttisierung der mächtigsten Frau der Welt
Ach, mir geht es doch auch auf die Nerven. Da will ich gerade einen wirklich lustigen Text über Tiere schreiben oder martensteinesk Witze über das generische Maskulinum machen. Stattdessen muss ich wieder die Welt retten.
Box Office: Science-Fiction-Meisterwerk „Gravity“ schwebt weiter
Sandra Bullock und George Clooney dürften jetzt so langsam schon oberhalb von Wolke sieben schweben
Box Office report: ‚Gravity‘ brings in astronomical $44.2 million; ‚Captain Phillips‘ a strong No. 2
Alfonso Cuarón’s heady outer-space thriller is proving a phenomenon in its second week, dropping just 21 percent from its opening weekend and rocketing past the $100 million mark on Saturday to a stellar $123.4 cume in just 10 days.
3. OTTO – DER FILM (1985)
Damit Titel und Filmemacher nicht vergessen werden, zeigen wir ein kleines Video von Gerd. Wir freuen uns auf die Premiere morgen im Kino Hackesche Höfe in Berlin!
Weitere Termine auf
Mein Name ist Gerd Conradt – Video Vertov
Kinostart: 17. Oktober 2013
Im Film VIDEO VERTOV erzählt der Regisseur Gerd Conradt seinem Enkel Geschichten aus über vierzig Jahren seines bewegten Lebens – auf der Grundlage von Film- und Videodokumenten.
Nigeria: Deaths of hundreds of Boko Haram suspects in custody requires investigation
Amnesty International has received credible information from a senior officer in the Nigerian Army that over 950 people died in military custody in the first six months of 2013 alone. Most of the reported deaths occurred in facilities used by the military to detain people suspected of being members of or associated with the armed Islamist group Boko Haram.
International Anti-Coup Pro-Democracy Alliance Press Release: ‚100 Days of Coup‘ Advertisements
IACPDA (The International Anti-Coup Pro-Democracy Alliance) has commissioned a series of advertisements which will appear in leading European newspapers, beginning with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on October 14, 2013.
Officials say Egypt arrests Mursi supporter linked to Cairo attack
Any link between the suspect and Mursi in the October 7 attack in the capital is likely to be used to justify tougher measures against Islamists, who authorities have portrayed as terrorists since the army seized power on July 3.
Greek seamen on 24h strike, Nov 6/2013
The union of Greek seamen PNO decided to join the 24-hour strike launched by private sector union umbrella GSEE on November 6th 2013.
Angola‘s Dos Santos says relations with Portugal ‚not well‘
Angola is Africa‘s second-largest oil producer after Nigeria. Its economy grew 7.4 percent in 2012.
Facial Recognition Software That Returns Incorrect Results 20% Of The Time Is Good Enough For The FBI
Documents acquired by EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) show the FBI rolled out a ton of new tech (under the name NGI — „Next Generation Identification“) with some very lax standards. While fingerprints are held to a more rigorous margin of error (5% max — which is still a 1-in-20 „acceptable“ failure rate), facial recognition is allowed much more leeway. (The TAR [True Acceptance Rate] details begin on page 247.)
Interpol fasst israelisch-georgischen Ex-Verteidigungsminister
Der ehemalige flüchtige georgische Verteidigungsminister David Kezerashvili wurde laut Presseberichten in Frankreich von Interpol verhaftet. Besonders brisant dürfte der Grund für das Ersuchen der georgischen Strafverfolgungsbehörden für den Ex-Minister mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft – der georgischen und israelischen – sein.
Grüne Bundestagsvizepräsidentin: Künast zieht zurück – Weg frei für Roth
Weniger Scheinwerferlicht, aber ein konkretes Ergebnis bietet dagegen die Gesprächsrunde, die am Dienstagmorgen bereits um 9:30 Uhr zusammengekommen ist: Hinter verschlossenen Türen zog dort Renate Künast in der Bundestagsfraktion ihre Kandidatur für den Posten der Bundestagsvizepräsidentin zurück.
Arafat erhielt mehrere tödliche Dosen Polonium – Wissenschaftler
Die Wissenschaftler gelangten zu dem Schluss, dass Arafat im Jahr 2004 einige Gigabecquerel abbekommen haben muss. Das entspräche einer Dosis von sechs bis 36 Mikrogramm Polonium-210.
Die letale Dosis für einen erwachsenen Menschen macht 0,6 bis zwei Mikrogramm aus, wenn Polonium in die Lunge gelangt, und sechs bis 18 Mikrogramm, wenn der Stoff durch den Verdauungstrakt in den Organismus gelangt.
In Syrien entführt: Moskau verhandelt um Freilassung von Russen
Russlands Außenamt rechnet zudem mit dem Beistand aller Kräfte, die Einfluss auf die bewaffnete syrische Opposition haben.
Russische Polizei vereitelt Anschlag auf C-Waffendepot – MEHR
Nach Angaben des Ermittlungskomitees bekennen sich die Festgenommenen zum Wahhabismus, einer puristischen Strömung des Islam.
Russia Plans To Launch Sputnik Again — This Time As A Search Engine
As Techdirt reported back in 2006, similar plans by the French government to set up its own search engine soon fizzled out.
Google-Konkurrent „Sputnik“: Kreml entwickelt eigene Suchmaschine
Ihre Auftraggeber sitzen, so berichtet die angesehene Moskauer Tageszeitung „Wedomosti“, im Kreml.
Die staatseigene Telefongesellschaft Rostelekom hat ein Team zusammengestellt, das ab dem kommenden Jahr Yandex und Google in Russland Marktanteile abjagen soll.
Troika: new measures 2 billion euro – Greek FinMin: No horizontal measures
Greece’s lenders want new measures to save 2 billion euro in 2014, Greece rejects the idea saying that Greeks cannot afford more income decreases.
Italy govt spending review to focus on health
Reports that the government intends to cut health spending by around four billion euros over three years in its budget law for 2014, which the cabinet is set to approve on Tuesday, sparked widespread alarm.
Germany blocks EU car emissions law
Lobbying from Germany carmakers leads EU ministers to reopen deal to limit average new car emissions to 95g CO2 per km
China bypasses American ‘New Silk Road’ with two of its own
Armed with tens of billions of dollars in investment deals and romantic tales of ancient explorers, Chinese President Xi Jinping has spent much of the past month promoting his vision of two new “Silk Roads” to connect his country to the West and secure its energy supplies — one by land and another by sea.
Currency Manipulation and Derivative
This is all the more reason to stamp down hard on currency manipulation. But regulators have a long history of failure when it comes to snuffing out the global epidemic of “rogue” traders and currency manipulation.
Putin initiates major judicial reform
The new Supreme Court will have 170 judges, who will be appointed by a special qualification board. Thus, the country will return to the integrity of the judicial system. In the past few years, the Supreme Commercial Court very much wanted to become an independent judicial branch, which was destroying the judicial system: after all, the Supreme Court (SC) had to remain the highest instance. The Commercial Court within it would appear originally logically – as one of the branches. Putin has stopped the irrelevant hierarchy superiority disputes, the newspaper writes.
Drilling for Precious Metals in Larnaca and Paphos
The Wall Street journal, cited by CyBC, reports that the company announced the completion of its geophysical research in Cyprus and the start of the drilling program in cooperation with “Centerra Gold”.
Ich empfehle mal diesen Artikel hier. Und besser zwischen den Zeilen lesen, sonst „Kürbissuppe“
Als es Dobrindt mit der Demütigung übertreibt, platzt #Kraft der Kragen. Jetzt wird versucht sie solange zu beschwatzen,bis sie einschwenkt.
Die Berliner Nomenklatura hat sich längst zu #GroKo und Republikabbau verabredet. Ministerpräsidentin #Kraft ist schlicht nicht eingeweiht.
Da ich auch bei Twitter nur Dreck über die #Sondierungsgespräche lese, hier mal meine Analyse zur Situation.
Edward Snowden Receives The Sam Adams Award
OCTOBER 09: Edward Snowden (3rd R) receives the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award (SAAII) alongside UK WikiLeaks journalist Sarah Harrison (2nd R) who took Snowden from Hong Kong to Moscow and obtained his asylum and the United States government whistleblowers who presented the award (L-R) Coleen Rowley (FBI), Thomas Drake (NSA), Jesselyn Raddack (DoJ) and Ray McGovern (CIA) on October 9, 2013 in Moscow, Russia.
Brazil wants to catch the spies and will host global summit on Internet governance next April
Brazil, which has slammed massive US electronic spying on its territory, said on Wednesday it would host a global summit on Internet governance in April. President Dilma Rousseff made the announcement after conferring in Brasilia with Fadi Chehade, chief executive of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
NSA macht Vorratsdatenspeicherung auch über eMail-Adressbücher und IM-Listen
Laut einer zitierten NSA-Folie soll die NSA-Abteilung “Special Source Operations” an einem einzelnen Tag im vergangenen Jahr 444,743 eMail Adressbücher von Yahoo, 105,068 von Hotmail 82,857 von Facebook, 33,697 von Gmail und 22,881 von nicht näher genannten anderen Diensten kopiert haben. Jeden Tag sollen laut der Folie 500.000 Buddylists von Instant-Messanger Diensten kopiert werden.