CIA Chief Technology Officer Gus Hunt would not respond to FCW‘s questions about the Amazon deal, but did drop the firm‘s name in relation to software procurement during a conference organized by the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association‘s Washington, D.C. chapter in February.
Daily Archives: 20. März 2013
Venezuela suspende contactos para regularizar sus relaciones con EE UU
El canciller venezolano, Elías Jaua, aseguró que ante las constantes injerencias de EE UU le encargó a Chaderton que informe que ese canal „queda suspendido“ hasta que no haya „un mensaje más claro de cuál es el tipo de relación“ que Estados Unidos quiere con Venezuela.
Bay Area Grocery Stores Pledge Not to Sell Genetically Modified Fish
In a dramatic sign of the growing wariness about genetically modified food, some of the nation‘s largest grocers, including Trader Joe‘s and Whole Foods, will announce Wednesday they will not sell a type of salmon engineered by a biotech firm.
Tar Sands Resistance Heats Up With Week of Actions From US to Canada
Climate activists on both sides of the U.S. and Canadian border are ratcheting up the fight against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline this week as the U.S. Senate ponders a recently proposed bill that would expedite its approval and „short-circuit“ the State Department‘s pipeline environmental review.
What Happens in an Internet Minute?
Do you know what happens in one minute on the Internet? In just one minute, more than 204 million emails are sent. Amazon rings up about $83,000 in sales. Around 20 million photos are viewed and 3,000 uploaded on Flickr. At least 6 million Facebook pages are viewed around the world. And more than 61,000 hours of music are played on Pandora while more than 1.3 million video clips are watched on YouTube.
Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US Government
We’ve seen similar scenarios in the past, events in which the massive financial power of multi-national corporations is able to buy out legislators who were elected to ‘represent’ voters. But now, Monsanto has set the bar even higher. Instead of just getting a few kickbacks or avoiding USDA regulation, Monsanto lobbyists have gone as far as to generate legislative inclusions into a new bill that puts Monsanto above the federal government.
John Tirman – Was Sie über den Irak nicht hören werden
Wenn ich die zehn Jahre des Krieges gegen den Irak reflektiere, ist das frappierendste abgesehen von der gewaltigen Zahl menschlicher Opfer — fast eine Million Getötete, fünf Millionen Vertriebene, Hunderttausende Witwen und Waisen, unsägliches Elend — die schiere Kaltschnäuzigkeit der Kriegsbefürworter-Clique, wenn sie mit diesen Fakten konfrontiert wird.
Chief storms out of court during hearing over mining blockades
Mathias Colomb Cree Nation Chief Arlen Dumas stormed out of a Court of Queen‘s Bench hearing today being held to restrict his band from blockading Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting mine sites in the province’s north.
The Iraq War at 10: For U.S. Soldiers, Over 4,400 Dead and an Epidemic of Physical & Mental Wounds
Watch the full interview with Neta Crawford on Democracy Now! at „The Costs of War,“ a massive new report by a team of 30 economists, anthropologists, political scientists, legal experts and physicians, looks at the Iraq war‘s human and financial toll.
We Were Soldiers in the ‚War on Terror‘
Twenty-three minutes of the most powerful testimony from the Iraq Veterans Against the War‘s „Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan“ hearings in 2008. This is an excellent resource for classrooms, organizations, or anyone who can‘t and won‘t accept endless war.
Germany warns Cyprus its banks may NEVER reopen as Russia ‚offers to write off debt if Gazprom get access to untapped oil fields‘
Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany‘s finance minister whose country is Europe‘s main paymaster, said major Cypriot banks were ‚insolvent if there are no emergency funds‘.
The Last Letter: Tomas Young Savages George Bush and Dick Cheney
„I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.“
Retired Italian cop‘s monthly pension slashed to two euros
The union contested the slimmed-down monthly pension packet – itself the result of a back taxes claim – saying that „what occurred is unacceptable“
Granny knew about Cyprus bank deposit levy …in advance
The granny told employees “My son is an economist in Russia and he has been telling me, if something happens with the Cypriot banks, it will happened on the weekend. He told me to withdraw the money every Friday.”
Cyprus banks shut until Tuesday amid scramble for Plan B
Cypriot officials have said the country‘s banks, which were closed to prevent mass withdrawals, will remain shut until at least Tuesday.
Recent Voyager 1 Data Indicate that on August 25, 2012 at a Distance of 121.7 AU From the Sun, Sudden and Unprecedented Intensity Changes were Observed in Anomalous and Galactic Cosmic Rays
At the Voyager 1 spacecraft in the outer heliosphere the intensities of both anomalous cosmic rays ( ACR ) and galactic cosmic rays ( GCR ) changed suddenly and decisively on August 2 5 th ( 121.7 AU from the Sun ). Within a matter of a few days, the intensity of 1.9 – 2.7 MeV protons and helium nuclei had decreased to less than 0.1 of their previous value and eventually the intensities decreased by factors of at least 300 – 500. Also on August 2 5 th the GCR protons, helium and electrons increased suddenly in just 2 or 3 days by factors of up to two . T he intensities of the GCR nuclei of all energies from 2 to 400 MeV then remained essentially constant with intensity levels and spectra that may represent the local GCR. The suddenness of these intensity changes indi cate that V1 has crossed a well – defined boundary for energetic particles at this time possibly related to the heliopause.
Iraq war: make it impossible to inflict such barbarism again
The US and Britain not only bathed Iraq in blood, they promoted a sectarian war that now threatens the region
Plans for three-parent IVF babies a step closer after fertility watchdog gives the go-ahead
But critics have labelled it ‘Frankenscience’, with unknown side effects
Britain on course for ‚three parent babies‘
Britain is on course to become the first country in the world to legalise the creation of IVF babies with three biological „parents“
UK: Public OK with creating babies from 3 people
Britain‘s fertility regulator says it has found broad public support for in vitro fertilization techniques that allow babies to be created with DNA from three people
USA streichen Phase 4 von Raketenschild: Moskau will offene Fragen klären
Antonow zufolge sollen die offenen Fragen zur Abkehr von Phase 4 des US-Raketenschirms auf der Konferenz über die Sicherheit in Europa am 23. und 24. Mai in Moskau besprochen werden.
Zu dieser Konferenz sind die Verteidigungsminister aller europäischen Staaten sowie der US-Verteidigungsminister und die Führung der Organisation des Vertrages über kollektive Sicherheit, der Nato und der OSZE eingeladen.
Lew‘s China visit ends with focus on currency, cyber security
U.S. lawmakers are particularly concerned about the value of the Chinese yuan, which they claim is undervalued and hurts American manufacturers.
The currency hit an all-time high against the dollar on Wednesday
Cyprus: Anastasiades meets with Troika after ‚no‘ to levy
President also talked to Francois Hollande by phone
Cyprus loan talks in Moscow constructive, says finance minister
Michael Sarris says there have been ‚no offers, nothing concrete‘ and he will stay in Moscow until a deal is reached
Napolitano begins day of meetings trying to forge government
Center-left Grasso and Boldrini to meet president first
Anträge in der Hamburger Bürgerschaft
Das Thema Fracking ist in der Hamburger Bürgerschaft angekommen.
Am 27.03.2013 auf der Tagesordnung:
Drucksache 20/6927 Tagesordnungspunkt 59
ist ein Antrag der GRÜNEN Fraktion, welcher den Senat auffordert
‚Geplanter Verschleiß ist ein Massenphänomen‘
Weiche Gummisohlen, nicht austauschbare Akkus, billiges Plastik: Zahlreiche Geräte sind so gebaut, dass sie just dann kaputt gehen, wenn die Garantie abläuft. Zufall? Eine Studie sagt: Nein. Und spricht von „geplanter Obsoleszenz“ zur Renditemaximierung.
Tomas Young Letter: Iraqis Vet Accuses Bush and Cheney of War Crimes (VIDEO)
An Iroquois war veteran has written a letter from his deathbed accusing former President Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney of unforgivable war crimes. He also pleaded with them to offer a public apology for their sins.
The Crucifixion of Tomas Young
I flew to Kansas City last week to see Tomas Young. Young was paralyzed in Iraq in 2004. He is now receiving hospice care at his home. I knew him by reputation and the movie documentary “Body of War.” He was one of the first veterans to publicly oppose the war in Iraq. He fought as long and as hard as he could against the war that crippled him, until his physical deterioration caught up with him.
Victorious return for Sea Shepherd fleet
Sea Shepherd Australia is proud to welcome home the 110 strong international crew and three ships, the Steve Irwin, Sam Simon and Bob Barker.
World Banking System to Give Up the Ghost
„The Cyprus confiscation brings something to mind. For instance, the confiscation of foodstuffs by Bolsheviks in the times of Civil War in Russia. Or the order by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939 demanding all gold was to be given to the state by legal entities and individuals in a month. Actually, it is banking Bolshevism what we are facing“.
There is a solid ground to believe the banksters have rushed to drastically reform world banking system to make it match the new world order. New world order could be compared to “organized capitalism”. Or camp socialism. Whatever you prefer.
Rules of cyberwar: don‘t target nuclear plants or hospitals, says Nato manual
Handbook drawn up for Nato‘s Co-operative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is first attempt to codify how international law applies to state-sponsored online attacks
Luxemburg-Update: Es gibt jetzt eine wunderbare eidesstattliche Erklärung online.
Darin gibt der Sohn eines inzwischen verstorbenen Mannes dessen „Todesbett-Geständnisse“ wieder, und die haben es in sich. Der Mann soll Operationsleiter der Stay-Behind-Organisation in Deutschland gewesen sein und auch in den umliegenden Staaten koordiniert haben. Außerdem war er Doppelagent für den KGB. Und in dem Prozess in Luxemburg kommen auch immer tollere Geschichten raus. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Unerwartete Wendung: Beginn des König-Prozesses unklar
Der Prozessauftakt gegen Lothar König wurde vom Gericht verlegt. Grund: das Auftauchen bislang unbekannter Akten. Erst am Donnerstag hat Rechtsanwalt Eisenberg in die lange vorenthaltenen Dokumente Einsicht bekommen.Wie sie nun doch den Weg in die Akten gefunden haben, liegt im Dunkeln.
The Bipartisan Push for Digital Due Process Rights Grows Stronger Every Day
It‘s a big week for reforming the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), a little-known law which safeguards internet communications but hasn‘t been touched in nearly 30 years.
70. Süßholz
Wer spürt da nicht die unverrückbare Süße und das vereinigte Feuer des gesamtkonservativen Dialogs. (Aber nicht aus Versehen Lorca zitieren – der war schwul.)
Sehen, wo die Nazis aufmarschieren
Spätestens die NSU-Morde haben uns gezeigt, dass die Neonazi-Szene in Deutschland nicht ignoriert werden darf. Doch es gibt immer noch mehr braune Bewegungen und Opfer rechter Gewalt als uns bewusst ist. Das Projekt Rechtes Land macht auf einer interaktiven Karte sichtbar, worüber die Öffentlichkeit oft lieber schweigen würde.
‘Body of War’ Kriegsverbrecher und ihre Opfer
Benutzt und weggeworfen: Soldaten der U.S.-Armee
ARTE Journal 18.03.2013: Widerstand gegen Luxuswohnungen
Bericht über die in Berlin allgegenwärtigen Luxussanierungen und Umwandlungen von Miet- in Eigentumswohnungen, und den Widerstand gegen Verdrängung.
Minister: Bankkonten in Spanien nur bis 100.000 Euro “heilig”
Dass der in der Schwebe hängende Raubzug in Zypern wie beschrieben nur der Testlauf eines Totalen Kapitalismus und seines ausführenden Finanzsystems “Euro” war, ließ gestern Spaniens Wirtschaftsminister Minister Luis de Guindos durchblicken.
EIL – Zypern-Russland: Vorerst keine Einigung über neuen Kredit
„Die Verhandlungen waren recht konstruktiv“, sagte er am Mittwoch beim Verlassen des Gebäudes des russischen Finanzministeriums. „Wir werden sie an einem anderen Ort fortsetzen.“
Cyprus protesters hail rejection of EU bailout terms – video
After Cyprus‘s government voted overwhelmingly to reject terms of a bailout offered by the European Union, the church offers its support to President Nicos Anastasiades. The deal, which not one MP voted for, included a levy of up to 9.9% on savings held in Cyprus‘s banks.
Planet Heaven – Revolutions
Planet Heaven – Revolutions (Hard Discs) (HARTT11) Written & Produced by Carl Daniel ,Progressive Trance ,2000
Could tiny Cyprus trigger collapse of the Eurozone?
A government plan to siphon as much as 10% from individual bank deposits to co-finance a bailout went down in flames Tuesday with not a single one of the island’s 56 lawmakers voting in favor.
Bank run expert: Cyprus‘ plan was ‚absurd‘
Why do you think the plan was absurd?
It will do a lot of damage to the banking system both in Cyprus and Europe in general. The proposal also has to shake confidence of depositors in other countries, which is dangerous. The only reason people haven‘t run from their banks in other nations in Europe is that they think they have time.
Berlin calling
Cyprus bail-out – live
The Cypriot finance minister has flown to Moscow to plead for aid, in defiance of calls from Angela Merkel to refrain from entering negotiations with Russia.
Cyprus Finance Minister Sarris on his way out [update]
Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris is about to be replaced upon his return from his current trip to Moscow, Kathimerini understands
‘Body of War’ Kriegsverbrecher und ihre Opfer
Im Jahr 2007 erschien der Dokumentarfilm “Body of War” von Ellen Spiro und Phil Donahue, der die Geschichte von Tomas Young erzählt, einem Irakkriegsveteranen, der durch eine Kugel querschnittsgelähmt aus dem Einsatz zurückkam und sich in der Antikriegsorganisation Iraq Veterans Against the War engagiert.
Putin bespricht Wirtschaftslage und Krise mit Zyperns Präsident
Seinen Worten nach fand das Telefongespräch auf Initiative der zypriotischen Seite statt.
Fed to stick to stimulus as Cyprus rekindles global risks
The Federal Reserve looks set to sustain its $85 billion monthly bond-buying stimulus despite improving U.S. economic data as a new flare-up in the euro zone crisis reminds officials of a risky global environment.
Italy‘s president to begin consultations with party leaders
Napolitano Wednesday to begin seeking way to form new government
After Cyprus vote, ECB says ready to offer liquidity within rules
„The ECB takes note of the decision of the Cypriot parliament and is in contact with its troika partners,“ the bank said in a statement. „The ECB reaffirms its commitment to provide liquidity as needed within the existing rules.“
Spanish spy chief denies sending German princess on secret missions
Félix Sanz attends secret meeting to explain relationship between Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and the government