Archiv: Suga Yoshihide

25.09.2021 - 08:41 [ ]

India, the Quad and AUKUS

Delhi has deep concerns about Chinese actions and intentions in the region. The ongoing border crisis and fatal military clash last year brought Sino-Indian relations to their worst point in decades. Given these circumstances, Delhi watches the U.S. and other countries’ stance on China very closely. And, notwithstanding the emphasis on competition with China from two consecutive U.S. administrations and the hardening of the U.S.’s attitudes on China, Delhi worries about the possibility of American commitment to the region waning or a reversion to a more accommodating position on China.

25.09.2021 - 08:28 [ ]

Quad Countries Have 1st In-Person Summit At The White House

President Biden hosted the first face to face summit with leaders of Japan, Australia and India. The four countries are known as the Quad and see themselves as a democratic bulwark against China.

20.04.2021 - 21:51 [ Weißes Haus ]

U.S.- Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement: “U.S. – JAPAN GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR A NEW ERA”


President Biden and Prime Minister Suga exchanged views on the impact of China’s actions on peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and the world, and shared their concerns over Chinese activities that are inconsistent with the international rules-based order, including the use of economic and other forms of coercion. We will continue to work with each other based on universal values and common principles. We also recognize the importance of deterrence to maintain peace and stability in the region. We oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the East China Sea.

14.10.2020 - 14:18 [ KBS ]

Seoul will sich weiter um Dreiergipfel mit China und Japan bemühen

Die japanische Nachrichtenagentur Kyodo hatte gemeldet, dass die japanische Regierung Südkorea die Position mitgeteilt habe, dass Suga am trilateralen Gipfel nicht teilnehmen werde, sollte Südkorea keine akzeptablen Maßnahmen in der Zwangsarbeiterfrage treffen. In der Position sei die Absicht des neuen Premiers widergespiegelt worden.