Archiv: Vallekas (Madrid)

05.10.2020 - 22:19 [ Madrid No Frills ]

Selective confinement reawakens Vallekas’ ancient spirit of resistance

In contrast, in non-restricted areas, people are free to travel to different neighbourhoods and continue their regular activities. The selective confinement has left many people feeling disappointed and confused. “In the end, it’s a little absurd […] every day, people in the neighbourhood have to leave their neighbourhoods and take public transport to go to do their work in other neighbourhoods that are not confined,” explains Miguel, a local to Vallekas.

05.10.2020 - 22:15 [ Alexis Lahorra / Twitter ]

Honoured to have written an article for @madridnofrills about what‘s been going on in Vallekas and in Madrid, Spain, during these past few weeks.

#Madrid #Spain #Vallecas #Vallekas

27.09.2020 - 18:49 [ Elke lopez reccio / Twitter ]


27.09.2020 - 18:44 [ Arganzuela 27 / Twitter ]

¡Vallekas puerto en guerra! ¡Madrid siempre antifascista!

27.09.2020 - 18:40 [ @xthetrinchox / Twitter ]

Madrid… Spain. The ghetto! They close some poor neighborhoods like Vallecas

27.09.2020 - 18:37 [ ORF,at ]

Proteste gegen CoV-Auflagen in Madrid

In einer höchst umstrittenen Entscheidung hatte die Regionalregierung am 21. September strikte CoV-Auflagen für die rund 850.000 Bewohner von ärmeren Stadtvierteln vor allem im Süden der Hauptstadtregion verhängt. Von Montag an gelten die Auflagen für weitere 167.000 Einwohner, sodass insgesamt mehr als eine Million Menschen betroffen sind.