Archiv: Mississippi

27.04.2020 - 19:09 [ Fox News ]

Tennessee, Mississippi, Montana reopen some businesses following other states easing coronavirus restrictions

The moves to reopen follow in the steps of Georgia, Oklahoma, and Alaska, which on Friday began loosening lockdown restrictions on businesses despite health officials warning the gradual return to daily life might be happening too soon.

26.04.2020 - 13:13 [ the Hill ]

Several states starting to reopen this weekend

In Tennessee, Gov. Bill Lee (R ) said on Monday that “the vast majority of businesses” will be allowed to reopen when the state’s stay-at-home order expires on April 30, and as of Friday state parks and dine-in restaurants were allowed to open with reduced capacity. Tennessee was one of the last states to issue a stay-at-home order.

10.08.2019 - 14:31 [ WSWS ]

The Mississippi raid: Trump’s attack on immigrants and his Democratic enablers

Photographs taken at a Mississippi gym on Wednesday night show children of immigrant detainees, some as young as four years old, huddled together, many of them crying or visibly traumatized by the arrest of their father, their mother, or both.

10.08.2019 - 14:05 [ Ayanna Pressley, Abgeordnete des US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

On the 1st day of school in Mississippi, kindergarteners were begging ICE agents to see their parents. This cruel raid had one purpose: to terrorize and torment. If you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention #defundhate #defundICE #AbolishICE #FamiliesBelongTogether

10.08.2019 - 13:43 [ ]

Razzia in den USA: 680 Migranten bei der Arbeit festgenommen

Laut Staatsanwaltschaft wurden sie am Mittwoch in lebensmittelverarbeitenden Betrieben von der Einwanderungspolizei ICE in Gewahrsam genommen. Ein örtlicher Fernsehsender zeigte, wie die Kinder der festgenommenen Migranten weinten und nach ihren Eltern riefen.

10.08.2019 - 13:39 [ ]

Children of undocumented immigrants arrested in Mississippi rely on strangers for food and shelter

12 News reporter Alex Love was granted permission to talk to community leaders and the children.

Children relied on neighbors and strangers to pick them up outside their homes after school. They drove the children to a community center where people tried to keep them calm. But many kids could not stop crying for mom and dad.

10.08.2019 - 13:25 [ ]

Mississippi Communities Still In Shock Following ICE Raids And Arrests

Communities are still in shock in Mississippi following the arrest of some 680 people this week for suspected immigration violations. Federal authorities made the arrests at food processing plants across the state. About 300 of the people who were picked up have been released and given orders to appear before an immigration judge. The rest are being held in detention facilities in Mississippi and Louisiana.

10.08.2019 - 13:22 [ ]

‚Let them go!‘: Tears, shock over ICE raids at Mississippi food processing plants


Workers filled three buses — two for men and one for women — at a Koch Foods Inc. plant in tiny Morton, 40 miles east of Jackson. They were taken to a military hangar to be processed for immigration violations. About 70 family, friends and residents waved goodbye and shouted, „Let them go! Let them go!“ Later, two more buses arrived. A tearful 13-year-old boy whose parents are from Guatemala waved goodbye to his mother, a Koch worker, as he stood beside his father. Some employees tried to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.