Archiv: Kevin K. McAleenan

12.10.2019 - 09:03 [ ]

Abgang im US-Kabinett: Trumps Heimatschutzminister geht

Präsident Donald Trump begründete den Abgang McAleenans auf Twitter damit, dass es den 48-Jährigen nach vielen Jahren in der Regierung in die Privatwirtschaft ziehe und er künftig auch mehr Zeit mit seiner Familie verbringen wolle. McAleenan habe als amtierender Heimatschutzminister „einen herausragenden Job gemacht“.

19.07.2019 - 14:04 [ NowThis ‏/ Twitter ]

‘You don’t think that having 10,000 officers in a violent, racist group sharing rape memes of members of Congress points to any concern of a dehumanized culture?’ — @AOC pressed DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan after he denied a dehumanized culture within Border Patrol

19.07.2019 - 14:01 [ USA Today ]

AOC to DHS chief: Border agents shared ‚images of my violent rape‘ in secret Facebook group

He was also asked several times about a secret Facebook group of current and former Border Patrol agents that contained more than 10,000 members and included posts mocking migrants and the deaths of children in custody and suggesting harm to Democratic lawmakers. After the group‘s existence was revealed by a ProPublica report, McAleenan announced DHS was investigating the „disturbing“ and „inexcusable“ posts.

19.07.2019 - 13:53 [ New York Times ]

‘They Are Human Beings’: Homeland Security Faulted for Treatment of Migrant Children

The hearing came a week after the committee released findings of an analysis of the more than 2,600 migrant children separated from their parents last year under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which has since been suspended. Democrats grilled Mr. McAleenan over the rollout of the policy, as well as over the discovery of a secret Facebook group for Border Patrol agents that included offensive messages, including obscene images of members of Congress.