Archiv: Jordan Times (media)

08.02.2025 - 08:22 [ Jordan Times ]

United against displacement – Standing with you, King Abdullah

In light of the ongoing conflicts and tensions sweeping the Middle East, the issue of displacement emerges as one of the most prominent challenges facing peoples and nations. In Jordan, the people demonstrate their steadfast support for the policies pursued by His Majesty King Abdullah and his loyal Crown Prince, in their categorical rejection of any form of forced displacement and their call for a two-state solution as a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

31.01.2025 - 15:12 [ Jordan Times ]

Jordan faces the plan to displace Palestinians: Challenges and diplomatic moves

The challenges facing Jordan in this context are multiple, most notably the political pressures that may be exerted by the United States and some Western powers to show some flexibility towards this file. In addition, any new wave of displacement may lead to internal tensions, given the sensitivity of the demographic balance in the Kingdom.

The economic impacts cannot be ignored, as Jordan suffers from increasing financial challenges, and any increase in the number of refugees will exacerbate the pressure on resources and infrastructure. In addition, the security aspect constitutes a major concern, as the influx of large numbers of displaced persons could lead to complex security repercussions, especially in light of the tense conditions in the region.

28.01.2025 - 12:39 [ Jordan Times ]

The solution lies in just peace, not displacement

Jordan‘s posture on the Palestinian question has always been firm and clear: Jordan is not, and will never be, an alternative homeland for Palestinians.

This position is not merely a political statement but a historical commitment rooted in the principle of justice and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Jordan rejects any attempt to liquidate the Palestinian cause or deny the rights of Palestinians under whatsoever pretext.

10.11.2024 - 18:14 [ Jordan Times ]

Time to suspend Israel from the UN

(November 6, 2024)

Israel‘s abrogation on Sunday of its 1967 agreement with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has intensified calls for Israel‘s expulsion from the world body or, at least, its suspension from General Assembly participation. This action followed the October 28th ban by Israel‘s parliament on UNRWA’s operations in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.