Archiv: James Le Mesurier

27.11.2019 - 14:08 [ ]

White Helmets Whitewash: founder’s death, OPCW scandal lift mask on al-Qaeda’s ally in Syria

We speak to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the White Helmets’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria.

“We don’t know if there’s a cover-up around his [Le Mesurier’s] death — I can’t go that far,” Blumenthal says. “The real cover-up is around his life, as he’s being celebrated everywhere from the Guardian to the New York Times as this heroic figure, this kind of Gandhi of conflict stabilization; when his legacy is actually very dark and stained with blood.”

12.11.2019 - 17:35 [ ]

James Le Mesurier, British ex-army officer who trained Syria‘s White Helmets, found dead in Istanbul

Mystery surrounds the death of the former British soldier who backed Syria’s White Helmets after his body was found in the street days after the Kremlin accused him of being an MI6 agent with terrorist connections.

James Le Mesurier, an ex-Army officer, is thought to have fallen from the balcony of his home in Istanbul where he lived with his wife.

12.11.2019 - 17:30 [ Fefe ]

Klarer Fall von Selbstmord: Chef der syrischen Weißhelme tot in Istanbul aufgefunden.

„Maria Sacharowa, Sprecherin des russischen Außenministerium, hatte Le Mesurier vor drei Tagen einen Agenten des MI6 genannt, „der auf der ganzen Welt gesichtet wurde, unter anderem auf dem Balkan und im Nahen Osten.“