Archiv: Hatnua

29.12.2020 - 06:04 [ Haaretz ]

Ex-Foreign Minister Livni Mulls Joining Forces With Lapid Ahead of Israel‘s March Election

As for Ya’alon, Lapid is convinced that he has very little electoral value and is disappointed in Ya’alon’s level of support. The Yesh Atid chairman has also concluded that the center-right, with which Ya’alon is identified, is too crowded and he plans to move leftward before the election.

03.02.2019 - 11:57 [ Dylan Tepper ‏/ Twitter ]

The collapse of Labor is the most remarkable part of the recent polling, with current leader Avi Gabbay, leading the party into a perpetual freefall that has yet to stop. Former Labor partner Hatnuah is below the electoral threshold too

04.01.2019 - 21:22 [ Haaretz ]

In Israel, There‘s No Left. There‘s Only a Right in Different Forms

What is going on in our political system ahead of the upcoming election can be described like this: Right A versus Right B, a split in Right C, a possible merger in Right D, and a new glimmer of hope in Right E.

Meretz and the Joint List, the only Israeli left there is, one small and fading and the other ostracized and excluded, and both without any influence, look on from the other side of the fence. And still people say that Israel is “polarized,” that we’re this close to civil war breaking out. It’s hard to think of anything more ridiculous.

01.01.2019 - 21:36 [ Haaretz ]

Dramatic Split in Israeli Left as Labor Party Breaks Away From Tzipi Livni

A Labor lawmaker, who asked to remain anonymous, said that „time will tell whether dismantling Zionist Union was a smart move. But it shouldn‘t have been done as a public humiliation to Livni.“

A senior source in Livni‘s Hatnuah party said that she „thwarted a split in the Labor Party last week.“