Archiv: Greenville
Trump attackiert Demokratin – Menge skandiert: „Schickt sie zurück!“
Trump erklärte bei seinem Auftritt, die vier Frauen würden beim Aufstieg einer militanten Linken helfen und die USA nicht lieben. Sie hätten nie etwas Gutes zu sagen, deswegen könnten sie gehen.
Der Präsident nahm sich in der Rede jede der Frauen einzeln vor und attackierte dabei Omar ganz besonders, die als Kind mit ihrer Familie aus Somalia in die USA geflüchtet war.
Rassistische Verbalattacken: Trump will es nicht lassen
In Trumps Umgebung hieß es, er rüste sich mit den Attacken für den Wahlkampf im kommenden Jahr und wolle daher die Demokraten möglichst weit links wirken lassen sowie gleichzeitig die ethnischen Spaltungen im Land ausnutzen.
This horrifying chant does not make America great. In fact, it is eerily reminiscent of a darker time in our nation’s history.
Trump’s ‚Go Home‘ Invective Echoes Nazi Incitement Against Jews
As with Israel’s Likud and their leader Netanyahu, but a thousand times over, Trump’s invectives highlight the moral depths to which the Republican party has sunk: It has transformed from a Grand Old Party into a cheerleading squad that prostrates itself before its master, no matter what he says or does. Whether out of fear or hope for favor or both, the Republicans’ feebleness also echoes the conduct of similarly spineless political parties, which facilitated but later succumbed to the most evil tyrants of the 20th Century.
This is the sound of illberalism, intolerance. Listen closely: it‘s a danger not just to immigrants and minorities but to all Americans. Put politics aside. Time for leaders from all parts of society, people from all walks of life, to step up and say: enough.
American Jewish institutions need to stop smearing Ilhan Omar and instead defend her from the fascist in the White House who is trying to get her killed.
You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. -Maya Angelou
Tonight’s top searches, in order: racism, socialism, fascism, concentration camp, xenophobia, bigot
Trump 2020: The president holds campaign rally in Greenville, North Carolina | ABC News
Streamed live 10 hours ago
WATCH: After Trump mentions @IlhanMN the crowd erupts at a protester who is then led out of the Greenville, NC rally in handcuffs
WATCH: A Crowd in North Carolina chants „Send her back!“ as Trump spends 3 minutes criticizing Rep. @IlhanMN
Trump continues attacks on Democratic congresswomen during rally
A Crowd in North Carolina chanted „Send her back!“ as Trump spent 3 minutes criticizing Rep. Ilhan Omar. He went on to further attacks on the rest of „The Squad.“