Archiv: Ernesto Araújo

29.03.2021 - 21:36 [ Tagesschau ]

Brasiliens Außenminister tritt zurück

Araújo, der als rechter Hardliner und loyaler Verbündeter des Präsidenten gilt, war selbst im eigenen Lager unter erheblichen Druck geraten. Zuletzt hatten die Präsidenten beider Parlamentskammern drauf gedrängt, ihn abzulösen.

02.04.2019 - 09:38 [ ]

Brazil Asks Russia to Leave Venezuela if it Plans to Back Maduro


The foreign minister of Brazil, Ernesto Araújo, says that the Russian military must leave Venezuela, if its purpose is to maintain Nicolás Maduro in the government.

In a telephone interview with the British news agency Reuters , Araújo has said he expects Russia to recognize that supporting Maduro will only deepen the collapse of Venezuela’s economy and society, and that the only way out of the crisis is to hold elections under an interim government, led by the opposition Juan Guaidó.

09.02.2019 - 10:33 [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil / Twitter ]

Minister Ernesto Araújo talks to OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro about the situation in Venezuela at the organization‘s headquarters in Washington. @ernestofaraujo @Almagro_OEA2015 @OEA_oficial @Brasil_OEA @jguaido
