Archiv: decisions

11.04.2019 - 11:12 [ Matthew Goodwin / Twitter ]


11.04.2019 - 10:44 [ ]

Emmanuel Macron claims responsibility for Brexit Halloween deadline saying it is ‚for the collective good‘

„But it was not logical in my view, and above all, it was neither good for us, nor for the British people.“

He added: „I think we delivered the best possible compromise. First because it was the one to preserve the unity of the 27.

11.04.2019 - 03:19 [ Reuters ]

Text: EU agreement to extend Brexit

Following is the text of an EU summit agreement on Thursday giving Britain more time to complete its withdrawal from the European Union.

22.03.2019 - 14:46 [ BBC ]

Brexit: What just happened?

– A shorter delay until 12 April if they reject it. By that time the UK must set out its next steps – either another extension or leaving without a deal

But the EU says a further extension beyond 12 April is only possible if the UK agrees to hold European elections on 23 May.

22.03.2019 - 05:24 [ Donald Mackinnon / Twitter ]

According to European Commission President Juncker, with European Council President Tusk at his side, „all options remain on the table … the UK government will still have a chance of a deal, no deal, a long extension or revoking Article 50“. Or of course a People‘s Vote!

22.03.2019 - 05:20 [ Hugh Bennett, News Editor @guidofawkes / Twitter ]

EU summit conclusions: – Strasbourg formally adopted – Extension to 22 May IF withdrawal agreement passes – If not, very short extension til 12 April and the whole carnival repeats again…

(Twitter time 3:47 PM – 21 Mar 2019)

22.03.2019 - 05:19 [ Donald Tusk, President of the European Council ‏/ Twitter ]

EU27 unanimously agrees on its response to UK’s requests. I will now meet PM @theresa_may. #brexit #euco

(Twitter time 3:20 PM – 21 Mar 2019)