Archiv: Americans

12.11.2018 - 19:49 [ Mint Press ]

Lawsuit: US Military Contractor DynCorp Accused of “Enslaving” American Employees in Kuwaiti Tent Cities

(24.10.2018) DynCorp’s old habits of treating human beings as commodities remain as ingrained as ever, largely thanks to the fact that the company has never been held accountable for its crimes against its workers as well as countless children.

13.06.2018 - 14:41 [ Newsweek ]

Most Americans Desperate for Third Major Political Party in Trump Era

(27.9.2017) More Americans than ever—61 percent—say the Democratic and Republican parties are inadequate and the U.S. should have a third major political party, a new poll from Gallup shows. The desire among Americans for a competitive third party has been above 57 percent over the last five years, but Gallup’s latest poll marks a record high level of support.

04.05.2018 - 08:18 [ ]

Rod Rosenstein is not above the law

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s reaction to reports of possible impeachment for failing to respond to congressional subpoenas was to proclaim that the Justice Department “will not be extorted.”

I suppose he meant to say, “Only we here at the Justice Department do the extorting, with special counsels, daylight raids of people’s attorneys, bankrupting people with legal fees, threats to prosecute family members, and questionable wiretapping of Americans.”

10.04.2018 - 01:44 [ Jerusalem Post ]


At Wednesday night’s Yad Vashem ceremony marking the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – if past speeches are a gauge – will touch on the theme that one of the lessons of the Holocaust is that Israel can, in the final analysis, only rely on itself.

If, as the Russians, Syrians, Iranians and even the Americans said on Monday, Israel was indeed responsible for the predawn attack on the T-4 airbase near Homs in Syria, it is a sign that Netanyahu means what he says every year in those speeches.