We need your help to be part of this huge protest in support of Julian Assange and a free press. Please do sign up to pledge that you’ll be at Parliament to be part of the chain of support that will go from the front of parliament over Westminster bridge, along the south bank of the Thames and back over Lambeth bridge. Please be a link in the solidarity chain. Sign up here:
Daily Archives: 18. September 2022
More than 3000 people have already pledged to form a human chain to surround parliament in support of Julian Assange on October 8th #SurroundParliament #FreeAssangeNOW Pledge to join now:
The extradition of Julian Assange must be condemned by all who believe in press freedom
(June 17, 2022)
By continuing to extradite Assange, the Biden DOJ is ignoring the dire warnings of virtually every major civil liberties and human rights organization in the country that the case will do irreparable damage to basic press freedom rights of U.S. reporters.
The prosecution, which includes 17 charges under the Espionage Act and one under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, covers events that took place more than a decade ago, but was brought only under the Trump administration — after the Obama Department of Justice reportedly considered charges but dismissed them for their dangerous First Amendment implications.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded ‘keys to Mexico City’
Gabriel Shipton accepted the so-called ‘keys to Mexico City’ on behalf of his brother amid increasing efforts to persuade authorities in the UK, US and Australia to release Assange from prison.
Australian Assange, 51, has been in London’s Belmarsh prison since being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in 2019 and is fighting a long-running legal battle to avoid extradition to the US.
Türkei will Schanghai-Gruppe beitreten
Die Türkei habe „historische und kulturelle“ Verbindungen zum asiatischen Kontinent und wolle eine Rolle spielen in der Organisation, deren Mitglieder zusammen „30 Prozent der Weltwirtschaftsleistung“ ausmachten, sagte Erdogan demnzufolge weiter. Aktuell wird die Türkei von der Schanghaier Organisation als Dialogpartner geführt.