Daily Archives: 27. Februar 2016

27.02.2016 - 23:57 [ TruthDig ]

Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers

While the Times and other news organizations fought for their own — hiring a team of lawyers to defend Risen against a government subpoena — they did much less to advocate for the rights of whistleblowers, or to denounce the severe punishment meted out to Sterling himself.

The case highlights the tension among journalists about their larger role in society. Do they merely hold up an objective window to the world, or should they advocate for the free flow of information and those who act as sources for their reporting?

27.02.2016 - 20:42 [ Toronto Sun ]

Saudi man gets 10 years, 2,000 lashes over atheist tweets

Al-Watan online daily said Saturday that religious police in charge of monitoring social networks found more than 600 tweets denying the existence of God, ridiculing Quranic verses, accusing all prophets of lies and saying their teachings fueled hostilities.

27.02.2016 - 19:46 [ Techdirt ]

Rather Than Ending NSA‘s Key Surveillance Tool, White House To Now Let Other Agencies Use It

Late last night, the NY Times broke a very troubling story. Rather than finally putting an end to Executive Order 12333, it appears that President Obama is going to expand the power of it in dangerous ways. We‘ve written about EO 12333 a bunch of times, but for those of you unfamiliar with it, it‘s an executive order signed by President Reagan that basically gave the NSA pretty free rein to collect signals intelligence outside of the US. Because it‘s not (technically) about domestic surveillance, what the NSA does under EO 12333 is not subject to Congressional oversight. That is, Congress is mostly as much in the dark as everyone else is on what the NSA is doing overseas. And, as former State Department official John Napier Tye revealed a couple of years ago, for all the talk of domestic surveillance programs revealed by Ed Snowden, the NSA‘s real power comes almost entirely from 12333.

27.02.2016 - 19:44 [ Handelszeitung ]

Erste Annäherung von Schweiz und Iran

Die Iran Air fliegt künftig nach Genf, Bankverbindungen und Visaerteilung werden erleichtert. Das sind die ersten Schritte in der Annäherung mit dem Iran, den Bundesrat Scheider-Ammann heute besucht.

27.02.2016 - 19:13 [ Secret Thirteen – Underground music and art community ]

Secret Thirteen Mix 175 – Inner8

Inner8 is a project from Berlin-based Italian artist Daniele Antezza, a co-founder of Artefacts Mastering studio and one half of the Dadub duo, which is renowned for crafting deeply immersive and subtly dark techno soundscapes.

27.02.2016 - 19:11 [ World Food Programme ]

WFP Uses Innovative Iris Scan Technology To Provide Food Assistance To Syrian Refugees In Jordan

Once the shopper has their iris scanned, the system automatically communicates with UNHCR’s registration database to confirm the identity of the refugee, before automatically continuing to the Jordan Ahli Bank through the Middle East Payment System financial gateway to determine the refugee’s remaining balance. It then confirms the purchase and prints a receipt for the refugee.

27.02.2016 - 18:59 [ PressTV ]

New Saudi airstrike hits market in Yemen’s north

Local witnesses said at least 40 people were killed in the airstrike that targeted the market in the Nehm district, northeast of the capital, Sana’a. However, Yemen’s official news agency Saba, citing security sources, identified the marketplace as Khalqah, saying a total of 60 people were killed.

27.02.2016 - 18:05 [ FactMag ]

FACT mix 536: Not Waving

The Italian artist has been on our radar for what seems like forever, operating under a variety of guises: the dreamy, distorted romance of Banjo or Freakout, his Kompakt-signed cosmic dance duo WALLS with Sam Willis, and most recently the prolific Not Waving, a channel for his post-punk and EBM-skewed passions.

27.02.2016 - 17:51 [ Google ]

Browser-Add-on zur Deaktivierung von Google Analytics

Mit dem Browser-Add-on zur Deaktivierung des Google Analytics-JavaScripts („ga.js“, „analytics.js“ oder „dc.js“) können Besucher einer Website verhindern, dass ihre Daten durch Google Analytics verwendet werden.

27.02.2016 - 14:30 [ Radio Utopie ]

Heiliges Wasser

Wo bleiben die sogenannten „Linken“ bei alledem? Das ist eine berechtigte Frage. Sie sind unsichtbar. Außer einigen Überbleibseln sowie der angeschlagenen arabischen Fraktion halten sie den Mund und glauben, sie müssten sich nach rechts (auch „Zentrum“ genannt) bewegen, um den Kopf über dem heiligen Wasser zu halten.

27.02.2016 - 12:55 [ Theologinnen und Theologen gegen S21 ]

Weckruf: Brechen Sie Ihr Schweigen!

Die Schwierigkeiten des Projekts Stuttgart 21 spitzen sich zurzeit zu.

Den Bahn-Aufsichtsräten droht eine Anzeige wegen Untreue, wenn sie in der Aufsichtsratssitzung am 15. März nicht Schritte zum sofortigen Stopp einleiten (weil sie – angesichts nun auf mindestens 9,8 Milliarden berechneter Kosten – sonst einen gravierenden Vermögensschaden der Bahn zu verantworten hätten.)

In dieser kritischen Situation ruft die Initiative „TheologInnen gegen S21“ breit dazu auf, am Arbeitsplatz, im Alltag, mit Vorgesetzten und KollegInnen, im Privaten, in Veranstaltungen usw. über die chaotische Situation des Projekts zu reden:

Weckruf: Brechen Sie Ihr Schweigen!
Tragen Sie so dazu bei, dass S21 so schnell wie möglich beendet wird – je früher, desto besser!

Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende!
Damit der Weg für eine zukunftsträchtige Planung des Bahnknotens Stuttgart frei wird.

Das Projekt hängt nur noch an einem seidenen Faden.

27.02.2016 - 12:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

„Der Informationskapitalismus ist eine Welt des In-den-Kopf-Eindringens geworden“

Es ist äußerst selten, dass wir auf Radio Utopie irgendeinen Artikel aus der etablierten Presse empfehlen, die wir nur noch als Informationsindustrie einschätzen. Mit einem Artikel des Surveillance Studies Preis-Trägers Adrian Lobe in der „Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung“, die sich damit überraschend einen journalistischen Rückfall a la Frank Schirrmacher gönnt, machen wir eine Ausnahme.

27.02.2016 - 12:16 [ Zeit ]

Geheimdienste: BND-Vize Müller will künftig BND kontrollieren

Der Geheimdienstbeauftragte soll vom Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium eingesetzt werden und diesem zuarbeiten. Zudem sollen drei neue Referate geschaffen werden, um die Kontrolle der Geheimdienste durch das Parlament zu verbessern. Die Reform soll am 1. Januar 2017 in Kraft treten und gemeinsam mit einer Reform des BND-Gesetzes in den kommenden Wochen in den Bundestag eingebracht werden.

27.02.2016 - 12:14 [ New York Times ]

Obama Administration Set to Expand Sharing of Data That N.S.A. Intercepts

The change would relax longstanding restrictions on access to the contents of the phone calls and email the security agency vacuums up around the world, including bulk collection of satellite transmissions, communications between foreigners as they cross network switches in the United States, and messages acquired overseas or provided by allies.

27.02.2016 - 12:13 [ Breitbart ]

Watch: Hillary Confuses Constitution with Declaration of Independence

Wednesday on “The Steve Harvey Show,” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said the United States Constitution gives us the rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” but the famous phrase is actually in the Declaration of Independence.

27.02.2016 - 12:13 [ Raw Story ]

Trump can’t handle media criticism — so now he’s promising to disembowel the First Amendment

“One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win… is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws.”

He then added, “With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people… We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never get sued before.”

27.02.2016 - 12:08 [ PJ Media ]

No, Seriously, Trump Is a Fascist

Benito Mussolini coined the term and defined it as complete subjugation of the individual to the state. He wrote:

„The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim. Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State…
The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone….“

27.02.2016 - 12:02 [ Huffington Post ]

Chris Christie, Once A Fighter Of Anti-Muslim Bigotry, Endorses Donald Trump

As governor, Chris Christie committed himself to building bridges with the Muslim American community in New Jersey. He named Muslims to positions in state government, brought religious leaders to his house to break the daily Ramadan fast and warned his party not to embrace anti-Muslim bigotry in the name of fears about terrorism.

On Friday, however, Christie threw all that out the window and endorsed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, a man who wants to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

27.02.2016 - 12:00 [ Youtube ]

Trump Urges ‚Shutdown‘ On Muslims Entering US

Veröffentlicht am 07.12.2015
Donald Trump called Monday for a „total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States“ during a rally in South Carolina, an idea swiftly condemned by his rival GOP candidates for president and other Republicans. (Dec. 7)

27.02.2016 - 11:59 [ Atlantic ]

Gov. Christie‘s Righteous Defense of a Muslim Judge

(5.8.2011) As a lawyer, Sohail Mohammed represented Muslims rounded up by the FBI in the aftermath of 9/11. In doing so, he earned the respect of New Jersey law enforcement, who appreciated his efforts to facilitate cooperation with the state‘s Muslim population and to ratchet down community tension. One of his fans, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, was so impressed by the judge that he offered him a judicial appointment.

27.02.2016 - 09:12 [ Zeit ]

Frankreich: „Merkel ist zu weit gegangen“

„Nein, Angela Merkel ist nicht naiv. Nein, sie hat keinen historischen Fehler begangen. Nein, sie hat Europa nicht gefährdet, sie hat Europa gerettet.“ So kommentiert ein vielbeachteter Aufruf sozialistischer Abgeordneter und Intellektueller unter Federführung von Jacques-Delors-Tochter Martine Aubry in dieser Woche die Politik der Bundeskanzlerin.
Die ehemalige Parteichefin der Sozialisten Aubry wehrt sich damit ausdrücklich gegen die Kanzlerinnen-Schelte von Premierminister Valls.

27.02.2016 - 08:31 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Updated-Security Council adopts resolution No. 2268 on cessation of combat activities in Syria

The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted resolution No. 2268 on cessation of combat activities in Syria.

The council reiterated commitment to Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, voicing support to settle the crisis in Syria through the UN, based on Geneva Statement and Vienna declarations.

Members of the Council called on UN Secretary General and his Special Envoy for Syria to resume the Syrian-Syrian dialogue as soon as possible.

27.02.2016 - 05:15 [ Hurriyet Daily News ]

IMC TV satellite broadcast blacked out

The satellite broadcast of IMC TV was blacked out on Feb. 24, following a public prosecutor’s demand that its frequency be cut for “making terror organization propaganda.”

27.02.2016 - 05:10 [ Raumfahrer ]

Russland: Kwangmyongsong 4 aus Nordkorea arbeitet

Oberst Andrej Kaljuta von der Weltraumüberwachung der russischen Luft- und Weltraum-Streitkräfte (VKS, Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Sily / Воздушно-космические силы) berichtete laut CASSAD.NET, der Start eines nordkoreanischen Spionagesatelliten sei erfolgreich gewesen, der Satellit habe den vorgesehenen Orbit erreicht und seine Ausrüstung funktioniere.

27.02.2016 - 04:57 [ The New York Times ]

Japan Lost Nearly a Million People in 5 Years, Census Says

apan’s population shrank by nearly a million during the last half-decade, official census figures confirmed on Friday, an unprecedented drop for a society not ravaged by war or other deadly crisis, and one that helps explain the country’s persistent economic woes.

27.02.2016 - 03:16 [ Reporters sans frontières (RSF) ]

Can Dündar faces life imprisonment for informing the public!

As a result of an energetic campaign both in Turkey and internationally, Dündar and Gül were freed on 25 February, after the Constitutional Court ruled that their provisional detention violated their fundamental rights.(…)
They are still facing possible life sentences (with no provision for a pardon) on charges of spying and complicity in terrorism.
The trial will begin on 25 March. RSF will be there, at the side of these two information heroes.

27.02.2016 - 02:55 [ Varsity ]

The luxury of Free-Speech

The consequences of campaigning for free speech are more severe because it can led to monitoring, blacklisting and other limits to your own freedom. It is little wonder that few are brave enough to make that stand.
Free speech means very little if you do not stand up for everyone affected. None of these movements have spoken about how Muslims are being affected too.

27.02.2016 - 02:38 [ Daily Mail ]

So much for rise of the machines: Mercedes replaces robots with PEOPLE on its assembly line after they struggle to make custom cars

The German car company is laying off the machine staff and hiring people to assemble its customized luxury vehicles.
With the ability to choose from a variety of different design features, it robots were unable to keep up in making the cars and the firm learned that it is actually cheaper to employ humans.
‚Robots can‘t deal with the degree of individualization and the many variants that we have today,‘ Markus Schaefer, the German automaker‘s head of production, said at its factory in Sindelfingen, the anchor of the Daimler AG unit‘s global manufacturing network.

27.02.2016 - 02:20 [ Common Dreams ]

Trade Officials Promised Exxon That TTIP Will Erase Environmental ‚Obstacles‘ Worldwide

(23.Februar) Heavily redacted documents pertaining to an October 2013 meeting, obtained by the Guardian and reported on Tuesday, reveal that then-trade commissioner Karel de Gucht met with two officials from ExxonMobil‘s EU and U.S. divisions to address the benefits of the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).