Daily Archives: 28. September 2015

28.09.2015 - 21:25 [ Reuters ]

Xi says China „will never pursue hegemony“

Responding to concerns over its growing military might and territorial disputes in the Asia-Pacific region, China‘s President Xi Jinping told the United Nations General Assembly on Monday that “China will never pursue hegemony, expansion, or sphere of influence“. Xi also pledged 8,000 troops for a U.N. peacekeeping standby force.

28.09.2015 - 19:57 [ Truthout ]

Chevron May Yet Have to Pay Billions for Its Ecuadorian Catastrophe

After a biased New York judge blocked a ruling by an Ecuadorian court that Chevron must pay a $15 billion fine for, among other things, dumping 18 billion gallons of toxic waste into the Amazon‘s waterways, the Ecuadorians appealed to Canada‘s Supreme Court. On September 4, this court rejected Chevron‘s attempt to get the fine blocked there, too. The decision means that the lawsuit may proceed.

28.09.2015 - 19:56 [ Weißes Haus ]

Remarks by President Obama to the United Nations General Assembly

We know that ISIL — which emerged out of the chaos of Iraq and Syria — depends on perpetual war to survive. But we also know that they gain adherents because of a poisonous ideology. So part of our job, together, is to work to reject such extremism that infects too many of our young people. Part of that effort must be a continued rejection by Muslims of those who distort Islam to preach intolerance and promote violence, and it must also a rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror. (Applause.)

28.09.2015 - 19:49 [ World Socialist Web Site ]

French railways guilty of discrimination against Moroccan workers

On September 21, the French National Railway Company (SNCF) was convicted in the labour courts of wrongful discrimination against workers of Moroccan origin, most of whom are now retired. The court found that 832 elderly workers were systematically discriminated against “in the execution of the work contract and in the retirement rights”.

28.09.2015 - 19:44 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Zynische Optionen

Der deutsche Außenminister beteiligt sich diese Woche in New York an Gesprächen über einen möglichen Interessenabgleich der Großmächte im Syrien-Krieg. Hintergrund sind parallel verlaufende Entwicklungen, die eine Beendigung oder zumindest ein Einfrieren des Kriegs für die westlichen Staaten als angeraten erscheinen lassen. Russland erstarkt und kann im Mittleren Osten nicht mehr ignoriert werden.

28.09.2015 - 17:48 [ RT Deutsch ]

Einnahme von Moskau muss verschoben werden – US-Marines trainieren Häuserkampf und versagen kläglich

Eine Einheit des 6. Regiments der US-Marines trainiert derzeit zusammen mit den Königlichen Marinesoldaten der britische Armee Häuserkampf auf dem Trainingsgelände Follingsby Park in Gatesheads, im Nordosten Englands. Doch der Versuch der Marines, im Rahmen der Übung ein Haus zu stürmen, scheitert schon beim Wurf der Rauchgranate.

28.09.2015 - 17:42 [ RT Deutsch ]

Friedensbewegung reloaded: Kriegsgegner mobilisieren erfolgreich zum Protest nach Ramstein

Rund 1.500 Demonstranten beteiligten sich am Samstag an der Demonstration „Stopp Ramstein – Kein Drohnenkrieg!“ vor dem abgelegenen US-Militärstützpunkt in der Pfalz. Die Protestaktion war auch ein Gradmesser für den Zustand der Friedensbewegung in Deutschland. Nach dem Wochenende ist klar: Mit dem Bündnis kann wieder gerechnet werden. Auch wenn deutsche Medien den Protest entweder gezielt verschweigen oder wie der SWR die Teilnehmerzahl in geradezu grotesk manipulativer Weise mit „unter 100″ angegeben hat.

28.09.2015 - 17:25 [ RT ]

Putin to UN: Export of so-called democratic revolutions continues globally

The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA.

He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, “but how did that turn out?”

He said that instead of triumph of democracy “we have violence and social disaster,” where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life.

28.09.2015 - 16:31 [ Golem ]

Google will weiterhin nicht für Snippets zahlen

Google bezeichnet die Snippets als positiv für die Verlage: „Wir zahlen daher nicht für Snippets, arbeiten aber weiter gern mit den Verlegern zusammen, um Leser zu ihren Artikeln zu leiten, ihre Marken online zu stärken und digitalen Journalismus zu fördern.“

Experten bezweifeln, dass die in der VG Media organisierten Verlage durch das Leistungsschutzrecht tatsächlich nennenswerte Erlöse erzielten.

28.09.2015 - 13:41 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Climate scientists can restart the climate change debate & win: test the models!

Summary; Public policy about climate change has become politicized and gridlocked after 26 years of large-scale advocacy. We cannot even prepare for a repeat of past extreme weather. We can whine and bicker about who to blame. Or we can find ways to restart the debate. Here is the next of a series about the latter path, for anyone interested in walking it. Climate scientists can take an easy and potentially powerful step to build public confidence: re-run the climate models from the first 3 IPCC reports with actual data (from their future): how well did they predict global temperatures?

28.09.2015 - 13:41 [ James Risen / Heise.de ]

USA: Der nationale Sicherheitsapparat wurde zur Dauereinrichtung

(14.September) Regierungsmacht lässt sich, einmal angehäuft, nur schwer wieder aufgeben, auch Obama erlag rasch der Versuchung. Er verkündete, er wolle „nach vorn blicken, nicht zurück“, und sprach sich gegen umfassende neue Untersuchungen des Einsatzes von Folter, der rechtswidrigen Gefangenenüberstellungen, der geheimdienstlichen Ausspähung amerikanischer Bürger im Inland und anderer möglicher strafbarer Handlungen des Regierungsapparats unter George Bush aus.

28.09.2015 - 13:40 [ Techdirt ]

Senate Intelligence Committee Forced To Drop ‚Terrorist-Activity‘ Reporting Requirements For Social Media Platforms

(23.September) Less than three months after announcing it was considering turning major social media platforms into unpaid government informants, the Senate Intelligence Committee is dropping its proposed requirement that Facebook, Twitter, etc. report „terrorist activity“ to designated agencies.

Well, „dropping“ is the polite phrasing. It‘s actually been forced to give up this demand (by one of the more rational members of the SIC, Ron Wyden) to ensure it gets its intelligence funding bill passed. As Wyden points out, social media entities should be in the business of social media, not acting as under-equipped stand-ins for law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

28.09.2015 - 13:39 [ zentralplus.ch ]

5 Tote Soldaten in Berg-Karabach

(26.September) Im Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan um die Region Berg-Karabach im Südkaukasus sind mindestens 5 Soldaten bei Gefechten ums Leben gekommen. Laut dem aserbaidschanischen Aussenministerium handelt es sich dabei um vier Armenier und einen Aserbaidschaner.

28.09.2015 - 13:37 [ Trend.az ]

Azerbaijani armed forces eliminate seven Armenian servicemen

The attempts of Armenian armed forces to become active were prevented as a result of the proactive measures taken by the Azerbaijani armed forces’ units on the contact line of the two countries’ armies on Sept.27-28, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said.

As a result, Azerbaijani armed forces eliminated seven Armenian servicemen, said the ministry.
Additionally, a large number of Armenian servicemen got injured.

28.09.2015 - 11:48 [ New York Times ]

2 Are Killed in West Bank as Jewish and Muslim Holidays Approach

(22.September) The European activist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his employers do not permit him to talk to reporters, provided photographs of the episode. One showed a soldier pointing his weapon at Ms. Hashlamoun, and another showed her lying on the ground.

He said a soldier had asked Ms. Hashlamoun to open her bag for inspection. “When she was opening at her bag, he began shouting: ‘Stop! Stop! Stop! Don’t move! Don’t move!’ ” the activist said. “She was trying to show him what was inside her bag, but the soldier shot her once, and then shot her again.”

The activist said three or four other soldiers had raced to the scene and also fired.

28.09.2015 - 11:47 [ Deutsch-Türkisches Journal ]

Tödlicher Vorfall im Westjordanland: Israel: Polizisten erschießen vollverschleierte Palästinenserin

(23.September) Im Westjordanland in Israel haben israelische Sicherheitskräfte eine 18-jährige palästinensische Frau erschossen.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich am Dienstag. Das berichtet die Daily Mail, die auch Fotos veröffentlichte. Darauf sind die vollverschleierte Frau und zwei Soldaten zu sehen, wie sie ihre Waffe auf die Passantin richten.

28.09.2015 - 11:44 [ Mondo Weiss ]

For the ‘New York Times,’ #PalestinianLivesDoNotMatter

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Let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s say a young Jewish woman dressed in Orthodox clothing was shot dead by uniformed Palestinian policemen somewhere in the West Bank. Let’s say that several eyewitnesses said the woman — we’ll call her Anna Agustovsky — had done nothing wrong except to possibly misunderstand orders that the Palestinian police had barked in Arabic. There were photos of one policeman leveling his automatic weapon at Anna, and more photos as she lay on the ground after they shot her. A few days later, Amnesty International, citing the many witnesses, called the killing “an extrajudicial execution.”

Would the New York Times continue to ignore the story? Or would there be wall-to-wall coverage?

28.09.2015 - 11:43 [ Reuters ]

Russia seizes initiative in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin derided U.S. efforts to end the Syria war, which has driven a tide of refugees into neighboring states and Europe.

He said Moscow, which this month sent tanks and warplanes to a Russian military base in Syria, was itself trying to create a „coordinated framework“ to resolve the conflict.

28.09.2015 - 11:39 [ Trend.az ]

Rouhani calls for enhanced ties with Japan

He made the remarks during a meeting here on Sunday with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during which they exchanged views on enhancement of bilateral cooperation.

28.09.2015 - 11:38 [ Trend.az ]

Iran rejects media claims on its diplomat missing in Saudi Arabia

Iran’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham has rejected some media reports about a visit of the former Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi to Saudi Arabia under a fake name.

She said that the Iranian diplomat, who is still missing following the crush in Saudi Arabia’s Mecca on Sept. 24, had entered Saudi Arabia with a regular passport Iran ’s official IRNA news agency reported Sept. 28.

28.09.2015 - 07:31 [ n-tv ]

Unfreiwillige Allianzen, schizophrene Interessen: Warum Frankreich den Iran-Deal platzen ließ

(12.November 2013) Irans Außenminister Jawad Sarif twitterte lakonisch, an seinen US-amerikanischen Kollegen Kerry gerichtet: „Herr Minister, war es der Iran, der Donnerstagnacht den Entwurf der USA demontierte? Und der am Freitagmorgen öffentlich dagegen Stellung bezog?“ Das spielte auf eine im Alleingang gehaltene Pressekonferenz von Fabius an. Aus Sicht des Iraners haben ganz klar die Franzosen die Einigung sabotiert, und das offenbar mit einem kräftigen Anschub aus Israel.

28.09.2015 - 07:13 [ Kurier.at ]

Putin und Obama suchen Syrien-Strategie

Doch Obama, glauben russische Beobachter, werde versuchen, Putin für eine internationale Koalition gegen das Terrornetzwerk „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) zu gewinnen. Moskau, so ein hochrangiger Diplomat, sei „unter bestimmten Bedingungen“ dazu bereit. Explizit nannte er ein Mandat des UN-Sicherheitsrats für Anwendung militärischer Gewalt gegen IS.