Daily Archives: 5. September 2015

05.09.2015 - 22:37 [ Space ]

The Moon Hits a Cosmic Bull‘s Eye Tonight: How to See It

The moon will appear 52-percent illuminated and be just hours before it reaches last quarter phase. If the bright star Aldebaran isn‘t right next to the moon, it may be directly behind the lunar disk and about to pop back out. In a sense this can be called an „eclipse“ of Aldebaran by the moon, although the proper term for this celestial event is an „occultation.“

05.09.2015 - 21:35 [ Common Dreams ]

CENTCOM Document Reveals Coalition‘s Hidden Civilian Carnage in Syria and Iraq

The previously-secret 14-page file – obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by journalist Joseph Trevithick for War Is Boring – offers a rare insight into internal military workings. It also makes clear that the US and its 12 international allies have long known of significant allegations of civilians killed in some 6,500 airstrikes – far more than the two deaths presently admitted to.

05.09.2015 - 19:53 [ Press TV ]

Protest in front of White House against Saudi king‘s visit

Saudi Arabia launched its military aggression against Yemen on March 26 – without a UN mandate – in an effort to undermine Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement, whose fighters forced the US-backed president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, into exile.

The United States has more than doubled the number of its military staff “providing intelligence, munitions and midair refueling” for Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes on Yemen, according to The Los Angeles Times.

In addition, US warships have also helped enforce a naval blockade in the Gulf of Aden and southern Arabian Sea.

However, human rights groups say the blockade has hindered imports of basic commodities, including food and fuel, to the impoverished nation.

05.09.2015 - 19:45 [ Al Arabiya ]

Morocco’s ruling Islamists win regional polls

Morocco’s Islamists came first in regional elections seen as a test of their popularity after nearly four years in power, but trailed the liberal opposition in municipal polls, results showed Saturday.

05.09.2015 - 14:39 [ Radio Utopie ]

Unsere September Musikcharts

In den monatlich erscheinenden Radio Utopie Musikcharts mit 20 Titeln unter Creative Commons (CC) Lizenz, über die ihr selbst abstimmen könnt, finden sich im September mit „Bryan Art – Knowledge Is The Power“ und LukHash – The Other Side wieder zwei interessante Neuvorstellungen.

05.09.2015 - 13:59 [ Reuters ]

EU nears decision on labelling products from Israeli settlements

The European Union will soon decide on labelling rules to inform consumers if imported Israeli products come from Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, the EU‘s top diplomat said on Saturday.
Some EU countries, including Britain, already issue guidance to shops so consumers can see if goods are made in the settlements that most countries consider illegal, rather than within Israel‘s recognised borders.

05.09.2015 - 12:18 [ Digitalcourage e.V. / Radio Utopie ]

BND an der Kette: „Sie verlassen den demokratischen Sektor“

Matthias Spielkamp, Vorstandsmitglied von Reporter ohne Grenzen: „Der BND ist ganz offensichtlich unkontrollierbar geworden. Sein Präsident vertritt offensiv Rechtsauffassungen, die dem Grundgesetz widersprechen und zum Beispiel dazu führen, dass die Kommunikation von Journalisten unerlaubt überwacht damit der Quellenschutz ausgehöhlt wird. Das ist für eine Demokratie inakzeptabel. Vor allem kann es nicht einem Geheimdienst überlassen bleiben, Recht und Gesetz für sich auszulegen. Doch die Regierung ist offenbar nicht willens oder in der Lage, den BND in seine Schranken zu weisen. Daher haben Reporter ohne Grenzen Klage erhoben und sind zuversichtlich, dass die Gerichte dem BND – und damit auch dem Kanzleramt – die Grenzen aufzeigen werden.“

05.09.2015 - 12:11 [ Sic Semper Tyrannis ]

Russian Expeditionary Force in Syria – Another possible explanation

What came out of these talks – or should we say negotiations ? – is only rumour, but this rumour has it that a deal was struck for the nomination of a new intelligence chief, if a ceasefire and transitional phase are indeed implemented. The man for that job is supposedly no other than General Mustafa Tlass, formerly a close associate of the al-Assad clan, who jumped ship in 2011 but never formally sided with the rebels. He has been living in France ever since he left Syria.

05.09.2015 - 11:53 [ Jacobin ]

Don’t Count on Merkel

So for all their recent humanism and outrage at the ugly scenes brewing in Germany’s small towns, it was the grand coalition of Social Democrats and Christian Democrats who laid the ideological groundwork for this explosion.

05.09.2015 - 11:43 [ Week ]

Hinkley point owners confirm nuclear delay

Hinkley Point has also been criticised for its massive cost – which is to be part financed by loans from China that are yet to be agreed – and long-term price guarantees for the electricity generated, which some analysts have argued are excessive. The OECD says that the UK‘s projected nuclear costs are the highest in the world.

05.09.2015 - 11:35 [ Junge Welt ]

Das Eigenleben stören

»Wir fordern von der Bundesregierung, die rückhaltlose Aufklärung aller BND–Skandale im Interesse der Glaubwürdigkeit unserer Demokratie voranzutreiben und alle geheimdienstlichen Verstöße gegen das Grundrecht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung und auf Achtung der Privatsphäre vollständig einzustellen und zu ahnden«, schreiben die Aktivisten in der Ankündigung. Schließlich sei der BND »tief verstrickt in die massenhafte Überwachung der Kommunikation durch internationale Geheimdienste« und verletze die im Grundgesetz verbrieften Rechte, moniert die ILM weiter.

05.09.2015 - 11:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

Neu in der Radio Utopie Titelgalerie: The Bourgeois – Perverting The American Dream

Im August habt ihr zum dritten Mal in Folge The Bourgeois an die Spitze der monatlichen CC Musikcharts von Radio Utopie gewählt. Damit zieht die Band aus Tulsa, U.S.A., die erkennbar beeinflusst ist von Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths und Violent Femmes, mit „Perverting the American Dream“ in die Titelgalerie unserer Charts ein.

The Bourgeois haben zum Song ein Video veröffentlicht, welches man als ebenso gelungen wie die Musik bezeichnen kann.

05.09.2015 - 10:49 [ Free Music Archive ]

Radius PATCH 13: Resistance

Radius PATCH is a series of curated playlists selected from the Radius episode archive. Each playlist is organized around a specific topic or theme that engages the tonal and public spaces of the electromagnetic spectrum. PATCH serves as a platform to illuminate the questions, concerns, and complexities of and within radio-based art practices.

05.09.2015 - 10:49 [ The Independent ]

BBC to face down Vladimir Putin with plan for new World Service Russian TV channel

A BBC source said: “This is about Britain’s place in the world. It is above the politics of the debates about the BBC’s future. Other news outlets are growing globally, and many do not share our traditions and values. The BBC has never been impartial on the importance of democracy and a free press. We have a strong commitment to uphold global democracy though accurate, impartial and independent news. That’s why the BBC World Service is such a trusted and in some cases revered news source. There should no longer be any no-go countries for the World Service – it is Britain’s impartial voice to the world.”

The BBC spent £254m on the World Service last year, 6% of the licence fee. The source said the BBC accepted “that there are limits to how much British households can be expected to fund news for other countries around the world.”

05.09.2015 - 10:26 [ Machtdose ]

Podcast August 2015

A lot of fantastic albums came up in the last few weeks. And a lot of songs that also have something to tell (means: good lyrics). Enjoy this late delivery for this month!

05.09.2015 - 10:07 [ Zero Hedge ]

Putin: Assad Would „Accept“ Snap Elections To Avoid „Total Chaos“

Now obviously, the idea that somehow Syria is going to be able to organize and carry out any kind of elections amid the violence is beyond ridiculous or, as Sami Nader, head of the Beirut-based Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs politely puts it, „how can you organize a fair election in a country that’s shattered by war, with no security, fair electoral law or freedoms?”(…)
In the end, the more likely scenario is, as we‘ve always predicted, that the Assad regime falls and (very) shortly thereafter, US marines storm in to „liberate“ Damascus at which point a puppet government will be installed – a puppet government which will coincidentally see the utility in allowing the Qatar-Turkey pipeline to be run through Syria.

05.09.2015 - 09:47 [ Schweiz Magazin ]

Eliten bereiten sich auf Flucht vor

(3.September) Robert Johnson, Präsident des „Institute of New Economic Thinking“, sagte den Anwesenden auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos, dass viele Hedgefonds-Manager bereits ihre Fluchten planen würden. Er sagte: „Ich weiss, dass Hedgefonds-Manager auf der ganzen Welt Landebahnen und Bauernhöfe in Ländern wie Neuseeland kaufen, weil sie denken, dass sie einen „Kurzurlaub“ bräuchten.“

05.09.2015 - 08:47 [ Cindy Sheehan ]

„What is, Is.“ by Cindy Sheehan

Even if I hadn‘t become an internationally (in)famous peace activist, I still never would have been the same after my oldest child, my son, Casey was killed in another Imperial war for profit and domination of natural resources.

If a person hasn‘t had the dreadful experience of being „regretfully“ (yeah, right) informed that he/she has unnaturally outlived a child, I will try to explain it to you: it‘s like having your heart ripped out of your chest, spindled, mutilated, stomped on, yet, somehow, you survive that profound shock.

05.09.2015 - 08:45 [ New York Times ]

Germany and Sweden Are Said to Help Make Afghan ‘Kill Decisions’

But the two senior officials said that the issue, which has not been publicly disclosed previously, has been quietly increasing tensions between the American military and its NATO and other allies. And the accusations are likely to cause a particular stir in Germany, where constitutional rules forbid offensive military operations in most cases and where human rights groups have joined lawsuits that alleged even indirect German assistance for American drone strikes.

05.09.2015 - 08:43 [ Heise.de ]

Deutsche Offiziere sollen direkt an US-Tötungsmissionen in Afghanistan beteiligt gewesen sein

Die New York Times berichtet, dass an den meist mit bewaffneten Drohnen durchgeführten Tötungsmissionen von mutmaßlichen Aufständischen in Afghanistan Schweden und Deutschland direkt beteiligt gewesen seien. Der Hinweis käme von zwei Regierungsmitarbeitern, die Kenntnis von dem Programm haben, aber nicht namentlich genannt werden.

05.09.2015 - 08:35 [ Süddeutsche ]

Verräterische Datenspuren

Im digitalen Zeitalter muss der Schutz von Informanten der Presse grundsätzlich besser geregelt werden. Journalisten sollten, wenn es um den Umgang mit Daten geht, per Gesetz genau so behandelt werden wie Rechtsanwälte oder Seelsorger.

05.09.2015 - 08:04 [ Handelszeitung ]

G20-Staaten finden kaum gemeinsame Antworten

Die führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer (G20) tun sich schwer mit ihrer Antwort auf zwei grosse Herausforderungen für die Weltwirtschaft. Sowohl zur Zinspolitik als auch den von China ausgehenden Konjunkturrisiken wird beim Treffen der G20-Finanzminister und -Notenbankchefs im türkischen Ankara hart um eine gemeinsame Linie gerungen.

05.09.2015 - 04:44 [ Guardian ]

Alaskan woman steals police car with husband handcuffed in back

An Alaskan woman accused of stealing a police car with her husband handcuffed in the back seat faces several charges including theft and hindering prosecution, troopers said on Friday.
The woman slipped into the patrol’s car and drove off on Wednesday while a state trooper was engaged with a passing motorist on an unrelated topic, a trooper dispatch report said.

05.09.2015 - 04:03 [ Progressive ]


Armed with firearms and a law book, back in 1966 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale boldly patrolled Oakland’s mean streets, confronting the police over their treatment – or mistreatment – of Black people. Insisting on their second amendment right to bear arms and that the so-called “pigs” must obey the letter of the law when interacting with African Americans, their brazen defiance set them on a collision course with the Oakland Police Department, the FBI, the Nixon administration and COINTELPRO (the FBI’s counterinsurgency program designed to splinter the he Black Panthers, the Communist Party, and other social and political movements in the U.S.

05.09.2015 - 03:47 [ Moon of Alabama ]

More Saudi Losses In Yemen, Washington Warns Riyadh To Tow Its Line

The U.S.-Saudi-UAE campaign against Yemen has failed to achieve its aims. While the bombing of Yemen continues and the nation is blockaded an all sides the losses on the Saudi side are also increasing.
The UAE attack from the south is now stuck in Taiz and skirmishes there continue. Strong UAE lobbying power in Washington does not make up for a lack of military capacity. The attack from the north-east towards Sanaa is stuck in Marib.

05.09.2015 - 03:36 [ Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ]

Vom Roboter gepflegt werden? Für jeden Vierten vorstellbar

(24.August) Roboter in der Pflege, Implantate für eine bessere Gedächtnisleistung – viele Deutsche haben wenige Berührungsängste, wenn es um visionäre Medizintechnik geht. Das geht aus dem ZukunftsMonitor „Gesundheit neu denken“ hervor – einer repräsentativen Befragung, die das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) in Auftrag gegeben hat.

05.09.2015 - 02:51 [ MintPress ]

Puritanically Radical, Radically Puritanical: Saudi Arabia’s Religious Cleansing Policy Expands Through ME

If, as Black noted, money and power saw fit in the early 20th century to elevate eugenics from a concept to a philosophy and a movement, is it so difficult to imagine that fascism morphed into a new expression of hate?
After all, both eugenists and Wahhabis follow the same elitist philosophy of cleansing, the former based on racial superiority, the latter sectarianism.

05.09.2015 - 02:08 [ Rudaw ]

Canadian media reports up to 27 civilians killed in Canada airstrike in Iraq

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Up to 27 bystander civilians may have been killed by Canadian airstrikes in the north of Iraq, Canadian media outlets quoting US military officials are reporting.
The CBC claimed that it has obtained a Pentagon document that raised questions about the quality of the investigation conducted by coalition forces into an allegation that 27 civilians lost their lives because of an airstrike carried out by Canadian CF-18 fighter jets at a key highway near Mosul in late January 2015.

05.09.2015 - 01:59 [ South Asian Media ]

Sri Lanka Central Bank receives $1.1 bn from RBI

Sri Lanka Central Bank received 1.1 billion dollars from the Reserve Bank of India, under the currency swap agreement between the two reserve banks.
Consequent to the signing of a special currency swap agreement for USD 1.1 billion by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) with the Reserve Bank of India on 17 July 2015, the CBSL has received USD 1.1 billion, a statement said.

05.09.2015 - 01:48 [ Haveeru.mv ]

Lawmakers, journalists get SMS death threats

The text messages sent to some lawmakers warned that if they failed to vote against the anti-terrorism bill they will face the same fate as opposition lawyer Mahfooz Saeed who was injured after being stabbed earlier Friday.
The SMS sent to the journalists said „all journalists will be killed“ and to consider it as a warning to all.
The video called on the government to stop harassing former human rights envoy Ibrahim ‚Sandhaanu‘ Luthfee and stop trying to force him to return to the Maldives.

05.09.2015 - 01:42 [ Japan Times ]

Opposition leaders pledge last-ditch efforts to block security bills

The six opposition parties involved include the Democratic Party of Japan, Ishin no To (Japan Innovation Party), and the Japanese Communist Party. Their leaders plan to hold talks again next week to discuss what they can do, including submitting a motion of no confidence against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “There is no doubt that the more opposition parties get together, the stronger the power,” DPJ President Katsuya Okada told reporters followingtalks in the Diet building.

05.09.2015 - 01:41 [ NYT ]

Germany and Sweden Are Said to Help Make Afghan ‘Kill Decisions’

The other senior official, who similarly spoke on the condition of anonymity, said: “This is the last thing NATO wanted to be involved in, but the Americans seemed to want everyone in on it. I guess they felt it gave them political cover.”
“They were sitting around there giving thumbs up or down, like gladiators in a stadium,” the second official said. “While it was meant to be a protection against civilian casualties, it made some of them very uncomfortable, particularly the Germans.”
While Germany has a significant contingent still in Afghanistan, it has always observed rules about avoiding engagement in offensive combat operations, which is forbidden by German constitutional law, with some narrowly defined exceptions.

05.09.2015 - 01:38 [ Japan Times ]

Ex-Supreme Court chief justice raps Abe’s security reforms

Shigeru Yamaguchi, a former chief justice of the Supreme Court, has described Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s security bills to bolster the role of Japanese forces abroad as going against the country’s pacifist Constitution.

“I would have to say the legislation to exercise the right to collective self-defense is unconstitutional,” Yamaguchi said Thursday during an interview. It is the first time a former chief justice has made such a remark.