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Daily Archives: 21. April 2015
Islamistische Boko Haram in Nigeria: Noch kein „totaler Krieg“
(22.Mai 2014) Frankreich will seine Militärpräsenz im Sahel neu ordnen und mit seinen afrikanischen Partnern die Islamisten in Nigeria bekämpfen – irgendwann.
Vollmundig hatten die Präsidenten Nigerias und seiner Nachbarländer Tschad, Kamerun, Niger und Benin am vergangenen Wochenende in Paris zusammen mit Frankreich den „totalen Krieg“ gegen die nigerianische Islamistengruppe Boko Haram versprochen.
Nigeria: Frankreich und Israel wollen helfen, die entführten Mädchen zu finden
Nachdem die USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich bereits Experten nach Nigeria entsandten, schlug Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande ein Gipfeltreffen afrikanischer Staatschefs zur Bedrohung durch die Islamistengruppe Boko Haram vor.
Washington Sends Military Personnel to Nigeria
(8.Mai 2014) The Pentagon announced Wednesday that it is dispatching a team of US military advisers to Nigeria to aid the government of President Goodluck Jonathan in rescuing over 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram, which has threatened to sell them into slavery.
12-jähriger Terrorkrieg: „Intervention“ auch in Nigeria bahnt sich an, nach üblichem Szenario (irgendwelche Al-Ibis).
(28.September 2013)
INSIGHT-Nigeria‘s „war on terror“ wins tentative support
(25.Mai 2013) Nuradin Mohammed used to resent and fear the troops who swept past his fish stall in this northeast Nigerian city on the trail of Islamist insurgents Boko Haram. Now, for the first time, he thinks they may be on his side.
U.S. military trains African armies ahead of Boko Haram campaign
(25. Februar) Chad is sending hundreds of troops to fight Boko Haram in neighboring Nigeria as part of a regional offensive against the Islamist group, which killed an estimated 10,000 people last year in a campaign to carve an Islamic emirate from the north of Africa‘s largest oil producer.
Muhammadu Buhari: President-elect promises not to abandon war against Boko Haram
President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari has promised that his government will continue the fight against terrorist sect, Boko Haram.
Buhari also stated that the multinational force, involving Cameroon, Niger and Chad, which was formed to combat the sect would continue operations during his regime.
The President-elect made the statement on Monday, April 20, during a visit to his home in Kaduna State by the government and people of Borno State.
Readout of the Vice President’s Call with Nigerian President Jonathan
(20. April) Vice President Biden spoke today with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan to commend him for his leadership in ensuring Nigeria’s recent elections were peaceful and orderly. The Vice President noted that President Jonathan’s actions to accept the results and congratulate President-elect Buhari, as well as his steps to date to ensure a successful transition, have strengthened Nigeria’s democracy and set a strong example for Africa and the world. The Vice President encouraged President Jonathan to remain engaged and play a leadership role in global issues after his presidency ends.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Holds Briefing for Chinese and Foreign Media on President Xi Jinping‘s State Visit to Pakistan and Attendance of the Asian-African Summit and Activities Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Bandung Conference
On April 17, 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a briefing for Chinese and foreign media, during which Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin and Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao briefed on President Xi Jinping‘s upcoming state visit to Pakistan and attendance of the Asian-African Summit and activities commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference in Indonesia, and answered questions from the journalists.
Rede und Antworten des Außenministers Russlands, Sergej Lawrow, bei einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz nach den Verhandlungen mit dem Außenminister der Republik Chile, Heraldo Muñoz, am 20 April 2015 in Moskau
Die Verhandlungen mit meinem chilenischen Kollegen Heraldo Muñoz waren inhaltsreich und konstruktiv. Wir erörterten aktuelle bilaterale und internationale Fragen, vor allem bei der Umsetzung der Vereinbarungen, die vom Präsidenten Russlands, Wladimir Putin, und der Präsidentin Chiles, Michelle Bachelet, bei ihren Treffen im vergangenen Jahr in Brasilien und China erreicht wurden.
Es wurde eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung unseres Dialogs festgestellt. Es wurde vereinbart, zusätzliche Schritte in diesem Bereich zu unternehmen, darunter der bereits unterzeichnete Kooperationsplan zwischen den Außenministerien beider Länder. Es wurde der Verlauf der Umsetzung der Beschlüsse besprochen, die im vergangenen Jahr bei der Sitzung der Regierungskommission für die handelswirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit angenommen wurden. Es freut uns, dass die chilenische Wirtschaft ein wachsendes Interesse an dem russischen Markt zeigt.
No: 124, 20 April 2015, Press Release Regarding the Attack Perpetrated in Somalia
We believe that this heinous attack targeting Puntland, which is a peaceful and stable region in Somalia, will not affect the recent positive developments in general of Somalia.
French President Meets Cuban Foreign Minister
French President François Hollande met today with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, who is on an official visit to this country.
Pro-Kurdish party vows to be ‚nightmare‘ for Turkey‘s Erdogan
Unveiling a leftist election manifesto which reaches beyond its Kurdish grassroots, the HDP also demanded greater rights for women and minorities in Turkey while reaffirming its support for ending a 30-year conflict between the state and Kurdish rebels.
„Our manifesto is the sultan‘s nightmare and the dream of all the peoples of Turkey. They have started to see nightmares and they will see a lot more,“
Offener Brief an die Jüdische Allgemeine
Sehr geehrter Herr Kauschke,
mitten in der Vorbereitung unseres alljährlichen Kongresses müssen wir uns mit einer von Ihrer Zeitung begonnenen Kampagne gegen uns wehren. Es erfüllt uns mit Empörung und Trauer, dass auch Sie versuchen, unseren Kongress zu verhindern. Sie setzen Behauptungen in die Welt, die Sie weder belegen können noch wahrscheinlich selber glauben. Die Erstinformation zu Ihrem Beitrag stammt höchstwahrscheinlich von der Direktorin des Berliner AJC, dem American Jewish Committee, Frau Deidre Berger, die auch schon 2011 versucht hat, das jährliche Treffen der Palästinenser Europas in Wuppertal zu verhindern.
The grave danger of derailing the Iran deal — an interview with Chas Freeman
Charles W. “Chas” Freeman Jr. is an author and career diplomat who served as ambassador to Saudi Arabia, assistant Secretary of Defense, and assistant Secretary of State among many other jobs. He was famous for serving as principal interpreter on Nixon’s historic trip to China in 1972 and for being chosen by the Obama administration to be director of National Intelligence Council in 2009, an appointment so vigorously opposed by Israel supporters that Freeman withdrew. This interview was conducted by phone, with additions by email.
Chas, you said in an email that your concern about the congressional push against the Iran deal is broader than just Middle East issues.
Israel‘s High Court blasts state for giving Palestinian-owned land to settlers
Following a blunt verbal attack on the state’s actions over the course of decades, the High Court of Justice ordered it Monday to show cause why it should not return land in the Jordan Valley to its Palestinian owners, and why those owners should not be permitted to cultivate it.
Name of Palestinian teen killed in revenge slaying added to Israel’s terror victims list
Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the Palestinian teenager who was kidnapped and burned alive by Jews in a revenge killing, was recognized as a terror victim on Israel’s national memorial.
Khdeir’s name was added to the Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial at Mount Herzl and also appears on the government’s official list of terror victims.
Two air strikes in Yemen kill at least 40 people, mostly civilians
Two air strikes in Yemen on Tuesday killed at least 40 people, most of them civilians and wounded dozens of others, medical sources said.
Azerbaijan, Iran to establish military co-op workgroup – ambassador
Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan paid an official visit to Baku on April 20 and discussed the issues related to the bilateral cooperation in military sphere, as well as latest regional developments with senior Azerbaijani officials.
Forscher empfehlen Widerstand
(19.4.) `Galten Mietrückstände noch vor ein paar Jahren vor allem als ärgerlicher Einnahmeverlust, sehen viele EigentümerInnen in Mietrückständen inzwischen eine Chance, durch eine Räumungsklage den MieterInnenwechsel zu forcieren´, schreiben die StadtforscherInnen. Und diese Entwicklung wird in ganz Berlin festgestellt. Mit neun Räumungen auf 1.000 Haushalte finden in Marzahn die meisten Zwangsräumungen statt. An zweiter Stelle steht Spandau.
Venezuela receives new $5 billion loan from China
An official with state oil company Pdvsa had told Reuters in March that Venezuela was in talks for two financing deals with China for $5 billion each to fund projects in the country.
Those funds in recent months have helped Venezuela shore up its international reserves, which have steadily declined to less than $20 billion following last year‘s slump in oil prices, the source of $9 out of each $10 the country earns.
Russia to ease sanctions on Cyprus exports
Quoting Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Cyprus News Agency said checks would start on April 27. Russia has said it was considering allowing Hungary, Greece and Cyprus to export to its market despite Moscow‘s embargo last year on EU products in response to Ukraine-related sanctions.
Gedenken an ertrunkene Flüchtlinge: Nur ja nicht an den Ursachen rühren!
Als bekannt wurde, dass zwischen 700 und 900 Flüchtlinge auf der Überfahrt aus Afrika im Mittelmeer ertrunken sind, rief die Caritas zur „stillen Kundgebung“ am 20. April auf. Freilich gab es zahlreiche Redebeiträge, jedoch kaum von PolitikerInnen, und man verzichtete darauf, anwesende Regierungsmitglieder auf die Bühne zu bitten und in die Pflicht zu nehmen.
Willy Wimmer über die wahren Ursachen der Flüchtlingskatastrophen
Nicht nur `die´ Politik wirkt gleichgültig angesichts des Massensterbens von Flüchtlingen im Mittelmeer; auch zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen blenden aus, welche Verantwortung wir wirklich tragen müssten. Denn Flüchtlinge, die es bis hierher schaffen oder beim Versuch ertrinken, sind nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs aus Millionen Toten, die auf das Konto der „amerikanischen Weltordnungspläne“ gehen, wie Willy Wimmer es nennt:
Armenien – Was geschah am 24. April 1915
Am 24. April 2015 werden viele europäische Staatschefs zum Völkermorddenkmal Zizernakaberd in Eriwan kommen. Warum? Was ist denn am 24. April 1915 passiert? An diesem Tag wurden in Istanbul 250 Führer der armenischen Gemeinschaft, bestehend aus Intellektuellen, Geistlichen, Journalisten, Politikern und Geschäftsleuten verhaftet und viele von ihnen ermordet.
Das Osmanische Reich war am 14. Novemb
US, Germany discuss cooperation on NATO Reassurance Measures – Pentagon
The United States and Germany cooperate in other international organizations besides NATO, including the anti-Islamic State Coalition of some 60 nations.
Mitterlehner und Merkel rechnen mit TTIP-Abschluss noch heuer
Vizekanzler Reinhold Mitterlehner (ÖVP) und die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) sind trotz der Proteste optimistisch, dass das Abkommen zustande kommen wird.
Kurze Durchsage von William E. Moeller, Generalkonsul der USA in München:
„Die Idee zur Schaffung eines transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommens, kurz TTIP genannt, stammt nicht aus Amerika, sondern diese Idee stammt von der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.“
Oh. Ach. Nee, oder?! (
Arrival of more U.S. warships off Yemen tightens ‚siege‘: Houthis
„The goal of the movement of American ships is to strengthen the siege imposed on Yemen and put the Yemeni people under collective punishment,“ Houthi politburo member Mohammed al-Bukhaiti told Reuters by telephone from Yemen.
„This step increases the level of their participation in this war,“ he added.
Iran proceeds with nuclear talks seriously – president Rouhani
He reiterated that an agreement would be beneficial to all.
Rouhani made the remarks before leaving Tehran for attending the 60th Commemoration of Asian-African Conference in Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia.
Iran says no need for unconventional weapons
Iran’s Army Commander Major General Ahmadreza Pourdastan has said that the Islamic Republic’s power is based on rich culture and domestic expertise, free of the need for unconventional weapons.
Hosting Companies Threaten To Leave France Over (Yet Another) Surveillance Law. But Where Could They Go?
Back in December, we reported on how France sneakily enacted a controversial surveillance law on Christmas Eve, obviously hoping nobody would notice. Now the French government is quite brazenly saying last year‘s law didn‘t go far enough, and that it must bring in yet another surveillance law that is even more intrusive, and do it quickly with only minimal scrutiny. Here are just some of the problems with the new bill according to Human Rights Watch:
Geheime Nebenabrede: Doch kein Richtervorbehalt für Bestandsdatenauskunft, also Großteil der Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Entgegen ihren Behauptungen will die Bundesregierung doch keinen Richtervorbehalt für die allermeisten Abfragen der Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorschreiben. Das geht aus einer geheimen Nebenabrede zu den offiziellen Leitlinien hervor, die wir veröffentlichen. Damit soll die alle fünf Sekunden eingesetzte Bestandsdatenauskunft auch auf Vorratsdaten zugreifen können – und dafür gilt kein Richtervorbehalt.
Wollt ihr mal sehen, wie ein polizeiliches Auskunfsersuchen an eine Telco so aussieht? Wohlgemerkt: Bei einer kleinen Telco.
Oh und auf einem anderen USB-Stick kam hier gerade noch ein anderer Scan rein. Diesmal soll Telefonica mal DPI aufschalten und nach einer bestimmten ICQ-ID Ausschau halten. Wegen Ermittlungen gegen unbekannt. Die IP war dann am Ende bei Kabel Deutschland, schreibt der Einsender.
Sicherheitslücken bei WordPress entdeckt: Aktualisierung empfohlen
Programmierer Johannes Schmitt von Scrutinizer CI hat Joost de Valk (von Yoast)und dessen Partner bei Sucuri über schwere Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) Sicherheitslücken in WordPress und WordPress Plugins informiert, u.a. in Plugins von Yoast. Hintergrund und Verantwortung sind noch unklar.
Es sieht so aus, als zimmern sich die Franzosen gerade einen Patriot Act zusammen.
Das volle Programm: Geheimdiensten wird „im Notfall“ die Befugnis eingeräumt, ohne die üblichen Aufsichtsgremien Überwachungsmaßnahmen durchzuführen.
Huthi-Rebellenführer: Wir haben alles Recht die saudische Aggression mit allen Mitteln zu stoppen
Saudi Arabien hat seine Luftschläge gegen den Jemen verstärkt und will entscheidende Fortschritte im Kampf gegen die Huthi-Milizen erzielt haben. Gleichzeitig verstärkte Riad jedoch seine Grenzsicherung, da man offenbar die Möglichkeit in Betracht zieht, dass “der Feind” versuchen könnte, den Krieg ins eigene Land zu tragen.
Auch UNO u. Shanghai-Pakt (u.a. Russland+China) folgen weiter Terrorkriegs-Dynamik und imperialistischem Konsens.
SCO, UN to fight terrorism together
New global threats and challenges posed by international terrorism, separatism and extremism, including foreign fighters, terrorists, cyber-terrorism were discussed in Tashkent, said the report of the Executive Committee of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO RATS).
Saudi Arabia on alert over possible oil or mall attack
Saudi Arabia has put security forces on alert for a possible militant attack on a shopping mall or energy installation, Interior Ministry spokesman Mansour Turki said on Monday.
Von der Leyen spricht mit Pentagonchef über Widerstand gegen „Russlands Aggression“
„Die Minister Carter und von der Leyen betonten die Wichtigkeit der Einheit der Nato bei der Abwehr der russischen Aggression und erörterten Wege einer gemeinsamen Arbeit zur Unterstützung von Nato-Schritten zur Sicherung von Garantien für die Verbündeten“, heißt es in der Mitteilung.
Security Advisory: XSS Vulnerability Affecting Multiple WordPress Plugins
The official WordPress Official Documentation (Codex) for these functions was not very clear and misled many plugin developers to use them in an insecure way. The developers assumed that these functions would escape the user input for them, when it does not. This simple detail, caused many of the most popular plugins to be vulnerable to XSS.
To date, this is the list of affected plugins:
WordPress SEO
Google Analytics by Yoast
All In one SEO
Gravity Forms
Multiple Plugins from Easy Digital Downloads
Download Monitor
Related Posts for WordPress
My Calendar
P3 Profiler
Multiple iThemes products including Builder and Exchange
Ninja Forms
There are probably a few more that we have not listed. If you use WordPress, we highly recommend that you go to your wp-admin dashboard and update any out of date plugins now.
Rogozin’s visit to Spitsbergen should not damage Russia-Norway relations — envoy
He also noted that Rogozin’s visit to Spitsbergen should in no way be considered as a sign of Russia’s changing policy towards Norway as it was claimed by some Norwegian experts polled by the local media.
Russia, China readying new ambitious partnership plan — China vice premier
„This is already a fifth meeting in the past more than two years,“ the Chinese official said, noting their open and sincere nature. He said each of them had produced major results, helping to strengthen friendship between the two nations.
Iran summons Saudi envoy over attack on embassy in Yemen
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs, said Monday that Iran‘s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the Saudi diplomat, currently Riyadh’s most senior diplomat in Tehran, to protest at the landing of a Saudi-fired rocket near the Iranian embassy in Sana’a.
Iran says Saudi airstrike hit near its embassy in Yemen
It quotes Iran‘s deputy foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, as warning the Saudis to abide by their international obligations and respect diplomatic missions. The report adds that Tehran holds Riyadh responsible for the safety of its mission in Sanaa.
Golf von Aden: US-Marine schickt Flugzeugträger an die Küste Jemens
Immer wieder gibt es Berichte darüber, dass iranische Schiffe die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen beliefern. Es handele sich aber nicht um eine Abfangmission, sagte ein Pentagon-Sprecher nun mit Blick auf die Verlegung der beiden Schiffe.
Obama to meet GCC leaders May 13-14
The White House said on Friday that Mr Obama will meet the leaders of the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, at the White House on May 13 and then at Camp David, the presidential mountaintop retreat in Maryland, on May 14.
Obama, Abu Dhabi crown prince discuss need for military equipment
President Barack Obama met for more than an hour with Abu Dhabi‘s crown prince on Monday and discussed the conflicts in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Libya, and the United Arab Emirates‘ need for military equipment, the White House said.
Mohammad Javad Zarif: A Message From Iran
The Iranian people have shown their resolve by choosing to engage with dignity. It is time for the United States and its Western allies to make the choice between cooperation and confrontation, between negotiations and grandstanding, and between agreement and coercion.
Motion Picture Association of America
Die Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ist der Verband der sechs großen amerikanischen Filmproduktionsgesellschaften, namentlich Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Universal Studios und 20th Century Fox. Sie sieht sich als Interessenvertretung der gesamten amerikanischen und weltweiten Film- und Fernsehindustrie und betreibt in deren Namen Lobbyismus.
MPAA Strategized On How To ‚Tell The Positive Side‘ Of Internet Censorship
Back in December, when the Sony emails first leaked, we wrote a detailed post about the bizarre views of the MPAA on site blocking, in that it was absolutely obsessed with putting site blocking in place while admitting it didn‘t understand the technical issues. That was based on the reporting done by some reporters who had seen a few of the emails. Now that Wikileaks has released the entire trove, we can discover some more details, like the fact that part of the MPAA‘s plan was to figure out how to create pro-censorship propaganda. It really is incredible, but that‘s a bulletpoint in an email from the MPAA‘s top lawyer, Steven Fabrizio, about part of the strategy at a „site blocking confab“ the major studios held last fall:
Australia Considers New Copyright Law That Could Be Interpreted To Ban VPNs
Some months back, our own Glyn Moody wrote about the music industry in Australia and its attempt to basically broadly multiply copyright protections, routing around the public‘s representatives in government to get ISPs to act as judge, jury and executioner. Then, because Glyn Moody is a witch who turned my sister into a newt, he wondered aloud whether VPNs would be the next target in the copyright industry‘s crosshairs.
Tenkan: new track `Uptown Funk´ (Mark Ronson cover)
Nicolas Jeanney
Bordeaux, France