The rest of us own a smaller and smaller share of a nation that we, and our ancestors before us, all helped to build. Unprincipled members of business and government have taken away the financial regulations and progressive taxes that once protected the majority of Americans. It has been argued that a Financial Speculation Tax might be the best approach to stop the wealth transfer carnage. We have to do something. The splitting of our society is nearly beyond repair.
Daily Archives: 10. November 2014
Remembering Tomas Young (1979-2014): Iraq War Veteran Turned Antiwar Activist
As the nation prepares to mark Veterans Day, Democracy Now! has learned that Iraq War veteran Tomas Young has died just weeks before his 35th birthday. Young was paralyzed in 2004 shortly after arriving in Iraq. He went on to become one of the nation’s most prominent antiwar U.S. veterans speaking out against the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was featured in Phil Donahue and Ellen Spiro’s documentary, „Body of War.“ On Tuesday, Donahue will join us on Democracy Now! to talk aboug Young’s life.
We’ve Got Our Eye on You
This military apparatus operates within the more far-reaching context of US strategic alliances. Since 1948 the core of the US’s global signals intelligence programmes has been the UKUSA (United Kingdom-United States of America Agreement), in which the US is designated the “first party” and the NSA specifically “is recognised as the dominant party”. The UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are “second parties”.
Israel, ein Bollwerk gegen Weltkrieg: Das Teerbaby und China
Warum haben die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nicht mehr Kräfte nach Asien verlagert, nachdem dort die größte „Gefahr“ besteht? Die Antwort liegt direkt vor uns – ganz offen. Die Kräfte der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind woanders gebunden – besonders im Mittleren Osten.
Verdeckte Ermittlerin enttarnt: LKA-Beamtin soll linke Szene in Hamburg jahrelang ausgeforscht haben
Hamburg. Eine Hamburger LKA-Beamtin soll zwischen 2000 und 2006 unter der Tarnidentität »Iris Schneider« als verdeckte Ermittlerin in der Hamburger linken Szene eingesetzt gewesen sein
Vorwurf gegen Berliner Bundespolizisten: Jagd auf Unschuldige
Drei Bundespolizisten aus Berlin sind vom Dienst suspendiert. Um ihre Fahndungsbilanz zu schönen, sollen sie nach Informationen des SPIEGEL betrunkenen Obdachlosen Straftaten angehängt haben.
An no blood gurgling barbarian from the Hamas should dare to call those crimes, harming the Palestinian effort, „acts of resistance“.
Those murderous acts serve only one purpose: supporting the repressive Israeli Regime. Who is the „islamic jihad“?
Islamic Jihad Claims Responsibility for Gush Etzion Attack
The Islamic Jihad terrorist group has taken responsibility for the deadly terrorist attack this evening outside the town of Alon Shvut in the Gush Etzion region.
A 25-year-old woman was murdered and two other people were injured in the attack, during which the terrorist first attempted to run over his victims before getting out his car and stabbing them.
Tomorrow 19-21 Uhr:Max Blumenthal & David Sheen in TU Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 36 a, Raum 164:Israels Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza
I‘ll devote my event @ Berlin‘s Technical University @ 7pm 2moro to Rasmea Odeh, activist just found guilty in heinous political persecution
Will Rasmea Odeh Go to Prison Because of a Confession Obtained Through Torture?
(4. November) Rasmea Odeh was one month old when her family fled from their home in Lifta, a village outside Jerusalem. By February 1948, the Zionist army had destroyed Lifta and expelled its residents as part of its strategy to take control of Jerusalem. Odeh grew up as a refugee in Ramallah in the West Bank, which she saw come under occupation by the Israeli army in 1967.
When she was 21, in 1969, Odeh was arrested in the middle of the night by Israeli soldiers at her home, and for twenty-five days her interrogators tortured her. She was beaten from head to toe with sticks and metal bars; her body, including genitalia and breasts, was subjected to electric shocks after she was forced to watch a male prisoner tortured to death in this very way. All the while, she was told she would die if she did not confess. But it was not until they brought in her father, threatening to force him to rape her, that she agreed to sign a confession stating that she had helped orchestrate two explosions in West Jerusalem that killed two civilians. Even then, her torturers raped her with a thick wooden stick.
What Rasmea‘s verdict tells us all is that Israel can accuse you of anything & you can be prosecuted in another country. #FuckTheWarOnTerror
In travesty of justice, Rasmea Odeh found guilty despite history of Israeli torture
In a travesty of justice, Rasmea Odeh today was found guilty of one count of Unlawful Procurement of Naturalization. For over a year, Rasmea, her supporters, and her legal team have been battling this unjust government prosecution, saying from the start that the immigration charge was nothing but a pretext to attack this icon of the Palestine liberation movement. And although there is real anger and disappointment in the jury’s verdict, it was known as early as October 27th that she would not get a full and fair trial.
Liebe Hörer, Alternativlos 33 ist draußen.
Unser Gast diesmal war Sascha Lobo und es geht um Hohlphrasen in der Politik.
The FBI Is Offended That It Isn‘t Allowed To Control How The Press Portrays Its Deceptive Activities
The last few weeks have revealed a bunch of deceptive practices by law enforcement — mainly the FBI. First, there was the revelation that the FBI had impersonated an online news story to install malware in trying to track a high school bomb threat. Then, there was a story from a couple of weeks ago about the FBI turning off internet access at some luxury villas in Las Vegas, and then acting as repair technicians to get inside and search the place (while filming everything). That was a story we had hoped to cover, but hadn‘t yet gotten to it. However, after the NY Times editorial board slammed that operation, FBI Director James Comey wrote a reply defending the FBI‘s „use of deception.“
‚Hungary is not Guantánamo,‘ ruling party tells U.S.
Hungary‘s ruling Fidesz party on Monday dismissed U.S. allegations of corruption against six officials in its government, saying Hungary was „not Guantánamo“, where Washington could make accusations without proof.
Obama urges China to be partner in ensuring world order
The two countries have disagreed in recent months on a range of topics, including trade, maritime issues and cyber security, while the United States has lobbied against the setting up of a multilateral infrastructure investment bank sponsored by China.
Rome prosecutors to probe Renzi-Berlusconi pact
The pact, which Democratic Party (PD) leader Renzi reached with Berlusconi in January, a month before be became premier, is for a new election law and an overhaul of Italy‘s costly, slow-moving political machinery. „
Cameron says Britain should not stay in EU ‚come what may‘
„Simply standing here and just saying: ‚I will stay in Europe, I will stick with whatever we have, come what may‘ … that is not a plan and that won‘t work.“
Veteran Police Officer Defends Law Enforcement‘s Use Of Military Vehicles Using Condescension And Baseless Claims
If you‘re like several law enforcement agencies here in the US, there‘s a good chance you‘ve obtained a heavily-armored vehicle from the Dept. of Defense‘s 1033 program. Like much of the military equipment obtained through this program (often with the assistance of DHS grants), an MRAP doesn‘t so much address a need as it creates a problem: new law enforcement tools but nothing to use them for. So, rather than save it for terrorists or active shooters, MRAPS and other military gear are co-opted by SWAT teams or deployed against protesters.
Georgia’s ex-justice minister not advisor to Hungarian PM
Adeishvili is being accused of abuse of power, degrading and inhuman treatment of prisoners, and falsification of evidence.
Minister Szijjarto said he worked in the prime minister’s office until September 2014.
US hopes strong cooperation with Georgian will continue
Following the meeting of the political council of the Georgian Dream bloc on Nov.4, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced the dismissal of Defense Minister Irakli Alasania. Alasania’s friend and colleague, the State Minister of Georgia for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Alexi Petriashvili resigned as well.
Chief of staff of Georgian armed forces has no intentions to resign
Chief of General Staff of Georgian Armed Forces, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze has returned from the trip to the US.
Kapanadze told reporters that he has no intentions to resign, adding that he will work with Georgia’s new defense minister.
Never again to anyone today, tomorrow and until Palestine is free
Kundgebung vor der Volksbühne am 9. November 2014 anlässlich der Diffamierung und Ausgrenzug der beiden jüdischen Journalisten David Sheen (Israel) und Max Blumenthal (USA) am 9. November 2014 in Berlin.
Die anschließende Veranstaltung konnte in dem nahe gelegenen Anti-kriegs Cafe stattfinden. Die Videos dazu stehen auf
Demo gegen Rot-Rot-Grün in Erfurt: Fackelmarsch statt Lichtermeer
Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State
According to the Navy‘s so-called environmental assessment, the purpose of these war games is to train to deny the enemy „all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation (i.e. electromagnetic energy) for use in such applications as communication systems, navigation systems and defense related systems and components.“
Weißes Haus schließt Treffen Obama-Putin am Dienstag nicht aus
Die Präsidenten der USA und Russlands, Barack Obama und Wladimir Putin, dürften sich an diesem Dienstag (11. November) in Peking treffen. Das teilte ein Sprecher der US-Administration am Montag in Washington mit.
Mauerfeier – aber wann fällt die andere Mauer?
Merkel erinnerte in ihrer Rede auch an andere Ereignisse der deutschen Geschichte wie den 9. November 1938, über die Nazi-Gewalt und den Rassismus gegen jüdische Synagogen, Bürger und Geschäfte. „Deshalb empfinde ich heute nicht nur Freude, sondern auch die Verantwortung, die uns die deutsche Geschichte insgesamt aufgegeben hat.“ Ja Frau Merkel, was ist mit der Gewalt und dem Rassismus gegenüber den Palästinensern? Was ist mit der anderen Mauer? Wann wird die endlich abgerissen?
Hartz IV: Übernahme von zu hohen Heizkosten
Das Bundessozialgericht in Kassel stärkte erneut die Recht von Hartz IV-Betroffenen.
Net Neutrality: President Obama‘s Plan for a Free and Open Internet
Ensuring a free and open Internet is the only way we can preserve the Internet‘s power to connect our world. That‘s why the President has laid out a plan to do it, and is asking the FCC to implement it.
Die Fahndung nach der Schwachstelle
Der Hidden Service Doxbin war eine der Webseiten, die die Strafverfolgungsbehörden in einer weltweiten Razzia in der vergangenen Woche beschlagnahmten. Dessen Administrator wurde jedoch nicht verhaftet. Er sei noch ohne Handschellen, deshalb stelle er seine Daten zur Verfügung, in der Hoffnung, die Community könne herausfinden, wie die Webseiten enttarnt werden konnten, schreibt er in einer E-Mail an die Mailingliste des Tor-Netzwerks. Böswillige konnten bei Doxbin Zugangsdaten von Personen hinterlegen, um sie zum Ziel von Kriminellen zu machen.
CCC verurteilt den Ankauf von „0days“ durch den BND
Passend zum Jahrestag des Mauerfalls hat der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) angekündigt, zukünftig auf dem Schwarzmarkt sogenannte Zero-Day-Exploits, also unveröffentlichte und unbehobene Sicherheitslücken in Software, aufzukaufen. Diese sollen dann im Rahmen von Aufklärungsversuchen zum Angriff auf Computersysteme benutzt werden. Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) kritisiert die vom BND nun offen geforderte Ausnutzung von Schwachstellen als schweren Grundrechtseingriff und als inakzeptabel.
Erfolg der MAS in Bolivien zeigt Wandel der Gesellschaft
Vizepräsident García Linera sieht wachsende politische und gesellschaftliche Einheit. Die konservative Opposition ist deutlich geschwächt
Join Us This Weekend in Honoring Aaron Swartz‘s Legacy by Hacking for a Better World
Aaron Swartz fought for an Internet grounded in community, creativity, and human rights. By co-creating platforms like RSS, reddit, Creative Commons, and the technology that became SecureDrop, he helped build the tools that make information accessible to all, and in the process, called truth to power while putting power in the hands of the users.
Vibrant, Timid Berlin
It’s one of the party capitals of the world and an affordable center for young artists and musicians, with enough layers of history to inspire a novelist for a few lifetimes. And its economy has benefited greatly from a growing start-up scene. In a country dominated by pleasant but boring cities, Berlin is Germany’s one truly cosmopolitan metropolis.
Gysi pushed by us and locked himself in a bathroom when asked to explain his slander. A coward from the New Stasi.
@Volker_Beck Sie werden sich umgewöhnen müssen.
@Volker_Beck Mr. Beck, Sie versuchen stets auf der Seite der Stärkeren zu stehen, weil Sie Schwächere gern leiden sehen.
The fascists who beat up anti-war protesters told us the same as Bibi: „go to Gaza if you like Hamas so much“
BREAKING: PM Netanyahu calls on Israeli Arabs who demonstrate against the government to „Move to Palestine“
@MaxBlumenthal Max, you are the personal reenforcement of hundreds of thousands in this Republic. Get this s.o.a.b. by the balls.
Gysi‘s spokesman Hendrik Thalheim has entered the office. He seems determined to keep Gysi away from the press and away from scrutiny.
Gregor Gysi is refusing to explain his allegations against me or his actions. 3 Die Linke MP‘s are demanding he meet.
We are here to meet Gregor Gysi, the Die Linke MP who tried to cancel our event. I want to discuss the facts.
Incredible event at Berlin‘s anti-war cafe, packed in basement, hallways and second floor for me and @davidsheen
My event with @davidsheen in the Bundestag is proceeding. We are inside the Wall. @BenWeinthal‘s reporting is false.
#Gastbeitrag von @JohnKerry: Gibt es bald einen neuen kalten Krieg zwischen Ost und West?
Der Außenminister des Imperiums, was seit 13 Jahren weltweit Krieg führt, redet von einer Gefahr für die „Nachkriegsordnung“ auf d.Planeten.
Das “Prinzip Rentenökonomie” korrumpiert Politik und Gesellschaft
Professor Dr. Dirk Löhr beschreibt im Buch “Prinzip Rentenökonomie”, “wenn Eigentum zu Diebstahl wird”. Er erklärt, dass Nutzen und Kosten von Unternehmungen immer weniger gerecht verteilt sind. Gewinne werden privatisiert, Kosten sozialisiert.
Als “Platz an der Sonne” bezeichnet Löhr besondere Zugänge zu wirtschaftlichem Erfolg. Dieser Zugang gründet nicht auf Produktion, sondern auf Okkupation von “Land” und exklusiven Privilegien.
Die Feiern zum Mauerfall: Der Missbrauch einer „friedlichen Revolution“ zur Stabilisierung der Macht
Die Kritik am DDR-Regime und die Trauer über die Opfer wurde – ganz entgegen dem Sinn der Feier des Aufstands des Volkes gegen eine damals bestehenden Herrschaftsordnung – zu einem Selbstlob der heute bestehenden Herrschaft und zur Beschönigung einer Vereinigungspolitik, die den Elan und die Ideale dieser Revolution weitgehend entsorgt hat und nur noch im hohlen Pathos einer Freiheitsrhetorik erstarrt. Der Mauerfall sei eine Botschaft dafür, „wir können Dinge zum Guten wenden“ sagte Angela Merkel auf der Gedenkveranstaltung. Ihre versteckte Botschaft war allerdings, dass die Kanzlerin mit ihrer Politik das „Gute“ vertritt.
Kilez More – Die Welt Von Morgen
News, Videos, Downloads:
Ist Krieg wirklich so weit weg? Betrifft er nur die Vergangenheit oder andere Länder? Jenseits der Gedächtnispflege um den 100. Jahrestag des Ausbruchs des Großen Kriegs werden hier kriegerische Handlungen aus dem Blickwinkel der Jugend betrachtet und hinterfragt. Wie kommt es zu Krieg? Wie wird er begründet? Ökonomisch? Psychologisch? Politisch? Und wo gibt es Gewalt und Gefahrengebiete in unserem Alltag? In der Schule? Im Jobcenter? Im eigenen Kiez?
Im Rahmen der nunmehr vierten Ausgabe von FESTIWALLA gehen junge Theatermacherinnen und Theatermacher diesen Fragen nach. Mit Theaterstücken, Performances, Diskussion, Ausstellungen, Workshops und künstlerischer Aktion betreiben sie ihre ganz eigene Friedensforschung – eine Suche nach Frieden jenseits von Grenzzäunen, fernen Ländern und Museen.