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Daily Archives: 4. September 2014
Wahlkampf am Rande des Kriegs
Der Wahlkampf ist kurz, die alten Parteien verlieren an Einfluss. Und ein undurchschaubarer Populist steigt auf.
#stern: +++ Ukraine-Newsticker +++: Merkel bekräftigt Nein zu Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine
ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Stärkeres Engagement ja, Waffen nein
Ratet mal, wer für die EU TTIP verhandeln wird! Kommt ihr NIE drauf!!
Shaaban: West must realize that Syrians and Gazans are no less human than Westerners
Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban said that the latest Israel aggression against Gaza Strip was meant to alter the Arab identity and replace it with a Zionist one, as well as bringing the Arab-Israeli conflict to an end that suits the Israelis’ interests.
Shaaban, who is the current chairperson of al-Quds International Foundation board of secretaries, was speaking during al-Quds (Jerusalem) Forum organized by the foundation to mark the 45th anniversary of setting fire to al-Aqsa Mosque by Israelis.
I quit my job at the Jewish Community Center over a pro-Israel rally and they called me an anti-semite
When I found out that my local Jewish Community Center recently held a pro-Israel rally, I was disgusted. I really shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. I didn’t want to think that maybe we were like everyone else, like the JCC in my friend’s town an hour away that hosted a rally in support of Israel that included “Memorial prayers for fallen IDF soldiers.” I thought we were better than that. I thought, my Jewish community doesn’t endorse violence. That’s not what being Jewish means to me. Being Jewish means being critical and anti-authoritarian. But, then again, maybe I didn’t have a traditional Jewish upbringing.
UK says Syria strikes possible without Assad invite
Strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) inside Syria could be launched without an invitation from the Syrian government, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Thursday, raising one of the first justifications for foreign military action in Syria without the government‘s consent, Al Arabiya reported.
IDF attacks Syrian army position after stray projectile hits Golan
IDF says it sees the Syrian army as responsibile for any rocket fire towards Israel.
‚Italy, EU on terrorism alert‘- update 2
Italy and Europe are on high terrorism alert, Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said Thursday in Cairo after meeting with Egyptian President Abdullah Fatah al-Sisi.
Lebanon, Denmark discuss refugees, terrorism
Security threats imposed by extremist groups and the refugee crisis in Lebanon were the topics of discussion between the Lebanese justice minister and his Danish counterpart Thursday, The Daily Star reported.
Afghan government can’t account for billions of dollars in Pentagon aid
Billions of dollars in direct U.S. aid to the Afghan army and police have been poorly tracked, leaving no way to verify if the money was spent as intended, according to a new report from the Pentagon’s internal watchdog.
Artist Stops Oil Pipeline Cold
Von Tiesenausen decided to talk to them in their own language: Money. The copyright claim makes his entire property a work of art since he has covered it with visual art scupltures including „a 33-metre-long ship sculpted with willow stalks, winter ice forms, nest-like structures in trees, statuesque towers and a „lifeline“ or visual autobiography composed as a white picket fence built in annual sections left to weather naturally“. The copyright also drastically increases the remuneration of around $200 for lost crops to around $600,000 for an “ artistic property disturbance“.
Large US tech firms plan ‚go slow‘ day in protest over net neutrality rules
On 10 September, tech firms including Etsy, FourSquare, KickStarter, Mozilla, Reddit and Vimeo will install a widget on their sites to show how they believe the internet would look if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) overturns “net neutrality” rules.
Fast food worker strikes: civil disobedience actions unfold in dozens of US cities – live
Protesters demanding higher wages block traffic near Times Square on Thursday.
Merke: ‚Das s im ‚das‘, es bleibt allein, passt dieses, jenes, welches rein.‘ pic.twitter.com/vLZgWAH79J
Challenge to NSA’s Mass Surveillance Inches Way Up Court System
This morning, we‘re heading back to court to challenge the NSA‘s phone-records program, this time in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York.
The Slaying of Journalists and the Islamic State (ISIS) “Made in America”. Using ISIS Provocations to Justify US Military Intervention in Syria
Simultaneously threatening Russia’s interests in Syria, while seeking to counter Russian opposition to its agenda in Ukraine, strengthens NATO’s hand – all thanks to ISIS’ impeccable timing. For the uninformed, if they had not suspected ties between ISIS and the West’s agenda before, they should now.
Achten Sie auf die Zahl 12333.
(5. November 2013)
Obama & State Dept. contradict each other on ‘Russian troops in Ukraine’ – Putin’s spokesman
A statement from the Russian president’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov came in response to Barack Obama’s address to the Baltic States’ leader. Speaking ahead of NATO summit, President Obama said that the US has no doubt that Russian troops are involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine.
„The Russian forces that have now moved into Ukraine aren‘t on a ‚humanitarian‘ or ‚peacekeeping mission.‘ They are Russian combat forces with Russian weapons in Russian tanks. There are Russian warheads with Russian weapons and Russian tanks. Now, these are the facts. They are provable. They‘re not subject to dispute,“ Obama said at a press-conference in Tallinn.
However, this information comes into conflict with the recent statement of the US State Department, Peskov said.
“We have repeatedly said there are no Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. While Obama says there can be no doubts about that, US Department of State officials say simultaneously with their president that the United States has no proof of Russian military presence in Ukraine. This situation underscores their reluctance to use facts,” the Russian president’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Russian News Service radio station.
Meet Executive Order 12333: The Reagan rule that lets the NSA spy on Americans
(18. Juli) Even after all the reforms President Obama has announced, some intelligence practices remain so secret, even from members of Congress, that there is no opportunity for our democracy to change them.
Präsidentenverfügung 12333: Reagans Blankoscheck für Überwachung von US-Bürgern
(21. Juli 2014) Mit den Enthüllungen von Edward Snowden ist bekanntgeworden, dass diese Verfügung beispielsweise das Abhören kompletter Länder autorisiert. (…)
In der 12. von 46 Empfehlungen fordert die Kommission, dass ein solcher Datenbeifang im Ausland ohne das Vorliegen zwingender Gründe gelöscht werden sollte. Dabei sprechen die Experten von der Sektion 702 des Fisa-Gesetzes und „jeder anderen Befugnis“, womit sie laut Napier Tye die Präsidentenverfügung gemeint hatten, ohne diese direkt genannt zu haben.
To President Obama and Members of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board:
(29. August) We, the undersigned former government officials, organizations, and members of Congress, write to express our concerns about the U.S. government’s surveillance activities conducted under the authority of Executive Order 12333.
ACLU v. Clapper Oral Argument
Ukraine: Abtrünnige „Volksrepubliken“ bereit zu Waffenruhe ab Freitag
„Wir sind bereit, am 5. September um 15:00 Uhr Moskauer Zeit (13:00 Uhr MESZ) die Feuereinstellung zu befehlen, wenn eine Einigung erzielt wird und Vertreter der Ukraine einen Plan zur politischen Konfliktlösung unterschreiben“, heißt es in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung von Alexander Sachartschenko und Igor Plotnizki.
Reuters: Poroschenko befiehlt am Freitag Waffenruhe
Der ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko soll versprochen haben, am morgigen Freitag seinen Streitkräften die Feuereinstellung im Osten der Ukraine zu befehlen, meldet Reuters.
Poroschenko habe am Rande des Nato-Gipfels in Wales angekündigt, er würde die Waffenruhe ab Freitag 13.00 Uhr (MESZ) befehlen, so die Meldung.
Corporate Sovereignty Debate Heats Up In Australia
As Techdirt has reported, so far corporate sovereignty has emerged as the most contentious issue in the TTIP/TAFTA negotiations. In response to the growing public concern in Europe, the European Commission held a consultation on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), although that proved largely a sham, with the desired outcome clearly signalled by the choice of questions and how they were framed. Indeed, Karel De Gucht, the EU Commissioner with overall responsibility for TTIP, even went so far as to call the unprecedented 150,000 public responses an „outright attack“ — which is an interesting way to characterize democracy in action.
Mir mailt gerade jemand, dass pi-news down ist.
Die Insassen dort haben sich bei wordpress.com eine Ersatz-Site aufgebaut, wo sie sich in den Kommentaren gegenseitig beschuldigen, Spenden veruntreut zu haben.
Pro Music Artists/Reps Force Shutdown Of Awesome Fan-Music Contest For Video Game
I‘ve never hidden my perhaps strange fascination with video game music. Everything from soundtracks to fan-made remixes, it‘s something that I love. But, for some reason, video game music for many people isn‘t so much a lark as a point of major industry contention. Recently we discussed how one composer‘s union turned into his enemy when he was simply working on a video game. The latest example, however, details how apparently professional musicians and/or their representatives got a game developer to shut down a fan-music contest out of what seems to be pure spite.
‚Crucial‘ NATO summit to discus crises, Renzi lands in Wales
Italian Premier Matteo Renzi arrived in the Welsh city of Newport on Thursday for a NATO summit that is set to focus on the crisis in Ukraine and the threat of the ISIS Islamist group in the Middle East.
Dax baut Gewinne nach EZB-Zinssenkung aus:
4. September 2014 – Geldpolitische Beschlüsse
Auf der heutigen Sitzung hat der EZB-Rat die folgenden geldpolitischen Beschlüsse gefasst:
Der Zinssatz für die Hauptrefinanzierungsgeschäfte des Eurosystems wird um 10 Basispunkte auf 0,05 % gesenkt. Dies gilt erstmals für das am 10. September abzuwickelnde Geschäft.
Der Zinssatz für die Spitzenrefinanzierungsfazilität wird mit Wirkung vom 10. September 2014 um 10 Basispunkte auf 0,30 % gesenkt.
Der Zinssatz für die Einlagefazilität wird mit Wirkung vom 10. September 2014 um 10 Basispunkte auf -0,20 % gesenkt.
Highway to Hellas
Join us now for three hours of the rawest + rarest in darkwave entehno, garage laiko and psychedelic rebetiko from Ανδρεας Ζακυνθινακης to Ζωντανοί Νεκροί.
Two Former Senators Are Helping a Russian Bank Fight U.S. Sanctions
When you‘re a Russian company trying to manage U.S. sanctions it helps to have friends in the right places. That‘s probably why Gazprombank, a Russian bank hit by sanctions earlier this year, named former U.S. senators Trent Lott and John Breaux as its lobbyists. The two were listed as the main lobbyists on the bank‘s account with the firm Squire Patton Boggs, according to a Friday filing reported by the Center for Public Integrity.
Obama Faces Calls to Reform Reagan-Era Mass Surveillance Order
Now, more than 40 organizations and rights groups – including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the American Civil Liberties Union – are calling on Obama and his surveillance review panel to ensure there is no “disproportionate or unnecessary collection” taking place under 12333.
Haft- und Prügelstrafe bestätigt
Am 1. September hat das Berufungsgericht in Jeddah das am 7. Mai gegen Raif Badawi ausgesprochene Urteil bestätigt. Er muss nun seine zehnjährige Haftstrafe verbüßen und erhält 1000 Peitschenhiebe. Des Weiteren wurde ihm ein anschließendes Reiseverbot von zehn Jahren, ein Verwendungsverbot für Medienkanäle und eine Geldstrafe von einer Million Saudi-Rial (etwa 195 000 Euro) auferlegt. Er war wegen der Gründung der Website der „Saudi-Arabischen Liberalen“ und „Beleidigung des Islams“ schuldig gesprochen und verurteilt worden. Die Website wurde auf Anordnung des Gerichts geschlossen.
Far from keeping the peace, Nato is a threat to it
Nato likes to see itself as the international community. In reality it‘s an interventionist and expansionist military club of rich-world states and their satellites used to enforce western strategic and economic interests. As Ukraine shows, far from keeping the peace, Nato is a threat to it.
Singaporean head of Taiwan‘s TransAsia Airways quits after plane crash
His resignation was approved by the board on Friday last week, with vice-president Fred Wu as the acting president since, the company said in a filing to the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Mr Chooi served as a consultant until today.
US, South Korea create army unit to destroy North Korea‘s nukes: report
The mechanised unit led by a US major-general will be set up in the first half of next year, the South‘s defence ministry said, as part of elaborate preparations for any future war between the two Koreas.
New Simulation Re-Spins the Cosmic Web More Accurately | Video
With the Illustris Simulation, astrophysicists have accurately modeled the correct mix of spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxies and shown how, when and where every element more complex than hydrogen or helium was created. (Full Story)
New Galactic Supercluster Map Shows Milky Way‘s ‚Heavenly‘ Home
A new cosmic map is giving scientists an unprecedented look at the boundaries for the giant supercluster that is home to Earth‘s own Milky Way galaxy and many others. Scientists even have a name for the colossal galactic group: Laniakea, Hawaiian for „immeasurable heaven.“
Gegen Überwachung: Ein Gänsehaut-Moment – schon ab der ersten Minute
Rede teilen und die Bundesregierung an Ihren Job erinnern…
Thüringen: Fast alle Parteien sagen Nein zu TTIP
Mitten im Thüringer Landtagswahlkampf zitierte es die Kandidaten in eine Bürger-Arena. Dort sollten sie Stellung nehmen zu der Frage: „Wie halten Sie es mit TTIP?“
Wir haben interessante Versprechungen gehört, an die wir die Parteien nach der Wahl erinnern werden. Praktischerweise sind sie aufgezeichnet und hier für jede und jeden nachzusehen:
Russia’s RusHydro starts hydropower modernization in Nigeria
At the first stage, the company plans to sign contracts on equipment supplies and construction and installation works at the facilities
Council of Europe Secretary-General praises Putin’s plan on Ukraine crisis resolution
On September 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed a seven-point plan for the peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine following his telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Poroshenko.
Steinmeier erwartet IS-Angriffe auf weitere Staaten
Saudi-Arabien und Jordanien sind nach Ansicht des Außenministers Ziele der Terrorgruppe. Ab heute liefert Deutschland Waffen an Kurden im Nordirak im Kampf gegen IS.
States on alert after al Qaeda announces India wing
In a video posted online, al Qaeda chief Ayman al Zawahri promised to spread Islamic rule and „raise the flag of jihad“ across the „Indian subcontinent“.
The government believes it is authentic and has warned local governments…
Bin Laden und Glausamel Killel
(20. März 2008) Wir befinden uns im Jahre 1965. Ein Frühlingstag.
In den Hauptnachrichten des Westens erscheint ein asiatisch aussehendes Gesicht. Die Person sagt, er sei stolz ein Südwest-Vietnamese zu sein. (…)
Sagt der gefährliche Asiate, der bald darauf unter dem merkwürdig deutsch klingenden Namen “Glausamel Killel” bekannt wird, im TV also in seiner weltweit ausgestrahlten Sendung (alle Asiaten sehen ja bekanntlich aus wie Südwestvietnamesen), er würde jetzt Südostvietnamesen umbringen. Weil die mit den USA unter einer Decke steckten. Das wäre ihm nach dem durch die USA im Rahmen des geheimen Operationsplanes 34A am 2.August 1964 im Golf von Tonkin provozierten Kriegsausbruchs gegen Nordvietnam aufgefallen.
Die Guerillas des Vietkong seien Verräter. Sie seien vom wahren Kommunismus abgefallen und seien alles Südostvietnamesen.
Deshalb habe seine weltweite Terrorgruppe mit dem Namen “Gelbe Almee Flaktionen” in Südwestvietnam jetzt den “Südwestvietkong” gegründet.
Er appelliere an alle seine Landsleute in Südwestvietnam, Südostvietnamesen umzubringen. Und wenn es gerade mal Südwestvietnamesen wären, dann würde das auch nichts machen, sie hätten ja vielleicht irgendwas mit Südostvietnamesen zu schaffen.
Die Nordvietnamesen bezichtigt er, mit den Südostvietnamesen unter einer Decke zu stecken und nach dem Sieg eine Herrschaft von Nord-Südostvietnam errichten zu wollen.
Deshalb ruft er auf, auch alle Vietkong umzubringen. (…)
Auf Behauptungen in kleinen westlichen Zeitungen dabei handele es sich um simple Bombardements der US-Streitkräfte, reagieren die Regierungen des Westens mit Behauptungen, Kommunisten von “Glausamel Killel” hätten nun Filialen im Westen aufgemacht.
Journalisten, Künstler, Intellektuelle und Menschenrechtler werden schärfsten Überwachungsmassnahmen unterworfen.
Der Sozialistische Studentenbund in Deutschland erklärt sich, nach schwersten Auseinandersetzungen, doch nicht solidarisch mit den “Gelben Almee Flaktionen”, obwohl seitens einiger Mitglieder flammende Reden für die erkennbare antiimperialistische Linie der Massaker gehalten werden.
Russland will „fliegende Radare“ nach Indien liefern
Russland und Indien planen in diesem Jahr einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von mit Radarsystem ausgerüsteten Flugzeugen A-50 nach Indien, wie der Generaldirektor und Chefkonstrukteur des Taganroger Forschungskomplexes (TANTK) „Berijew“, Igor Gariwadski, am Dienstag in Moskau zu Journalisten sagte.
Unlimited opportunities exist for development of Russia-India ties
Relations between Moscow and Delhi are based on the sameness or similarity of both countries’ approaches to the fundamental problems of global development.
Keine Sanktionen: Indien will Diamanten-Handel mit Russland ausbauen
(11. August) Die indische Regierung möchte die anstehenden Russland-Sanktionen zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen. Sie kann den Diamanten-Handel mit Russland signifikant ausbauen. In Mumbai soll ein gesonderter Handelsplatz gegründet werden. Denn aktuell importiert Indien russische Rohdiamanten über Belgien und Dubai.
Xi urges Japanese reflection on war anniversary
(3. August) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged the Japanese government to admit to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression, as China marked the 69th anniversary of winning the war against Japanese invasion.
PKK Target a Common Kurdish Army
the issue that the PKK will be made to disarm has been continuously denied by the PKK. In fact [PKK leader Abdullah] Öcalan with whom Turkish intelligence MİT undersecretary Hakan Fidan held talks openly said this: “I do not agree with the view that if we retreat the guerilla [warfare] will end. There is Syria, there is Iran. Right now there are 50,000 [PKK members] in Syria, 10,000 in the Qandil Mountains, and 40,000 in Iran.”
It is questionless that these numbers were exaggerated, but even from that day Öcalan has indicated the need for a “common army” declared today by Demirtaş. Because the Kurdish resolution process was a dissolution process in the domestic policy but it was also a plan to feed a round into the chamberlain, that‘s to say, transforming the PKK into a dominant force in the region in the external plan.
One of the objectives of the advancing the Islamic State (ISIS) pawn on the chessboard to a particularly vulnerable square to be sacrificed is that: Transforming the PKK into a dominant power in the part of the chessboard through a pawn swap!
Poverty is not a Disease
As can be seen in the way the UN talks about poverty in its Sustainable Development Goals draft, its understanding of the problem is profoundly misconceived.
USAID: Non-conventional Warfare against Cuba
The idea of orthodox military conflict with the use of fighter and bomber planes, tanks and other conventional war machines devouring bot land and lives is still current in US military thinking, but non-conventional aggression is gaining space in the plans of the world’s main imperialist power.