Haiti‘s Caracol Industrial Park—the U.S. State Department and Clinton Foundation pet project to deliver aid and reconstruction to earthquake-ravaged Haiti in the form of private investment—is systematically stealing its garment workers‘ wages, paying them 34 percent less than minimum wage set by federal law, a breaking report from the Worker Rights Consortium reveals.
Daily Archives: 16. Oktober 2013
Here Lies the Tea Party, 2009 – 2013
Today‘s Republicans used the Tea Party. And now it‘s come back to bite them. While Tea Partiers like Louie Gohmert may be popular in their own districts, most Americans are disgusted by them. They don‘t like the Tea Party‘s extremism and they don‘t want to sabotage the government. The majority of the country now thinks „Tea Party“ when it hears the word „Republican.“ This has led to historically low approval ratings for the GOP.
Troops face claims of killing boy and father
Australian special forces are suspected of causing the deaths of two civilians – a six-year-old boy and his father – during a controversial night-time raid in Afghanistan last month.
Telescope looks into deep past
The most powerful low-frequency radio telescope in the southern hemisphere has begun its search for radio waves that are almost as old as the universe itself.
Known as the Murchison Widefield Array, the internationally funded radio telescope is in a remote part of Western Australia, where it is free of interference from modern technology including mobile phones and radios.
Cambodia‘s Khmer Rouge trial hears closing statements
The tribunal, established in 2006, has only sentenced one defendant so far. Chief jailer Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in running the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where thousands of inmates were killed.
Underwater wi-fi given test run to create ‚deep-sea internet‘
Wireless communication underwater has been possible for some time, but the problem lies in getting separate systems used by different organisations to communicate with each other.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for instance, uses acoustic waves to send data from tsunami sensors on the sea floor to buoys on the surface.
However due to infrastructure differences, this data cannot be shared quickly with other information gathered by the US Navy.
Colombian farmers risk death to reclaim lost land
The government wants to correct decades of ‚land reform in reverse‘. But powerful criminal, armed and business interests are ranged against the country‘s displaced peasants
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika überlegen, dem Iran die Urananreicherung für friedliche Zwecke zu belassen
Laut Wall Street Journal erwägt Präsident Obama ein größeres Zugeständnis bei den laufenden P5+1-Verhandlungen mit dem Iran, indem er zugibt, dass der Iran das Recht auf die zivile Anreicherung von Uran auf seinem eigenen Territorium hat.
Niederländischer Premier: Russland-Besuch von König Willem-Alexander nicht abgesagt
Laut dem niederländischen Ministerpräsidenten Mark Rutte wäre es verfrüht, von einer Absage des geplanten Russland-Besuchs durch König Willem-Alexander wegen des jüngsten Zwischenfalls mit einem niederländischen Diplomaten in Moskau zu sprechen, wie niederländische Medien berichten…
Inzwischen sind einige niederländische Politiker mit der Initiative aufgetreten, das Russlandjahr in den Niederlanden und das Jahr der Niederlande in Russland zu widerrufen.
US-Vertreter: Atom-Verhandlungen mit Iran ‚offen wie nie zuvor‘
Als „offen wie nie zuvor“ hat ein ranghoher US-Vertreter die am Mittwoch in Genf zu Ende gegangenen Verhandlungen zwischen der Sechsergruppe und dem Iran über das iranische Atomprogramm bewertet.
„Noch nie hatten wir derart angespannte, detaillierte, offene und aufrichtige Verhandlungen“, zitiert Reuters den US-Politiker.
Disapproval of GOP Peaks In Blame for the Budget Crisis
(14.10.) The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that criticism of the GOP’s handling of the budget dispute has grown by 11 percentage points since just before the partial government shutdown began, from 63 to 70 and now 74 percent – clearly leaving the party with the lion’s share of blame. Indeed 54 percent now “strongly” disapprove.
For once: Congratulations, Mr. President. #Obama #Victory #healthcare #socialdemocracy
„It avoids any major changes to Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act, a major victory for Democrats..“
Obama Applauds Senate Deal On Government Shutdown, Debt Ceiling
White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday that President Barack Obama is pleased with the deal on the government shutdown and debt ceiling..
Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown
(15.10.) Former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta had harsh words for everyone in Washington — including his former boss, President Barack Obama
Für einen Euro Eigentümer
Die HSH Nordbank beruft sich darauf, alle relevanten Gremien in den Verkauf einbezogen zu haben, darunter den Aufsichtsrat der Bank, in dem regierungsnahe Vertreter von Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein sitzen.
Union und SPD feilschen um Große Koalition
SPD pocht auf 8,50 Euro in Ost und West / Merkel: Untergrenze darf nicht zu hoch ausfallen / CDU für regionale Unterschiede
»Der Westen hat den Konflikt geschürt«
Die Mehrheit der Syrer ist gegen Einsatz von Gewalt. Ein Gespräch mit Louay Hussein
Red Bull Stratos FULL POV – Multi-Angle + Mission Data
See through the eyes of Felix Baumgartner as he completes his world record breaking jump from the stratosphere!
Kiss – Shout It Out Loud (Live From Tiger Stadium)
Music video by Kiss performing Shout It Out Loud. (C) 1997 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Nirvana and Replacements lead first-time nominees to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The voting process officially considers musical impact and contributions, but let‘s call it what it really is: a popularity contest
NSU-Prozess: Die verschlungenen Wege der Ceska 83
Explosion kills K-P minister Israrullah Gandapur, nine others
Elitentraining am Beispiel von Eton:
„The year is 2040. There have been riots in the streets of London after Britain has run out of petrol…“
Italy‘s GDP to fall 1.9% in 2013, Bank of Italy says
The Bank of Italy in a report on Tuesday confirmed its July prediction that Italys gross domestic product (GDP) will fall 1.9% in 2013.
The Taoiseach Enda Kenny is wrong to claim that austerity is coming to an end
The Irish economy remains in depression. It is the ECB‘s bailout of the banks we are being invited to celebrate
10 reasons not to trust claims national security is being threatened by leaks
Time and again GCHQ and other intelligence agencies have spuriously used ‚national security arguments‘ to suppress information and stifle debate
Die Visa-Bürokratie der USA wird immer schlimmer. Jetzt hat sogar schon Adi Shamir Einreiseprobleme (das S in RSA).
Freedom of the Press Foundation takes over Aaron Swartz‘s whistleblower project
Whistleblowers, rejoice! The Freedom of the Press Foundation is taking the helm of a secure document-submission service co-created by late computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, and wants to make it more accessible than ever.
The foundation — launched less than a year ago “to crowd-source funding for cutting-edge, independent journalism and publishing outlets” lacking mainstream support — announced early Tuesday that it has taken charge of the DeadDrop project, an endeavor announced earlier this year after the death of Swartz, a transparency advocate who co-created the system with Wired journalist Kevin Poulsen.
USA sollen Chemiewaffen in Panama entsorgen
Durch die 1977 unterzeichneten Torrijos-Carter-Verträge ging die Kontrolle des Panamakanals Ende 1999 an das mittelamerikanische Land über. Noch 1998 hatte das damals für die Kanalübergabe zuständige US-Militär versichert, dass Washington zu seinen Verpflichtungen zur Reinigung der Gebiete stehen würde. Die Vereinigten Staaten hatten die Chemiewaffenkonvention 1997 unterzeichnet und danach behauptet, dass keine US-Bestände an chemischen Waffen in anderen Ländern gelagert werden würden.
Mercedes wegen Diktaturverbrechen vor Gericht
In dieser Woche wird vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA über die Verantwortung des Automobilkonzerns Mercedes Benz, Teil der Daimler AG, an den Verbrechen der Militärdiktatur in Argentinien (1976-1983) befunden. Es geht um den Fall von 17 aktiven Gewerkschaftern und Betriebsräten des Mercedes-Werks in der Provinz Buenos Aires.
Indigenous Nations Are at the Forefront of the Conflict With Transnational Corporate Power
As we wrote last week, treaties with First Nations are not being honored, and even the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples does not adequately recognize the sovereignty of indigenous peoples.
Ein Jahr ‚Dalli-Gate‘ – EU-Kommission sitzt Lobbyskandal aus
Heute vor einem Jahr wurde der damalige EU-Gesundheitskommissar John Dalli von Kommissionspräsident Barroso zum Rücktritt gezwungen. Zentrale Fragen in dem Polit-Krimi um den größten Lobbyskandal der EU-Geschichte, der sich im Rahmen der Erstellung der Tabakproduktrichtlinie abspielte, sind bis heute ungeklärt. Was der Fall aber ans Tageslicht gebracht hat, sind hochnotpeinliche Wahrheiten, wie dreist und unreguliert sich einflussreiche Lobbyisten Zugang zu den zentralen politischen Ansprechpartnern verschaffen konnten.
Video zeigt Stratos-Sprung aus Baumgartners Perspektive
Zum Jahrestag von Projekt Stratos hat Sponsor Red Bull ein atem(be)raubendes Video veröffentlicht, das den Sprung gleichzeitig aus mehreren Perspektiven zeigt.
Finland to Commit Two Experts to Cyber Defense Center
(10.10.2013) “I’m glad that Finland is already now engaging in cooperation with the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence even though Finland is not a NATO member,” said Defense Minister Urmas Reinsalu at a meeting held Wednesday at the Defense Ministry in Tallinn. “Finland is very welcome to become a country contributing to the center and send a technical expert to take part in the everyday work at the center.”
Iraq Death Toll Rises To Nearly 1,000 In September
The U.N. mission in Iraq says nearly 1,000 Iraqis have been killed in violence throughout September
2003-2011: Half million Iraqis died in war, occupation
Almost half a million deaths in Iraq between 2003 and 2011 were caused by war and occupation, according to new research. The figure is around four times bigger than most previous estimates.
US-Studie 500.000 Tote durch Irak-Krieg
Einer US-Studie zufolge starben während des Irak-Krieges und der anschließenden Besatzung eine halbe Million Iraker. Und das ist eine „niedrige Schätzung“.
China Party journal decries Western ‚democracy trap‘
„This is so they can pressure us to put in place the ‚political reforms‘ they so earnestly hope for, the real goal of which is to eliminate Communist Party leaders and change our socialist system.“
Asmussen verlangt Verschärfung des Sparkurses in Griechenland
Griechenland muss seinen Sparkurs verschärfen: EZB-Mann Jörg Asmussen beschied dem Ansuchen des griechischen Finanzministers nach Streckung der Schulden abschlägig. Die griechische Regierung muss nun neue Maßnahmen vorlegen, wie sie dem Schulden-Dienst nachkommen kann.
IMF Proposing 10% Supertax Bail-in On All Eurozone Household Savings
This is a story that should raise an eyebrow or two on every single face in Europe, and beyond. I saw the first bits of it on a Belgian site named Express.be, whose writers in turn had stumbled upon an article in French newspaper Le Figaro, whose writer Jean-Pierre Robin had leafed through a brand new IMF report (yes, there are certain linguistic advantages in being Dutch, Canadian AND Québecois). In the report, the IMF talks about a proposal to tax everybody‘s savings, in the Eurozone. Looks like they just need to figure out by how much.
The International Monetary Fund Lays The Groundwork For Global Wealth Confiscation
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) quietly dropped a bomb in its October Fiscal Monitor Report. Titled „Taxing Times,“ the report paints a dire picture for advanced economies with high debts that fail to aggressively „mobilize domestic revenue.“ It goes on to build a case for drastic measures and recommends a series of escalating income and consumption tax increases culminating in the direct confiscation of assets.
Yes, you read that right. But don‘t take it from me. The report itself says:
Does IMF plan super tax of 10% on all Eurozone savings to solve national debt problems?
The times when state bonds underwent haircut or ‘debt restructuring’ to easy the national debts seem to be over. Cyprus showed the way with ‘seizing’ 50% of savings over 100,000 euro. While the International Monetary Fund and the Eurozone quarrel over a possible Greek debt haircut and the debt/bailout program sustainability, the IMF-technocrats come with a new revolutionary idea:
U.S. Eases Rules on Exporting Military Technology to Secure Role as World’s Leading Arms Dealer
In a boon for military contractors, the United States is relaxing controls on military exports, allowing some U.S.-made military parts to flow to nearly any country in the world with little oversight.
Italy ‚should have told EU in advance‘ about Alitalia plan
On Monday, shareholders in the troubled carrier unanimously approved an emergency 300-million-euro capital hike to save the airline from bankruptcy. That triggered immediate outrage from the parent company of British Airways and Spanish carrier Iberia, the International Airlines Group, which quickly called on the European Commission to intervene, saying the package amounted to State aid and broke EU law.
Putin telefonierte mit Merkel: Bilaterale Regierungskonsultationen verschoben
Bei dem Gespräch seien außerdem aktuelle internationale und innenpolitische Fragen diskutiert worden. So habe Putin den jüngsten Wahlsieg des von Merkel geleiteten CDU/CSU-Blocks gewürdigt und Erfolg bei der Bildung einer Koalitionsregierung gewünscht.
Britain‘s PM Cameron says Snowden files damaged national security
„The plain fact is that what has happened has damaged national security,“ Cameron told parliament. „In many ways, the Guardian themselves admitted that when they agreed, when asked politely by my national security advisor and cabinet secretary, to destroy the files they had.“
Suicide attack wounds Pakistani minister, kills 8
Gandapur contested the May 11 election as an independent candidate, but later joined cricketer-turned-politician Imran’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party.
Dutch diplomat assaulted in his home in Moscow
According to the minister, two people invaded the Dutch diplomat‘s residence and slightly wounded him.
8 rescued, 2 missing as Panamanian-registered cargo ship sinks off S Korea
Eight crew members have been rescued after a cargo ship with 18 Chinese nationals and a Vietnamese aboard sank Tuesday off the coast of Pohang.
‚We will remain on hunger strike‘
I write this after my return from the morning’s force-feeding session here at Guantanamo Bay. I write in between bouts of violent vomiting and the sharp pains in my stomach and intestines caused by the force-feeding.
UN blasts Canada over natives’ rights
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya made the remarks in a Tuesday news conference in Ottawa, following the completion of his nine-day probe of the situation of Canada’s aboriginal population.
U.S. Seeks $10.8 Billion Weapons Sale to U.A.E., Saudis
The Saudi regime has pressed the U.S. to maintain tough economic sanctions on Iran, both to discourage it from developing a nuclear arsenal and to limit Iran’s capacity to help its embattled ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity about diplomatic relations.