Daily Archives: 24. März 2013

24.03.2013 - 23:42 [ Huffington Post ]

Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Measure Passes Senate

Hoeven‘s Amendment 494 to the 2013 budget resolution passed Friday evening by a vote of 62 to 37. The amendment puts the Senate on record for the first time in support of the Keystone XL, the 1,700 mile pipeline that would carry tar sands from Canada to oil refineries in Texas.

24.03.2013 - 21:02 [ Russia Today ]

Saudi Arabia ‘threatens to ban’ Skype, WhatsApp, other instant messaging apps

The Saudi Arabian government has threatened to ban the use of instant messaging applications because of failure to control them, Saudi media reveal. It comes a month after the minister for media and culture confirmed censorship of Twitter.

24.03.2013 - 20:58 [ Russia Today ]

US Sec. of State tells Iraq to close airspace for Iranian planes ‘with Assad aid’

“It’s ironic given that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who are America’s strategic allies, have been the ones responsible for the bloodshed in Syria through their support for Syrian militants in the form of weapons, cash and Islamist fighters.. And they are the ones, who have blood on their hands and they should be in the International Criminal Court,” Papadopolous stressed.

24.03.2013 - 17:42 [ Vanity Fair ]

A Tale of Two Londons

Who really lives at One Hyde Park, called the world’s most expensive residential building? Its mostly absentee owners, hiding behind offshore corporations based in tax havens, provide a portrait of the new global super-wealthy.

24.03.2013 - 15:13 [ The Raw Story ]

Kentucky governor vetoes bill that would ‘make discrimination legal’

“I value and cherish our rights to religious freedom and I appreciate the good intentions of House Bill 279 and the members of the General Assembly who supported this bill to protect our constitutional rights to practice our religion,” Beshear said in a statement. “However, I have significant concerns that this bill will cause serious unintentional consequences that could threaten public safety, health care, and individuals’ civil rights.”

24.03.2013 - 15:02 [ The Globe and Mail ]

Teck Coal facing serious water pollution in Elk Valley

Teck Coal Ltd. is facing a massive pollution problem in the Elk Valley, where a metal-like element known as selenium is leaching out of mine sites and collecting in the eggs of fish, frogs and water birds.

24.03.2013 - 15:00 [ Gegen Hartz ]

Propagandaphrase im Dienste von Hartz-IV

Wenn Begriffe wie „Deutschland“ und „Wir“ zu Rauswurf-Begriffen werden, stellt das keine Petitesse mehr dar, sondern ist von äußerster Bösartigkeit. Es ist Menschenausgrenzung, die sich sehr leise vollzieht und gerade deshalb so effektiv funktioniert. Mir scheint, wir sollten mit geschärfter Aufmerksamkeit hineinhören in diese Welt der „Nebensächlichkeiten“.

24.03.2013 - 08:04 [ Netzpolitik ]

Netzpolitischer Wochenrückblick: KW 12

Diese Woche war keine gute für die Netzpolitik: Das Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Bestandsdatenauskunft wurde beschlossen, die Bundesregierung will mit dem E-Government-Gesetz u.a. De-Mail als Möglichkeit für die Behördenkommunikation vorschreiben und es gab keine Mehrheit im Bundesrat gegen das Leistungsschutzrecht.

24.03.2013 - 08:04 [ uhupardo ]

Sparer werden auch ohne Konto-Zugriff in ganz Europa enteignet

Zyperns Parlament wird vermutlich am Sonntagabend eine Zwangsabgabe auf alle Konto-Beträge ab 100.000 Euro beschliessen – und der Aufschrei ist überall laut und vernehmlich. Das ist um so erstaunlicher, als die Sparer in Europa und den USA jetzt schon seit mehr als zwei Jahren laufend enteignet werden, ohne dass das vernehmlichen Protest ausgelöst hätte. Stichwort: negative Realzinsen.

24.03.2013 - 03:04 [ FOX13 ]

Protesters rally against tar sands oil

The Utah Tar Sands Resistance joined with other local environmental groups outside of the Chevron Refinery on Saturday to protest tar sands oil refining and expansions in Utah.

24.03.2013 - 02:32 [ Waging Nonviolence ]

People of Cyprus: Follow the Vikings!

When the banks of the Sweden, Norway and Iceland went out of control, the people refused to bail them out, and the economies of all three countries were the better for it. Instead of allowing themselves to be bullied by international investors represented by the IMF and the European Union, the Cypriots who are facing a similar crisis today might want to learn from the Viking example.

24.03.2013 - 02:25 [ rabble ]

‚There is no right to protest‘ – Montreal police deny Charter rights

„This is approaching absurdist comedy“ tweeted Montreal Gazette reporter Christopher Curtis Friday night, trapped in a police kettle from which Montreal‘s finest inexplicably refused to release him as his deadline approached.

„Did they really, actually arrest Anarchopanda????“ replied well known Québécoise pundit Josée Legault.

24.03.2013 - 02:22 [ OPEN media ]

Supreme Court decision brings renewed vigour in fight against the TPP

Have you ever bought an electronic device or book and then sold it on Craigslist, eBay, or at a yard sale? Recently, big media conglomerates fought to have the Supreme Court allow them to lock down our rights to utilize the content and services we own. They were trying to make it impossible for us to lend, sell, give away, or trash a copy of a copyrighted work that we lawfully own without first asking permission of the copyright holder – who would have had the right to refuse! The same provisions exist in the leaked drafts that we’ve obtained of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an extreme and secretive trade agreement that could fine you just for clicking on a link.