Archiv: Televoting (voting program)

12.02.2020 - 13:27 [ ]

Tele-voting gets a veto


“We concur with the advice of the DNC’s security experts that there is no tele-caucus system available that meets our standard of security and reliability given the scale needed for the Iowa and Nevada caucuses and the current cyber-security climate,” says Tom Perez, Lorraine Miller, and Jim Roosevelt, of the DNC Rules and By-Laws Committee, in a joint statement.

12.02.2020 - 13:08 [ Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering - ]

UF Engineer Testifies Before U.S. House Committee about Election Security


“Currently, there is no known way to secure a digital ballot. At this time, any election that does not employ paper ballots cannot be secured,” Dr. Gilbert said. “Therefore, the report recommended that Internet voting, and specifically the electronic return of marked ballots, should not be used at this time.”

House Administration Committee Chairperson Zoe Lofgren commended Dr. Gilbert on the presentation of the report’s findings and the excellent work done by the National Academies. She noted that the report was “the guts of what we ended up putting in our SAFE [Securing America’s Federal Elections] Act that’s now pending in the Senate.”

12.02.2020 - 12:38 [ ]

Prime III

After piloting Prime III in selected wards in the 2014 primary election, the New Hampshire Department of State modified the software to accommodate the requirements of the state’s election code and debuted the system in the Presidential primary on February 9, 2016. Prime III can also be used through Gilbert’s other voting systems: Balloting and Televoting. The Balloting system enables voters to fill out their ballots online or through their phone. Once the ballot is completed, the voter will get a QR code that can be scanned at a Prime III-enabled voting machine to speed up the voting process.Televoting allows military and overseas voters to fill out their ballots through Prime III online and have it printed back at their home precinct.