Archiv: Sergeants Benevolent Association / NYPD

03.06.2020 - 20:13 [ @aaronnarraph / Twitter ]

Okay, here we go: Of the 59 Assembly Democrats running again in NYC, 25 (42%) have taken law enforcement (police, correction, or court officer) money this cycle.

NOTE: DenDekker, Simotas, and Lentol are all in the top 10. All face challengers in increasingly-leftist districts.

03.06.2020 - 20:09 [ CNN ]

A 19-year-old called out New York Democrats accepting police campaign donations. To his surprise, many have listened

„I‘ve been looking at state finance disclosures for candidates in New York and I was noticing a lot of police money, law enforcement money taken by Democrats claiming to be against it,“ he said. „I was making this spreadsheet. Then (the death of) George Floyd happened — so many people responded and it got, like, a hundred likes in a couple hours? So people wanted to see this.“
Since sharing his „Who‘s Taking Cop Money?“ Google spreadsheet on Twitter on May 29, eight Democrats — including a state senator, state assembly members and New York councilmembers — have vowed to donate their police-funded contributions to bail funds or criminal justice reform organizations.

03.06.2020 - 19:58 [ ]

NYPD Union Chief Is Very Sorry for Sharing a Racist Video That Calls Black People ‚Monsters‘


Ed Mullins, president of New York City’s second-largest cop union the Sergeants Benevolent Association, shared a 15-minute video made by right-wing author Colin Flaherty that refers to black people as “welfare queens,” “scam artists,” and “monsters.”

“Pay close attention to every word,” Mullins wrote in the email according to the New York Post. “You will hear what goes through the mind of real policemen every single day on the job. This is the best video I’ve ever seen telling the public the absolute truth.”

03.06.2020 - 19:52 [ New York Times ]

Police Union Discloses Arrest of de Blasio’s Daughter in Privacy Breach


In the post, the union asked how police officers could protect New Yorkers from “rioting anarchists” when “the mayor’s object-throwing daughter is one of them.”

There was nothing in the police report that suggested Ms. de Blasio had thrown any object, and the mayor said she was protesting peacefully. The report said that the police had advised her to leave the street, at 12th Street and Broadway, and she had “refused to do so.”