Archiv: Sadi Ben Shitrit

19.11.2020 - 17:05 [ Haaretz ]

Anti-Netanyahu Activist Under Fire for Comparing the Prime Minister to Hitler

Ben Shitrit said Hitler “Erased the parliament, destroyed the courts and terrorized the judges” and that Netanyahu was acting similarly.

„There are no words to describe you, the revulsion, the disgust and the recoiling we feel towards you. You are the most hatred prime minister here ever. There is no forgiveness for what you have done,” he added.

11.07.2020 - 17:31 [ ]

Anti-Netanyahu Activist: Only a ‘Bullet to the Head’ Will Silence Me


“I just got up, made a sign and went out to the street and protested,” he explained. “Every Saturday, just a friend [and I were] on the street corner.”

Ben Shitrit happens to be a cousin of Public Security Minister Amir Ohana, one of Netanyahu’s staunchest allies and defenders. He says he hasn’t spoken to his cousin, whom he calls a “sycophant” and a “poodle,” in years.