Archiv: Muhammad Ali

09.12.2023 - 19:02 [ FamousGreatSpeeches / Youtube ]

NBC News – Muhammad Ali on not going to war


25.02.2017 - 10:07 [ tmz ]

Muhammad Ali‘s Son Detained at Airport … They Asked ‚Are You Muslim?‘

Worth noting … Feb. 7 was 4 days after a federal judge put the kibosh on President Trump‘s immigration ban. U.S. Customs and Border Protections told us it can‘t comment on individual travelers, but „all international travelers arriving in the U.S. are subject to CBP inspection.“

12.06.2016 - 14:39 [ Answer Coalition ]

I was with Muhammad Ali on his hostage-release trip to Iraq — and the media has it all wrong

I couldn‘t believe it. These were hostages? I went up to one table of 30-somethings who looked European. “Are you hostages?” They all laughed and told me they were indeed hostages. They were nurses from Ireland who were working in an Irish-run medical facility in Baghdad. They asked me if I wanted to join them for drinks at a bar following dinner.

10.06.2016 - 17:40 [ Washington Post ]

Turkey’s Erdogan wasn’t allowed to speak at Muhammad Ali’s funeral. Now he’s not going.

Erdogan did attend Thursday night’s funeral prayer service for Ali. According to Turkish media reports, Erdogan had hoped to lay a piece from the cloth covering the Kaaba in Mecca on Ali’s coffin during the service, or Jenazah, but the event’s organizers had turned down this request, along with another to have a top Turkish cleric read from the Koran during the ceremony.

05.06.2016 - 13:41 [ Youtube ]

Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier (III) 1975-10-01 „Thrilla in Manila“

„Thrilla in Manila“ 1975-10-01 Joe Frazier (III) Araneta Coliseum, Quezon City, National Capital Region, Philippines

17.01.2012 - 14:55 [ Tagesschau ]

Boxlegende Muhammad Ali feiert 70. Geburtstag

Für Boxer ist er unbestritten immer noch „der Größte“ und eine Legende: der frühere Weltmeister Muhammad Ali, der seinen 70. Geburtstag feiert. Geboren wurde er aber unter einem anderen Namen. Am 17. Januar 1942 kam er als Cassius Marcellus Clay in Louisville (Kentucky) auf die Welt. Diesen Namen ändert er, als er 1965 zum Islam übertritt. Fortan steigt er als Muhammad Ali in den Ring.