Archiv: Mediapart

07.02.2019 - 18:11 [ ]

Macron security aide affair: the secret recordings that change everything

(1.2.2019) An investigation by Mediapart sheds dramatic new light on the affair involving Alexandre Benalla, who was a security aide to President Emmanuel Macron until he was sacked when video footage emerged showing that he had used violence against protestors at a demonstration. In particular recordings of Benalla talking to the former head of security for the ruling LREM party, Vincent Crase, who also lost his job over the scandal, reveal details about a secret meeting that breached a judicial control order, about a security contract with a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin, and Benalla‘s ongoing communications with President Macron. Fabrice Arfi, Antton Rouget and Marine Turchi report.

07.02.2019 - 18:09 [ Washington Post ]

Macron under fire after attempted search of French news outlet Mediapart

Press freedom advocates have criticized the government of French President Emmanuel Macron for attempting a warrantless search of an investigative news outlet days after it published material potentially damaging to Macron.

Representatives of the Paris prosecutor, along with police officers, arrived Monday morning at the headquarters of Mediapart alleging that the news organization’s reporting had violated the privacy of a former Macron aide.

16.04.2018 - 23:05 [ Mediapart/youtube ]

Deuxième jour d‘évacuation sur la ZAD

(10.April) Mardi 10 avril au matin, les opérations d‘évacuation de la ZAD, à Notre-Dame-des-Landes, ont repris. Après l‘évacuation de la ferme des Cent noms la veille, la ferme des Vraies rouges a été menacée dans la matinée, avant que les forces de l‘ordre ne recule, redonnant espoir aux zadistes même si la journée a été rude.

16.04.2018 - 09:45 [ ]

German intelligence document reports Iraq approved funding of Mitterrand campaign

In 1974, the Ba’ath party regime in power in Iraq approved a payment of 1 million dollars to fund the presidential election campaign that year of the late French socialist leader François Mitterrand, according to a document from the intelligence services of the former West Germany, the BND, obtained by Mediapart and German weekly Der Spiegel.