Archiv: Gonzalo Lira

21.04.2022 - 18:48 [ ]

Chilean and US authorities silent on Gonzalo Lira

Chilean-American citizen Gonzalo Lira López is still missing in Ukraine after publicly opposing the Zelensky government. The journalist, writer, filmmaker and vlogger resides in Kharkov and has not been heard of since Friday, April 15th.

Kawsachun News has been following developments and Chilean sources closely, however, there have been no official declarations from the Chilean Foreign Ministry nor the U.S. State Department or White House on matter.

21.04.2022 - 18:37 [ ]

Wo ist Gonzalo Lira????

Der ukrainische Geheimdienst SBU hatte schon vor etwa 4 Wochen versucht, ihn zu kidnappen!

Am Sonntag hätte Gonzalo in George Galloways MOAT auftreten sollen, war aber nicht erreichbar.

Ich werde diese Links nicht teilen, aber der ukrainische NAZI-Abschaum von Azov prahlt seit heute morgen damit, ihn ermordet zu haben. Liefert aber keine Beweise, noch gibt es Hoffnung!

21.04.2022 - 18:29 [ ]

Gonzalo Lira Reported Missing in Ukraine

(Apr 18, 2022)

Lira ran a YouTube channel with 143,000 subscribers, which he used to share his viewpoints on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. His social media accounts had become controversial in recent weeks. Lira’s last tweets were critical of Ukraine and multiple media outlets. In a pinned tweet, he listed journalists that he claimed were victims of the “Zelensky regime” and wrote, “If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.”