Archiv: Gareth Porter

25.03.2021 - 19:08 [ The Scott Horton Show ]

3/18/21 Gareth Porter on the Military’s Efforts to Subvert the Afghan Peace Deal

Gareth Porter talks about the U.S. military’s efforts to sabotage any attempt at leaving Afghanistan. The deal negotiated by the Trump administration made both the conditions and deadlines for withdrawal clear—but almost immediately, the military began claiming that the Taliban was somehow in violation of the agreement, and that America had to stay. Sadly very few people in power are willing to drastically change the situation in Afghanistan, and it looks increasingly likely that the Biden administration will simply try to stay the course

15.11.2020 - 22:53 [ Consortium News ]

WATCH: CN’s 25th Anniversary Show With Oliver Stone, John Pilger, Nat Parry, Diane Duston, Spencer Oliver, Gareth Porter, Ray McGovern and Peter Kuznick

Watch our 25th Anniversary live celebration on Sunday beginning at 3 pm EST with guests Oliver Stone, Diane Duston, John Pilger, Nat Parry, Ray McGovern, Spencer Oliver and Gareth Porter right here.  Watch it live here with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria:

27.01.2019 - 02:43 [ Gareth Porter ‏/ Twitter ]

Warmonger-in-chief Bolton never rests.

His latest trick: trying to gin up a new #Iran crisis by claiming Iran has lied to international atomic watchdog IAEA. But it‘s fallen flat. Neither the IAEA nor the Europeans took his antics seriously.