Archiv: Falcon (rocket)

11.09.2024 - 02:05 [ The Launch Pad / Youtube ]

LIVE! SpaceX Polaris Dawn Launch

Watch LIVE as SpaceX launches Polaris Dawn on its multi-day mission to orbit, which will see Dragon and its crew fly to the highest Earth orbit ever flown since the Apollo program and participate in the first-ever extravehicular activity (EVA) by commercial astronauts wearing SpaceX-developed EVA suits.

21.10.2023 - 21:45 [ CNN ]

Psyche mission launches as NASA’s first trip to a metal world

(October 13, 2023)

To accomplish the rest of the mission, the van-size spacecraft will rely on its new solar electric propulsion system, powered by Hall-effect thrusters, Oh said. The thrusters will utilize the spacecraft’s large solar arrays and “use electricity to ionize xenon gas and accelerate those charged ions through an electric field to very, very high speeds,” Oh said. (…)

Also along for the ride is the Deep Space Optical Communications technology demonstration, or DSOC. Occurring during the first two years of the journey to Psyche, it will be NASA’s most distant experiment of high-bandwidth laser communications, testing the sending and receiving of data to and from Earth using an invisible near-infrared laser.

27.08.2023 - 03:15 [ CNN ]

SpaceX, NASA launch four astronauts from four countries

The crew is riding aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endurance capsule on the mission, dubbed Crew-7. The spacecraft launched atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 3:27 a.m. ET Saturday.

The four astronauts on the mission include NASA’s Jasmin Moghbeli, who is serving as mission commander; Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen representing the European Space Agency; Satoshi Furukawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA; and Russian cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov of Roscosmos.

28.08.2021 - 19:32 [ TASS ]

Dragon launch with cargo for ISS canceled due to weather conditions

The US launch of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle with the Dragon spacecraft, has been cancelled due to weather conditions, the American company SpaceX twitted on Saturday.

24.07.2021 - 17:23 [ ]

Mission zu Jupitermond: NASA beauftragt SpaceX

Die Europa-Clipper-Mission soll den eisigen Jupitermond 40 bis 50 Mal in nächster Nähe passieren und dabei prüfen, ob die Bedingungen dort für Leben geeignet sein könnten. Dafür soll die Rakete Kameras und Spektrometer für die Erstellung hochauflösender Bilder und Karten der Oberfläche und der Atmosphäre mitführen.

01.02.2021 - 21:54 [ ]

Elon Musk now controls over a quarter of all active satellites as SpaceX prepares to launch 1,000th Starlink

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk now controls a quarter of all active satellites orbiting Earth after launching more than a dozen Starlink missions over the last two years.

A Falcon 9 rocket will deliver the latest batch of 60 Starlink satellites into orbit from Nasa’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida this week, weather permitting, taking the total number of Starlinks in orbit to over 1,000.

08.12.2019 - 19:21 [ TASS ]

Astronauts begin operation on SpaceX Dragon’s docking with ISS

SpaceX Dragon was launched by Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral on December 5. The spacecraft will deliver to the ISS some 2.5 tonnes of cargo, including 998 kg for a series of 38 scientific experiments.

26.12.2018 - 06:18 [ KBS ]

Südkoreanischer Satellit an US-Stützpunkt gestartet

Insgesamt 64 Satelliten seien ins All befördert worden, darunter der südkoreanische Beobachtungssatellit Next Sat-1.

Next Sat-1 vom Koreanischen Fortschrittsinstitut für Wissenschaft und Technologie wird eine Umlaufbahn in einer Höhe von 575 Kilometern erreichen. Dort soll er in den kommenden zwei Jahren die kosmische Strahlung messen und die Infrarotstrahlung von Sternen beobachten.

16.11.2018 - 02:17 [ CBS News ]

SpaceX launches Qatari communications satellite

Es‘hailSat‘s first satellite entered service in December 2013 and currently provides television content, business communications and other telecommunications services. Es‘hail 2 features high-speed Ku- and Ka-band transponders, a military communications payload and sophisticated anti-jamming capabilities.

It also features the first Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation — AMSAT — payload to fly aboard a geostationary satellite, providing coverage stretching from Brazil to Thailand.

06.11.2018 - 23:15 [ KAZINFORM ]

Kazakhstan to launch satellites on Elon Musk’s rocket

„Over 150 engineers completed internships at factories in Europe, the UK, and Russia. They are working here in Kazakhstan, and we have created our third space system of scientific and technological importance. If all goes well, we will launch two satellites on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle in California on November 19. Alongside this, we will test all the developments of our engineers and designers in space,“ Marat Nurgorzhin said at the Digital Bridge International Innovation Forum in Astana.