Archiv: Des Moines Register (media)

04.02.2020 - 14:23 [ Des Moines Register ]

Unprecedented cybersecurity measures being taken to safeguard Iowa caucus results


Both parties in Iowa and their app and web development vendors partnered last fall with Harvard’s Defending Digital Democracy Project to develop strategies and systems to protect results and deal with any misinformation that‘s reported on caucus night.

They worked with campaign experts Robby Mook and Matt Rhodes — as well as experts in cybersecurity, national security, technology and election administration — and simulated the different ways that things could go wrong on caucus night.

Mook, 2016 campaign manager for Hillary Clinton, and Rhodes, Mitt Romney‘s 2012 campaign manager, helped develop a public-service video to alert campaigns to the warning signs of hacking and misinformation.

02.02.2020 - 07:46 [ New York Times ]

Des Moines Register Poll of Iowa Caucusgoers Abruptly Shelved

The survey, published by The Des Moines Register for 76 years, is considered the gold standard for polling in the notoriously hard-to-predict state and is carefully watched as an early indicator of strength in the caucuses.

David Chalian, CNN’s political director, said on-air that CNN and The Register decided “out of an abundance of caution” not to release the poll after the network learned of a potential problem with the way the survey was conducted.