Archiv: Daniel Menichella

15.03.2020 - 22:08 [ ZDF ]

Corona-Medikament – Spahn: Impfstoff wird für ganze Welt entwickelt

„Wir sind in sehr guten Gesprächen übrigens schon seit zwei Wochen mit diesem Unternehmen.“ Die Meldung heute komme insofern „auch ein bischen zeitverzögert“.

15.03.2020 - 21:25 [ ]

Germany and US in tug of war as Donald Trump tries to buy rights to coronavirus vaccine

While more than two dozen pharmaceutical firms are in a race to develop the first effective vaccine against the coronavirus, CureVac may have an edge thanks to an experimental technology that allows it to deliver the prophylactic in extremely small doses.

It appears to have caught Mr Trump’s eye when he met the company’s chief executive during a crisis summit

15.03.2020 - 17:33 [ ]

CureVac CEO replaced in midst of biotech‘s coronavirus push


Last Monday, Menichella was among the top executives of nearly a dozen biotech and pharmaceutical companies briefing President Trump on their respective coronavirus drug development plans. Just over a week later, he was out as CEO, replaced by CureVac founder and former CEO Hoerr.

It‘s a rapid transition in leadership at a time when the company is in the global spotlight for its efforts to quickly advance a coronavirus vaccine into human testing.