Archiv: Konvention zum Schutz von Kulturgut bei bewaffneten Konflikten / Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict

07.01.2020 - 17:13 [ ]

Iran FM vows proportionate response to US terror act after assassination of General Soleimani

Elsewhere in his interview, Zarif responded to a question if it was worth speaking to Trump and said, „It doesn‘t need speaking. He has to realize that he has been fed misinformation. And he needs to wake up, and apologize. He has to apologize, he has to change course.“

07.01.2020 - 15:13 [ Washington Post ]

The president didn’t threaten just Iran’s culture sites. He threatened culture.

Will my country lay waste to the great mosques and bridges of Isfahan and the remains of Persepolis? Will we destroy the last stones of the Achaemenid and Sasanian empires? If we are to be a barbarian nation, what are our new limits? Do we have any?

07.01.2020 - 14:49 [ CNN ]

Iranian foreign minister: Trump prepared to commit war crimes

Iran‘s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif says President Donald Trump doesn‘t care about international law and is prepared to commit war crimes by threatening to destroy Iran‘s cultural sites.

07.01.2020 - 09:05 [ ]

UN cultural agency chief meets with Iran ambassador amid current tensions

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and Iranian Ambassador to the UN agency, Ahmad Jalali, met in Paris against a background of mounting threats between his country and the United States.

07.01.2020 - 06:03 [ International Committee of the Red Cross ]

Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. The Hague, 14 May 1954.

Recognizing that cultural property has suffered grave damage during recent armed conflicts and that, by reason of the developments in the technique of warfare, it is in increasing danger of destruction;
Being convinced that damage to cultural property belonging to any people whatsoever means damage to the cultural heritage of all mankind, since each people makes its contribution to the culture of the world;
Considering that the preservation of the cultural heritage is of great importance for all peoples of the world and that it is important that this heritage should receive international protection;
Guided by the principles concerning the protection of cultural property during armed conflict, as established in the Conventions of The Hague of 1899 and of 1907 and in the Washington Pact of 15 April 1935;
Being of the opinion that such protection cannot be effective unless both national and international measures have been taken to organize it in time of peace;
Being determined to take all possible steps to protect cultural property;
Have agreed upon the following provisions: