Daily Archives: 20. März 2018
Suspending Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group from Facebook
Update on March 17, 2018, 9:50 AM PT: The claim that this is a data breach is completely false. Aleksandr Kogan requested and gained access to information from users who chose to sign up to his app, and everyone involved gave their consent. People knowingly provided their information, no systems were infiltrated, and no passwords or sensitive pieces of information were stolen or hacked.
Analysefirma missbrauchte offenbar Millionen Facebook-Profile: Facebook-Chef muss nach Datenskandal Regulierung fürchten
Sky Views: Politicians should stay out of internet regulation
There are two arguments here: that the internet is broken, and that government is the fix. Both are wrong.
Politics and the English Language
As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer. It consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else, and making the results presentable by sheer humbug.
Paralyse der Kritik: Gesellschaft ohne Opposition?
Die Vorstellung, dass Opposition immer staats- und kapitalismuskritisch sein muss, stimmt schon längst nicht mehr. Aber das wäre unter Umständen ein Thema für den nächsten Kongress der Gesellschaft für Neue Psychologie. Das in einem ideologiekritischen Brief befürchtete Abtriften des Kongresses in Antiamerikanismus und Verschwörungstheorien hat sich beim diesjährigen Programm zum Glück nicht feststellen lassen.
Salvini to meet US envoy Wed
Anti-migrant Euroskeptic League leader Matteo Salvini, one of the two winners of the March general election, will meet US Ambassador Lewis Eisenberg on Wednesday afternoon, ANSA sources said Tuesday. The ambassador, embassy sources said, plans to have talks to all major Italian political leaders in the wake of the general election, which produced a hung parliament.
Schwarz-Grün in Tirol auf den letzten Metern zur Regierung
27 Kapitel haben ÖVP und Grüne bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen 2013 abgearbeitet, heuer sind es ebenfalls 27. Doch beide Parteien haben offenbar gelernt: Nicht die Wahlkampf-Floskeln sollen in den neuen Pakt hineinkopiert werden, sondern Schwarz-Grün will sich auf keine nachträglichen Interpretations-Scharmützel einlassen. Deshalb wird noch gefeilt und diskutiert, das eine oder andere Detail geklärt.
Thread: #ISIS takes over Southern #Damascus town of #Qadam in space of 3 days & kills dozens of Syrian Troops in Deadly ambush, here’s how it happened
Unrolled thread from @Dannymakkisyria #ISIS #Damascus #Qadam #SAA
36 Tote: IS stürmt Viertel südlich von Damaskus
Kämpfer der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) haben ein Gebiet bei der syrischen Hauptstadt Damaskus mit einem Überraschungsangriff erobert. Bei dem Sturm auf das Viertel Kadam wurden in der Nacht auf heute der Syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte zufolge 36 Regierungskämpfer getötet.
Nukleare Kettenreaktion im Nahen Osten? Das Treffen von Donald Trump und dem saudischen Kronprinzen steht unter dunklen Vorzeichen. Mein Text über den großen gemeinsamen Feind:
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s US visit is a shopping trip for war
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman markets himself as a domestic reformer with the ambition to unleash the potential of 32 million Saudi citizens.
His actions both at home and among his neighbors call into question whether he can be a useful ally for the West.
Überraschende Äußerung – Saudi-Prinz gegen Schleier-Pflicht
Saudi-Kronprinz und Trump demonstrieren Freundschaft
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat dem saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman nachdrücklich für eine sehr enge Rüstungszusammenarbeit beider Länder gedankt. Niemand mache der Golfmonarchie ihre herausragende Stellung in diesem Bereich streitig, sagte Trump dem Kronprinzen heute bei dessen Besuch im Weißen Haus.
#spd im Aufwind! :) Bundestagswahl – INSA – 20.03.2018 #CDU/#CSU: 32 #SPD: 17.5 #AfD: 15 #LINKE: 12 #GRUENE: 10.5 #FDP: 10
Finanzministerium: Scholz holt Goldman-Sachs-Banker als Staatssekretär
Gatzer hatte das Ministerium erst Ende des vergangenen Jahres verlassen, um bei der Deutschen Bahn anzuheuern.
Noch spektakulärer ist die zweite Personalie: Jörg Kukies, bisher Co-Deutschlandchef bei der Investmentbank Goldman Sachs, soll sich als beamteter Staatssekretär um internationale Finanzarchitektur kümmern.
Bargeld, igitt! :) Der Staat will die absolute Kontrolle über den Zahlungsverkehr. Das muss journalistisch unterstützt werden.
How FOSTA Could Give Hollywood the Filters It‘s Long Wanted
Some of the biggest names in the U.S. entertainment industry have expressed a recent interest in a topic that’s seemingly far away from their core business: shutting down online prostitution. Disney, for instance, recently wrote to key U.S. senators expressing their support for SESTA, a bill that was originally aimed at sex traffickers. For its part, 20th Century Fox told the same senators that anyone doing business online “has a civic responsibility to help stem illicit and illegal activity.”
Late last year, the bill the entertainment companies supported morphed from SESTA into FOSTA, and then into a kind of Frankenstein bill that combines the worst aspects of both. The bill still does nothing to catch or punish traffickers, or provide help to victims of sex trafficking.
The Future The FBI Wants: Secure Phones For Criminals, Broken Encryption For Everyone Else
The old truism is in play again with the FBI‘s renewed CryptoWar: if X is outlawed, only criminals will have X. In this case, it‘s secure encryption. The FBI may not be trying to get encryption banned, but it does want it weakened. No backdoors, claims FBI director Chris Wray, just holes for the government to use at its pleasure. So, if the FBI gets it way, the only truly secure encryption will be in the hands of criminals… exactly the sort of people the FBI claims it needs weakened encryption to catch.
Anschlag Breitscheidplatz: Wurde Anis Amri geschützt?
Die Aufklärungsbemühungen ergeben inzwischen aber auch Hinweise auf Vertuschungen durch die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft von Berlin, durch die Bundesanwaltschaft und durch das Bundeskriminalamt.
Norwegische Justizministerin tritt zurück
Die Opposition hatte Listhaug mit einem Misstrauensvotum stürzen wollen, weil sie der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei auf Facebook vorgeworfen hatte, die Rechte von Terroristen wichtiger zu nehmen als die Sicherheit des Landes.
Trump hires new attorney Joe diGenova, a tough critic of the FBI
President Trump has been busy airing his frustration with the special counsel‘s investigation into Russian meddling. The president has also hired a new attorney who has been a tough critic of the FBI‘s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett has the latest.
Südkoreanische Delegation reist zu Arbeitsgesprächen nach Panmunjeom
Beide Seiten wollen dort über ein Konzert einer südkoreanischen Künstlertruppe in Pjöngjang sprechen.
Geleitet wird die Delegation von dem bekannten Sänger Yun Sang, der zum künstlerischen Leiter der Truppe ernannt wurde. Er sagte Reportern vor der Abreise am Dienstag, dass die Musik und das Repertoire im Mittelpunkt stünden. Er wolle den nordkoreanischen Beamten aufmerksam zuhören.
Nordkoreanischer Diplomat nimmt vor Dialog mit Südkorea und USA an Dinner in Helsinki teil
An dem vom dortigen Außenministerium veranstalteten Dinner nahmen die meisten der 18 Teilnehmer des für Dienstag und Mittwoch vorgesehenen Track-1,5-Dialogs zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea sowie den USA teil, darunter sechs aus Nordkorea.
Despite the rumors, I‘m still fully engaged with my work at Facebook.
It‘s true that my role did change. I‘m currently spending more time exploring emerging security risks and working on election security.
Machtkampf wegen Russlandaffäre: Facebook stellt Sicherheitschef kalt
Facebook hat laut „New York Times“ Sicherheitschef Alex Stamos entmachtet. Er wollte Russlands Propaganda für Donald Trump schon 2016 öffentlich machen – doch Mark Zuckerbergs Top-Management war anderer Meinung.
Facebook Executive Planning to Leave Company Amid Disinformation Backlash
The impending exit of that executive — Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief information security officer — reflects heightened leadership tension at the top of the social network. Much of the internal disagreement is rooted in how much Facebook should publicly share about how nation states misused the platform and debate over organizational changes in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections, according to current and former employees briefed on the matter.
Bericht: Sarkozy in Polizeigewahrsam
Es gehe dabei um Vorwürfe, wonach für Sarkozys Wahlkampf 2007 Gelder aus Libyen geflossen sein sollen, berichtete die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP heute unter Berufung auf eine namentlich nicht genannte Quelle.
Salvini droht Brüssel mit Ausstieg aus dem Euro
(15.3.2018) Für den Fall, dass sich die EU darauf nicht einlässt, habe man Experten beauftragt, eine Änderung des Artikels 75 der italienischen Verfassung vorzubereiten, der in seiner aktuellen Fassung keine Volksentscheide über internationale Verträge erlaubt. Dann könne das italienische darüber entscheiden, ob es die nach Ansicht Salvinis „falsche Entscheidung“ der Euro-Übernahme revidiert.
Cut pension costs says IMF
New York, March 19 – Italian pension spending remains high and there are „areas“ where it could be cut, an International Monetary Fund working paper said Monday.
Die letzten Weissen Einhörner
(2009) Der Leiter von Species Conservation and Management Patrick Omondi sagte, das Ziel des Projektes ‚Last Chance to Survive‘ project“ sei es, die Nördlichen Breitmaulnashörner wieder im Süd-Sudan, Kongo und Kamerun anzusiedeln.
Meet the Heroes Who Protect the Last Northern White Rhinos in the World
In Kenya, a brave group of rangers are working to protect the last three northern white rhinoceros in the world.
Sudan, world‘s last white male northern rhino, dies at Ol Pajeta in Laikipia
Sudan, the last white male northern rhino in the world, has died aged 45 at Ol Pajeta Conservancy in Kenya‘s Laikipia County.
The rhino has been suffering from age-related complications that led to degenerative changes in muscles and bones combined with extensive skin wounds.
Richtig so: Hildburghausen verbietet Rechtsrock-Konzert 2018 in Themar
Wie kann es sein, dass das Konzert durch das Landratsamt Hildburghausen nur aus Gründen des Naturschutzes verboten werden kann und nicht wegen der im vergangenen Jahr gezeigten verfassungsfeindlichen Nazi-Symbole, als rund sechstausend Nazi-Anhänger ihrer faschistischen Gesinnung ungestört frönen konnten ohne dass die Polizei das Konzert aufgelöst hat?
Get used to trade imbalance and public debt, China tells Kenyans
“In this world, striking an absolute balance is not possible. In Kenya, you are at the first stage of industrialisation, so there are certain things you need (to buy). Initially, this imbalance is unavoidable but later, we can try to rebalance,” Mr Zhou said in a statement, yesterday.
The Resistance Vol.I (mixed by Asymptote) by Suburban Avenue
Suburban Avenue Rome, Italy
released October 2, 2017
Police Service faces mass exit after salary cuts
Graduate and disabled officers have started resigning from their positions after the National Police Service Commission reduced their salaries by as much as half last week.
Ubers selbstfahrende Autos: First Blood!
Welcher Vollidiot ist denn bitte auf die Idee gekommen, Uber selbstfahrende Autos betreiben zu lassen!?
Holdout Philippines takes first big step to legalising divorce
The mainly Catholic Philippines, the only country apart from the Vatican to ban divorce, took a first big step towards legalizing it on Monday when the lower house of congress passed a bill.
Canadian Forces hospital to stay in Iraq until early 2019
But in the meantime it has extended the Canadian military commitment to lead the Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility in Erbil, Iraq, until March 31, 2019. This extension is in response to a request from the United States, the Department of National Defence stated Monday.
Duterte against divorce bill – Palace 0
Under the bill, separation for at least five years, legal separation by judicial decree for at least two years, psychological incapacity, gender reassignment surgery, irreconcilable differences and joint petition of spouses will merit a divorce.
It also provides priority for Overseas Filipino Workers with respect to court hearings, as well as a mandatory six-month cooling-of period for petitioner spouses.
Abe congratulates Russia‘s Putin on election victory
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe telephoned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday to congratulate him on his election victory and to reaffirm his commitment to a denuclearised North Korea.
Cult prevention group seeks stay of execution for ‘brainwashed’ former Aum Shinrikyo members
The Japan Society for Cult Prevention and Recovery (JSCPR) demanded Monday that the state refrain from executing 12 former members of doomsday cult group Aum Shinrikyo, not including the group’s guru leader, amid growing speculation that recent transfers of seven of them could indicate their hanging was imminent.
1995 Aum sarin attack on Tokyo subway still haunts, leaving questions unanswered
Miyama, a pseudonym she uses to protect her privacy when speaking to the media, was a graphic designer when she discovered the cult through one of Asahara’s books. She was among the droves of young Japanese — many from wealthy, well-educated backgrounds — sickened and alienated by the consumerist ethos of the time that was fueled by the bubble economy. She found peace in the teachings and a sense of spiritual connection with Aum followers, and especially, toward its charismatic guru.(…)
The self-employed 54-year-old, who also goes by an alias, said the widely held notion of the cult being a dangerous army of mind-controlled zealots assembling around a half-blind, babbling madman seem far removed from the mostly calm, stoic lifestyle rank-and-file members like himself experienced during much of the cult’s existence.
Microsoft bot can now translate Chinese to English as well as a human
After testing a sample set which included around 2,000 sentences from various online newspapers, researchers from Microsoft’s Asia and US labs announced in a company blog post that their bot system had achieved “human parity”. Microsoft even hired external bilingual human evaluators to verify the machine’s translation accuracy.
Rainbow lasting almost 9 hours in Taiwan to enter Guinness World Record: Report
(16. März) „When we broke the previous record after passing six hours, I was hardly able to stay seated for lunch. I was so excited, I wanted to make sure we captured the rainbow,“ he said. „But then it did something even more incredible. It went on to beat the previous record by another three hours!“
First international flight lands at Erbil airport from Saudi after ban lifted
Flights with flydubai will also resume on Monday. The airline’s first a passenger plane will land in Erbil around 4pm with 100 onboard and will return to the UAE the same day with 164 passengers.