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Daily Archives: 13. März 2018
Herbert Marcuse: „Repressive Toleranz“
Die Kräfte der Emanzipation lassen sich nicht mit einer gesellschaftlichen Klasse gleichsetzen, die aufgrund ihrer materiellen Lage von falschem Bewußtsein frei ist. Heute sind sie hoffnungslos über die Gesellschaft zerstreut, und die kämpfenden Minderheiten und isolierten Gruppen stehen oft in Opposition zu ihrer eigenen Führung. In der Gesamtgesellschaft muß der geistige Raum für Verneinung und Reflexion erst wiederhergestellt werden. Zurückgeworfen durch die verwaltete Gesellschaft, wird die Anstrengung zur Emanzipation »abstrakt«; sie wird darauf reduziert, die Anerkennung dessen zu erleichtern, was geschieht, die Sprache von der Tyrannei der Orwellschen Syntax und Logik zu befreien, die Begriffe zu entwickeln, welche die Realität erfassen. Mehr denn je gilt der Satz, daß Fortschritt in der Freiheit Fortschritt im Bewußtsein der Freiheit erfordert. Wo der Geist zum Subjekt-Objekt der Politik und ihrer Praktiken gemacht worden ist, ist geistige Autonomie, die Anstrengung des reinen Denkens, eine Sache politischer Erziehung (oder vielmehr: Gegenerziehung) geworden.
What is Driving New Drive for AUMF?
After years of sitting back and letting Congressional authority to declare war transfer to the Executive Branch, it appears that some leading Members of the House and Senate are finally waking up to the consequences of their failure. On February 27, the House Progressive Caucus and the House Liberty Caucus joined forces to hold a hearing on the illegal wars raging in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Iraq, demanding that Congress take back the war powers authority. The succession of regime change wars of the post 9/11 period have all been justified by the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that was passed in the immediate aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon.
Offering Netanyahu a Pardon Is a Threat to Democracy
The offer of a pardon will tell every corrupt politician that they only need to step down to escape the clutches of the law – which will shape the future of Israeli politics.
Stephen Stills – Love The One You‘re With
Trump‘s Abrupt New Romance With Kim Leaves Netanyahu Hurting, and Stranded
It was very nearly 50 years ago that Stephen Sills released his hit single containing the immortal line, „If you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with.“
That song could have been the sound-track for U.S.- Israel relations last week.
Because shortly after star-crossed bromancers Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu parted after their cozy interlude at the White House, Trump quickly turned his affections in another direction.
Großmachtpolitik, Militäreinsätze, konsequente Abschiebungen – das rechte Programm der Großen Koalition
Die neue Bundesregierung wird erst am Mittwoch vereidigt, aber die Medien haben bereits begonnen, die Öffentlichkeit auf ihren Kurs einzustimmen. Dabei bestätigen sie, was die WSWS von Anfang an über den Koalitionsvertrag geschrieben hat: Die Politik der Großen Koalition wird von Großmachtstreben, Militarismus und heftigen Angriffen auf soziale und demokratische Rechte geprägt sein.
Der Blitzaufstieg des Generalsekretärs
Verteidigt wird Selmayr von anderen Deutschen in Brüssel wie etwa von Haushaltskommissar Günther Oettinger, dessen Vorgängerin im Streit mit Selmayr aus dem Amt schied, und von seinem langjährigen Förderer Elmar Brok, der zur Zeit als „Brexit-Sherpa“ des Europaparlaments tätig ist. Der Parlamentsausschuss, der Selmayrs Blitzaufstieg durchleuchten wird, wird von einer CDU-Politikerin geleitet. Deutsche arbeiten in hoher Zahl auch an der Spitze anderer EU-Behörden, beispielsweise der EU-Finanzapparate. Kritiker warnen mittlerweile vor einer „Germanisierung“ des Europaparlaments.
Nikolai Glushkov’s body, discovered in London earlier today, reportedly showed signs of strangling around the neck. Unclear if murder or suicide. He used to work with Berezovsky, who also died under mysterious circumstances.
USA fordern „Dringlichkeitstreffen“ in Jordanien, nachdem Syrien Rebellen im Süden des Landes angegriffen hat
US-Regierungsvertreter gaben eine Erklärung heraus, in der sie alle Seiten warnten, die Deeskalationszone zu respektieren und den Waffenstillstand nicht zu gefährden. Es ist nicht klar, wie ernsthaft dieser Aufruf genommen wird, nachdem Regierungsvertreter der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika offen damit drohen, Syrien auf jeden Fall bald anzugreifen.
Massenentlassungen im U.S.-Aussenministerium
(3.12.17) Imperialistischer Komplex kämpft erbittert um die Macht im Weissen Haus.
Rex Tillerson: Man wird ihn vermissen
Sein Job war eine Qual: Rex Tillerson hielt nichts von Donald Trump und konnte nie für ihn sprechen. Der Nachfolger mag wie der US-Präsident denken. Besser ist das nicht.
Trump wirft, ausgerechnet, Tillerson raus – per Tweet
Tillerson gefeuert, C.I.A.-Direktor und Kriegslobbyist Pompeo neuer U.S.-Außenminister, Folterkeller-Chefin neue C.I.A.-Direktorin.
Prime minister returns to Ramallah says assassination attempt well prepared
The Prime minister stressed that “this attack will not prevent us from completing our work in Gaza and achieving national reconciliation,” adding, “We will continue working until we return to Gaza and unify our ranks. There will be no homeland without Gaza.”
Presidency condemns attack on prime minister’s convoy in Gaza
The Palestinian presidency condemned on Tuesday the attack on the convoy of Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah after entering the Gaza Strip and held Hamas responsible for what it described as “the premeditated aggression against the convoy of the prime minister and the head of intelligence.”
It said in a statement that “this attack against the convoy of the prime minister aimed at efforts and steps by President Mahmoud Abbas to end division and achieve reconciliation.”
It said “whoever carried out this act directly serves the interest of the Israeli occupation, the main beneficiary from the division.”
Longtime Trump aide fired over financial crime investigation
President Donald Trump‘s longtime personal aide John McEntee was fired because he is currently under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security for serious financial crimes, a source familiar with his firing told CNN.
John McEntee, Trump Aide, Is Forced Out Over Security Issue, but Joins Re-election Campaign
Officials declined to say what issues prompted the security concerns about Mr. McEntee.
Oil jumps after Trump fires Tillerson, putting Iran in focus
Oil rose after Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday, sparking a dollar fall and concern that a deal on Iran’s nuclear program could collapse.
Iran deal imperiled as Trump ousts Secretary Tillerson
The ousted secretary has also advised Trump not to rip up the nuclear accord outright. But his named replacement, CIA director Mike Pompeo, has disagreed.
Gina Haspel
(last edited on 13 March 2018, at 15:26)
Haspel joined the CIA in 1985 and has held several top positions in the agency including deputy director of the National Clandestine Service.[5] Haspel ran a „black site“ CIA prison located in Thailand in 2002.[6][7] The site was codenamed „Cat’s Eye“ and held suspected al Qaeda members Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri and Abu Zubaydah for a time. The Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture specifies that during their detention at the site they were waterboarded and interrogated using no-longer-authorized methods.[5][8] Declassified CIA cables specify that Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in a month, was sleep deprived, kept in a „large box“, had his head slammed against a wall, and he lost his left eye. Zubaydah was deemed, by the CIA interrogators, to not be in possession of any useful intelligence (Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah).[9]
Haspel later was the chief of staff to Jose Rodriguez, who headed the CIA‘s Counterterrorism Center. In his memoir, Rodriguez wrote that Haspel had „drafted a cable“ in 2005 ordering the destruction of dozens of videotapes made at the black site in Thailand.[8]
Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen.
Congratulations to all!
Bulgarian president, prosecutor-general challenge private security law
In his statement, Radev said that “the state does not have the right to abdicate the duty to ensure the security and peace of people in populated areas, including so-called urbanised territories. The opportunity, which the Private Security Act gives private enterprises to carry out guarding activities in urbanised territories are a de facto refusal by state, through its executive branch, to carry out its duties to secure public order.”
Israel uses drones to drop tear gas on Gazans for first time
Some 200 Gazans had gathered at the border fence with Israel as part of a weekly protest against the ten-year blockade when an unmanned aerial vehicle approached the scene. Footage from the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen news agency shows the drone dropping canisters of tear gas on the protesters who can then be seen running blindly from the scene.
Palestinian PM Hamdallah survives Gaza roadside bomb attack
Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah survived an assassination attempt in Gaza on Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority said after an apparent roadside bomb targeted his motorcade.
Italian police investigating money laundering in Prague
The firms controlled by Personnettaz were buying luxurious buildings in the centre of Prague, in Narodni street, near Old Town Square and below Prague Castle. Italian detectives came across him when looking into the activities of ’Ndrangheta mafia in northern Italy, MfD writes.
The Latest: Italian businessman detained in Slovakia
Prosecutor general spokeswoman Andreja Predajnova says Antonino Vadala was detained on Tuesday morning in the eastern town of Michalovce. She says the move comes at the request of an Italian court that issued a European warrant for Vadala’s arrest due to a drugs-related crime. Italy seeks his extradition.(…)
In his last unfinished story, Kuciak was writing about the ties between Vadala, alleged to be a member of an Italian crime syndicate, and people close to Prime Minister Robert Fico.
YPG to be withdrawn from Manbij as Turkish forces encircle Afrin
Speaking to reporters during a flight to Moscow, Cavusoglu said Turkey and the US would decide on a detailed plan for the region in the coming week, vowing that Turkish forces would go ahead with a military operation if those talks fail.
The foreign minister added that Ankara would “monitor” the return of weapons given to the YPG by Washington, an issue that has strained ties between the NATO allies.
Donald Trump sacks Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, replacing him with CIA director Mike Pompeo
Mr Tillerson, a former oil executive, will be replaced by Mr Pompeo, who as the head of the CIA is involved in the president’s daily intelligence briefly – providing his appointment is confirmed by Congress.
Präsident Moon ruft zu Kräftebündelung für Wandel in Korea auf
Das Land sollte die wichtige Gelegenheit nicht verpassen, bei den möglichen dramatischen Veränderungen in der Weltgeschichte die Hauptrolle zu spielen, betonte er.
Mit der Einschätzung, dass das Ende eines unbekannten Wegs hin zu einer großen Wende unberechenbar sei, rief der Staatschef die Bürger auf, über ideologische Grenzen und Lagerdenken hinaus ihre Kräfte zu bündeln.
Abe schätzt Gespräche mit Nordkorea unter Voraussetzung der Denuklearisierung hoch ein
Die entsprechende Äußerung machte Abe beim Treffen mit Südkoreas Geheimdienstchef Suh Hoon am Dienstag in Tokio. Suh besuchte Japan, um dortige Regierungsvertreter über die vereinbarten Spitzentreffen zwischen Süd- und Nordkorea sowie zwischen Nordkorea und den USA zu unterrichten.
Chinas Präsident hofft auf verstärkte Kommunikation mit Südkorea
Chung übermittelte auch eine Einladung an Xi Jinping für einen Staatsbesuch in Südkorea.
Xi sagte, dass Präsidentin Moon Jae-in seine Rücksichtnahme auf die Beziehungen mit Peking demonstriert habe, indem er einen Sondergesandten nach China schickte. Er habe eine hohe Meinung von dem Schritt.
China nehme die bilaterale Partnerschaft mit Seoul wichtig.
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
Q Thanks a lot, Sarah. Since Kim Jong-un’s overture to meet with President Trump last Thursday and his proposal to denuclearize, the North Korean media has mentioned nothing. They haven’t referenced the overture; they haven’t referenced this idea that North Korea would get rid of its nuclear weapons. I heard what you said a little bit earlier about how you believe that a meeting will still take place. What makes you think that, based upon the fact that Kim Jong-un hasn’t even mentioned this to his own people, that anything of substance will come out at such a meeting?
MS. SANDERS: Look, we know that the maximum pressure campaign is working. We know that they have responded due to that, and they have pushed this message through the South Koreans to us. We have accepted their invitation on the three promises that they made, and we’re going to move forward in this process.
Q Being nuclearized is a point on pride, we are told —
MS. SANDERS: I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear the first part of what you said.
Q Being a nuclear country is a point of pride, we are told, for North Koreans. To just simply get rid of their own nuclear weapons, it seems, would be something that would undercut what that country and what Kim Jong-un stands for. Again, why would he get rid of his nuclear weapons?
MS. SANDERS: I think that shows the effectiveness of the maximum pressure campaign. And that’s one of the reasons that we’re not letting up on the maximum pressure campaign, and we’re going to continue pushing forward on it.
Q Thank you, Sarah. Two questions. First, following up on what Jon asked, we know that Kim Jong-un has been using a special envoy to Seoul to send messages. Has he sent any special messages through any special envoy to the President?
MS. SANDERS: I’m not going to get ahead of or go beyond any of the things that we’ve already put out publicly.
Weißes Haus ist voller Gewissheit für US-Nordkorea-Gipfel
Das sagte Sprecherin Sarah Sanders am Montag vor der Presse. Sie war gefragt worden, ob das Gipfeltreffen schließlich nicht stattfinden könnte.
Nordkorea habe mehrere Versprechen abgegeben. Sollte Nordkorea diese einhalten, werde das Treffen wie geplant erfolgen, hieß es.
White House expects North Korea summit to happen despite Pyongyang‘s silence
The White House said on Monday it fully expected an unprecedented meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to take place, if North Korea stuck to its promises, even though Pyongyang has yet to comment publicly on the possibility of a summit.
Geheimdienstausschuss erklärt Trump in Russland-Affäre für unschuldig
Damit stellt sich der Geheimdienstausschuss gegen die US-Geheimdienste, die die versuchte Einflussnahme seit ihrem Untersuchungsbericht vom Januar 2017 als erwiesen ansehen.
Presidential Order Regarding the Proposed Takeover of Qualcomm Incorporated by Broadcom Limited
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (section 721), 50 U.S.C. 4565, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Findings. (a) There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that Broadcom Limited, a limited company organized under the laws of Singapore (Broadcom), along with its partners, subsidiaries, or affiliates, including Broadcom Corporation, a California corporation, and Broadcom Cayman L.P., a Cayman Islands limited partnership, and their partners, subsidiaries, or affiliates (together, the Purchaser), through exercising control of Qualcomm Incorporated (Qualcomm), a Delaware corporation, might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States;
Trump Blocks Broadcom’s Bid for Qualcomm
President Trump on Monday blocked Broadcom’s $117 billion bid for the chip maker Qualcomm, citing national security concerns and sending a clear signal that he was willing to take extraordinary measures to promote his administration’s increasingly protectionist stance.
Juncker didn‘t show up to the #Selmayrgate debate last night, but he‘s in Strasbourg today.
@GuyVerhofstadt takes the opportunity to scold Juncker and Selmayr in the plenary, even though that‘s not the subject of this morning‘s debate.
WATCH THIS: Dutch Liberal MEP @SophieintVeld severely reprimands @JunckerEU Commission „#SelmayrGate destroys all the credibility of the EU as a champion of integrity and transparency in public administration,
at times when public trust in the EU is low, this is devastating“
Merkel-Versteher des Tages: Martin Selmayr
Berlin regiert in Brüssel. Drei von vier EU-Behörden hören demnächst auf Merkels Kommando. Die Generalsekretäre des Parlaments und des Auswärtigen Dienstes verfügen bereits über einen deutschen Pass. Nach dem Willen des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker soll künftig sein früherer Mitarbeiter Martin Selmayr die 32.000 Beamten der Kommission dirigieren.
Viele, die heute noch bei Banken oder Verlagen arbeiten, werden später selbst überprüfen können ob HartzIV Armut bedeutet.
NHS hospitals ran out of children‘s intensive care beds more than a thousand times this winter, Labour says
He added it “beggars belief” that Prime Minister Theresa May had claimed, earlier this year, that the NHS was better prepared for winter than ever before, adding: “The truth is health cuts have pushed services to the brink and Theresa May should be ashamed.”
EU Network of Think Tanks to Coordinate Search for Fake News Sources
The European Commission appointed 39 experts to the HLEG on fake news and online disinformation in January 2018. It comprised representatives of civil society, social media platforms, news media organizations, journalists and academia. The HLEG is part of the Commission’s policy on fake news.
Spanish anti-terror law has ‚chilling effect‘ on satire, says Amnesty International
Amnesty International has warned that an “exponential increase” in prosecutions under a controversial Spanish anti-terrorism law is having a chilling effect on satire and dissent and is pushing social media users, musicians and journalists towards self-censorship.
The charity is calling for the law to be repealed, arguing that recent high-profile cases brought under article 578 of Spain’s criminal code have highlighted the danger the legislation poses to freedom of speech and international human rights law.
Software error to blame for two-hour Hong Kong MTR stoppage that left tens of thousands stranded
An investigation into the worst service interruption on the MTR’s East Rail Line in years has concluded that a software coding error was to blame for a control system failure that left tens of thousands of commuters stranded, the transport operator revealed on Monday.
Turkey Debunks Reports on US Troops Withdrawal From Incirlik Airbase
Citing a source in the US military command, the media outlet noted that US troops could withdraw from the Turkish airbase. Johnny Michael, spokesperson for US European Command (EUCOM), has described the reports as speculation.
Free Inspiration Treaty – Aine07 by Various Artists
Aine Spain
released October 17, 2016
US shrinks ops at Incirlik; Mattis warns Russia about Syrian gas attacks; Conditions set on N.Korea summit; US now has 15,000 troops in Afghanistan; and just a bit more…
Another contributing factor, of course, is the “overall decline in the tempo of U.S. military operations against Islamic State. The decline reduces the need to base U.S. jet fighters and logistics aircraft at Incirlik… But the challenge of the U.S.-Turkish relationship has spurred the pointed discussion about the American military’s posture at Incirlik, according to U.S. military officials.”
Free Inspiration Treaty Part II – AINE12 by Various Artists
Aine Spain
released October 23, 2017