Daily Archives: 11. März 2018

11.03.2018 - 18:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Weißes Haus: Doch keine neuen Vorbedingungen für Treffen Trump-Kim

Nachdem vorgestern „MSNBC“-Reporterin Hallie Jackson durch die Blume gefragt hatte, ob es denn möglich sei dieses verdammte Treffen ganz loszuwerden und endlich wieder in Ruhe abschlachten und Krieg führen zu können, ohne von irgendeinem Frieden irgendwo belästigt zu werden, war es heute „ABC News“-Reporter Jonathan Karl, der den Staffel-Stab der Kriegslobby in den Medien übernahm.

Und obwohl auch der Vize-Sprecher des Weißen Hauses Raj Shah so ziemlich das Gegenteil von dem repräsentierte, was im Allgemeinen als Granit bezeichnet wird, so folgte Mr. Shah mutmaßlich diesmal genauen Befehlen, was er als einfache bezahlte Quatschdrohne und Garderobenständer verdammt noch mal nicht zu versauen habe.

11.03.2018 - 16:38 [ Express.co.uk ]

Poland will be next Brexit! Ex-Polish minister says anti-EU momentum will be hard to stop

Radek Sikorski warned the Law and Justice Party and Government in Poland, chaired by Jarosław Kaczyński, may eventually lead the country out of the European Union.

Speaking in front of students at Greenwich University, Mr Sikorski said the eurosceptic political movement may spiral out of control, as Mr Kaczyński’s Party try to demand concessions from Brussels.

11.03.2018 - 16:24 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Die Sparer” haben 5,76 Billionen Euro auf dem Konto

(2.11.2017) Laut dem am 25. Oktober veröffentlichten neuen Bericht der Bundesbank über „Sektorale und
gesamtwirtschaftliche Vermögensbilanzen“ ab dem Jahre 1999 (dem Jahr der Einführung des derzeit in der Republik benutzten kapitalistischen Finanzsystems) betrug im Jahre 2016 das Geldvermögen der „privaten Haushalte und private Organisationen ohne Erwerbszweck“ in Deutschland 5765,0 Milliarden Euro.

Das sind aufgerundet 5,8 Billionen Euro und damit über eine Viertelbillion Euro mehr als in 2015 mit 5,5 Billionen Euro.

Des Weiteren stieg laut der Bundesbank im gleichen Zeitraum das Reinvermögen bzw Eigenkapital der „Privaten“ in der Republik, man könnte auch „Sparer“ zu ihnen sagen, von annähernd 11,2 Billionen auf über 11,7 Billionen Euro.

Das ist ein Anstieg um über eine halbe Billion Euro innerhalb eines einzigen Jahres. Und innerhalb von drei Jahren, wir erinnern uns, um zwei Billionen Euro.

11.03.2018 - 16:17 [ Frankfurter Allgemeine ]

DIW-Studie : Vermögen ungleicher verteilt als gedacht

(3.9.2015) Bezieht man die Topvermögensbesitzer in die Verteilungsforschung ein, so steigt der Anteil des obersten Prozents der Bevölkerung am Gesamtvermögen erheblich. Rein nach den Daten der Befragungen hält das reichste Prozent in Deutschland rund 24 Prozent am Gesamtreichtum von knapp 9 Billionen Euro. Berücksichtigt man die Superreichen, steigt der Anteil auf rund 32 Prozent. Betrachtet man nur das oberste Promille der Bevölkerung, ist der Effekt noch größer: Nach den lückenhaften Daten der ursprünglichen EZB-Studie kommt das oberste Tausendstel auf rund 4 Prozent des Gesamtvermögens, nach der DIW-Studie sind es etwas über 17 Prozent.

11.03.2018 - 16:03 [ Reuters Video ]

Mattis goes silent on North Korea

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Sunday he will not publicly discuss issues related to North Korea, deferring to diplomats and the White House, ahead of a proposed meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korea‘s leader, Kim Jong Un. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

11.03.2018 - 15:49 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Informed sources: Using napalm and phosphor, a new chapter of lies by terrorist organizations against Syrian Army

Informed sources stressed that before holding a new session of the Security Council, the terrorism-backing media fabricated a new chapter of lies on the use of phosphor and napalm along with the lie of using chemical weapons which is exploited by the terrorist organizations and their Western backers against the Syrian Arab Army.

The sources clarified on Sunday that whenever the Syrian Arab Army tightens the noose around the terrorist organizations in Eastern Ghouta, the terrorists’ supporters order them to use false accusations against the Syrian army.

The continued victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army against terrorists in Ghouta have moved the conspiring countries to repeat the false accusations on using chemical weapons against Syria, the sources added.

11.03.2018 - 15:41 [ Krone.at ]

Was ist denn da los mit unserem Geheimdienst?

Ist es eine sich anbahnende Staatsaffäre, wie die Opposition vermutet, oder handelt es sich lediglich um „lupenreine Ermittlungen in einem brisanten Fall“, wie der Innenminister betont? Seit dem Auffliegen des Krimis rund um das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (BVT), also dem polizeilichen Geheimdienst, gibt es aktuell viele offene Fragen – aber nur wenige gesicherte Antworten.

11.03.2018 - 14:19 [ Newsweek ]

Sott Kelly: Nasa Twins Study Confirms Astronaut‘s DNA Actually Changed in Space

(9.März) After landing, 93 percent of Scott Kelly’s genes returned to normal, the researchers found. The altered 7 percent, however, could indicate long-term changes in genes connected to the immune system, DNA repair, bone formation networks, oxygen deprivation and elevated carbon dioxide levels.

11.03.2018 - 13:00 [ Yeni Safak ]

Turkey, Russia, Iran summit likely in early April

(7.3.2018) According to diplomatic sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media, said the summit is planned to be held following Turkey-Russia High-Level Cooperation Council (UDIK) on April 3.

The main topic in the agenda of the leaders’ summit is expected to be Syria as other regional matters are also planned to be addressed.

Separately, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu will be heading to Moscow on March 12 to attend the sub-group of UDIK‘s joint strategic group as well as attend the International Travel and Tourism Fair.

11.03.2018 - 12:12 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey, US agreed on stabilization of Manbij, east of Euphrates: Turkish FM

We have established working groups for that,” Çavuşoğlu said in an interview with the German weekly Die Zeit on March. 9. The Turkish foreign minister said he would meet with his U.S. counterpart Rex Tillerson on March 19 to discuss further details.

“We hope the U.S. stops giving support to terror organizations” he said, referring to the Syrian Kurdish People‘s Protection Units (YPG). “These [militants] have control of 25 percent of the country [Syria] but the majority of the people that live in the cities are Arabs.

11.03.2018 - 12:05 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Solidarität mit dem Antimilitaristen Thomas H.

Wann darf auf einer Messe gegen die Bundeswehr demonstriert werden?

Ein Seitenverweis im Verfahren beim Blick in die Prozessakten förderte zudem für den Angeklagten Erschreckendes zu Tage: die Polizei führt über ihn als bisher unbescholtenen Bürger politische Akten.

11.03.2018 - 11:55 [ YPG ]

The Russian Federation is a partner of bloodshed with the Turkish state in Afrin

(7.3.2018) For more than 47 days, the Turkish state and its terrorist factions of ISIS and AL-Nusra front have launched an aggression and open warfare on Afrin enclave, using various types of weapon and troops.

As everyone knows, Afrin‘s sky was protected by the Russian Federation air forces, and if it hadn‘t been the Russian approval, the Turkish air forces would not be able to penetrate the Syrian space and carry out their airstrikes and aggression.

It is clear now that the Russian Federation complicit with the Turkish state by opening her airspace for the Turkish state allowing her to commit massacre against the civilians in Afrin. The Russian complicity came after many failure attempts by the Russian to extort People‘s Protection Units and the political administration in Afrin, and impose Russian private agendas which have no benefits for the Syrian people.

11.03.2018 - 11:50 [ Rudaw ]

Turkish-backed rebels advance on Kurdish-held Syrian town

„Turkish forces (and allied rebels) are on the edges of Afrin, less than two kilometres from the town‘s northeast,“ said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.

They successfully captured the Brigade 135 military base from Kurdish forces, both Abdel Rahman and an AFP correspondent embedded with the rebel groups said.

Pro-Ankara fighters could be seen taking heavy machine guns and ammunition from the base, even as they continued to exchange fire with nearby Kurdish fighters.

11.03.2018 - 02:38 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Geek Squad‘s Relationship with FBI Is Cozier Than We Thought

Although these documents provide new details about the FBI’s connection to Geek Squad and its Kentucky repair facility, the FBI has withheld a number of other documents in response to our FOIA suit. Worse, the FBI has refused to confirm or deny to EFF whether it has similar relationships with other computer repair facilities or businesses, despite our FOIA specifically requesting those records. The FBI has also failed to produce documents that would show whether the agency has any internal procedures or training materials that govern when agents seek to cultivate informants at computer repair facilities.

11.03.2018 - 02:04 [ WSWS ]

The CIA Democrats: Introduction and Part one

The military-intelligence candidates are disproportionately favored by the party apparatus, encouraged to run in districts that are the most likely takeover targets. Military-intelligence candidates account for 10 of the 22 districts selected for the most high-profile attention as part of the “red-to-blue” program, or nearly half. In some cases, military-intelligence candidates have amassed huge campaign war chests that effectively shut out any potential rivals, an indication that the financial backers of the Democratic Party have lined up behind them.