Daily Archives: 11. September 2017

11.09.2017 - 20:05 [ Inner City Press ]

After N Korea H-Bomb Test, US Draft Drops Oil Ban, France Likes It, Italy Silent on Details

At 3 pm, French Ambassador Francois Delattre said

„The bottom line is simple: the threat of DPRK has changed in scope, scale, and its very nature. We’re facing not a regional but a global threat, which unites us. We fully support the resolution proposed by the US. We think it’s a robust resolution, a needed step towards the firmness I was just referring to. Our deep belief is that only a firm reaction of the Council can open the path to a political res. Our firm attitude today is the best antidote to the risk of war. I think the conditions are met to go for a vote. We completely support the resolution as it is. By definition this is a compromise to get everybody on board.“

11.09.2017 - 19:44 [ New York Times ]

Merkel Suggests Germany Should Join North Korea Talks

In what the Germans themselves are calling a “sleep campaign,” Chancellor Angela Merkel, seeking a fourth term in office in elections on Sept. 24, has moved to highlight her international status by calling for a new round of negotiations with North Korea — including Germany.

11.09.2017 - 19:30 [ CNBC ]

Will China and Russia support oil sanctions on North Korea? Experts are skeptical

Choi Kang, vice president of research and principal fellow at The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, told CNBC‘s „Squawk Box“ on Monday that the oil embargo likely wouldn‘t be included in the final draft of the resolution due to resistance from China and Russia.

If an oil embargo does not materialize, North Korea will likely think whatever it does, „‚China (and Russia) will be on our side. We can do all the way.‘ Maybe the next step will be an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) test with a nuclear warhead,“ Choi added.

11.09.2017 - 18:59 [ Colin Todhunter / Global Research ]

Foreign Capital Dictates India’s Development Agenda: Cultural Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe, Ripping Up India’s Social Fabric

The type of ‘development’ or ‘globalisation’ being rolled out by Washington and the World Bank is based on a need to homogenise cultures, production and consumption across the world because powerful transnational corporations’ business models rely on fast profits and global uniformity.

11.09.2017 - 18:59 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

China backs new UN sanction

China said Monday it will support further sanctions from the UN Security Council against North Korea over its sixth nuclear test, a day before the Security Council votes Monday afternoon (US EDT).

China hopes that the Security Council members could „reach a decision after full consultations and give a united voice on the North Korea issue,“ said Geng Shuang, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a regular press conference on Monday.

11.09.2017 - 18:34 [ theHill.com ]

Send a message to North Korea: America will not tolerate missiles

Leaving aside for a moment how attainable, by any means, a complete denuclearization of Pyongyang might be, this moment when an anticipated North Korea escalation has not happened presents the United States with a unique and fading opportunity. The Trump administration should put Kim Jong Un on the diplomatic defensive by the focused leadership that East Asia and the world needs to move this situation toward de-escalation and alternatives to war for dealing with Pyongyang.

11.09.2017 - 18:27 [ Washington Post ]

In the push for oil embargo on North Korea, China is reluctant to sign off

Matthew Rycroft, Britain’s ambassador to the U.N., told reporters Monday that the resolution to be voted on, while diluted compared to the original draft, remains “very robust” with a significant set of new sanctions on North Korean imports and exports.

President Trump repeatedly has urged China to do more on North Korea, but Chinese analysts believe the country will continue to take an incremental approach.

11.09.2017 - 18:13 [ Robert Dodge / Counterpunch ]

Nuclear Weapons, Natural Disasters, Bullies and Your Doctor

The world’s physicians and health community are committed to a world free of nuclear weapons that provides for the health, well-being and security of people throughout the world. This Treaty provides an “Rx for Survival,” What will we tell our children’s children when they ask what we did when the world was threatened? The choice is ours.

11.09.2017 - 18:12 [ Luogo Comune ]

„September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“ – A Film by Massimo Mazzucco

(2013) „September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor“ is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. While aimed primarily at a general, uninformed audience, the film also contains some new findings that may be of interest to advanced researchers.

This film is intended as an educational, non-profit operation, and must remain so in order to fulfill all the requirements for the usage of copyrighted material. As such, the entire film is made available online for free from day one.

11.09.2017 - 17:53 [ Techdirt ]

Thanks To The DEA And Drug War, Your Prescription Records Have Zero Expectation Of Privacy

How private are your medical records? You‘d think they‘d be pretty damn private, considering Congress specifically passed a law regulating the disclosure of these sensitive records. Some states feel the same way, extending even greater privacy protections to things like prescription records. Not only are medical entities prevented from passing on sensitive info without patients‘ consent, local law enforcement agencies aren‘t allowed to obtain third-party records like prescription data without a warrant.

Seems pretty locked down, but as Leslie Francis and John Francis point out at the Oxford University Press blog, federal law enforcement agencies have undone both Congressional protections and state protections.

11.09.2017 - 17:32 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Massendemonstrationen am Unabhängigkeitstag in Brasilien

Den Organisatoren zufolge spiegelten die diesjährigen Themen die Ziele der Demonstration wieder, die aggressive und ausschließende Struktur der Gesellschaft und den Verlust der Arbeitnehmerrechte zu verurteilen. Laut Raimundo Bonfim, Koordinator der Bewegung Central de Movimentos Populares (CMP), „ist die aktuelle Situation der Arbeitslosigkeit, des Elends und der sozialen Ausgrenzung gravierender als im Jahr 1995.“

11.09.2017 - 16:49 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Berlin fordert „Ein-Europa-Politik“

So hieß es etwa jüngst in einer Analyse der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FDP), es gehe nicht an, dass die Regierung Tschechiens mit Blick auf umfassende Investitionen Chinas in ihrem Land eine „Erklärung über die Unteilbarkeit chinesischen Territoriums“ unterzeichnet habe. Beijing reagiert auf die Attacken aus Berlin mit kritischen Hinweisen auf die deutsche Dominanz in der EU.

11.09.2017 - 15:58 [ SANA ]

Syria welcomes all initiatives of reconstruction by states and bodies who have not been involved in the aggression against it

The source indicated that Syria finds canceling the unjust and illegal unilateral measures which have been imposed by the US and the EU on Syria and which have reflected negatively on the life of the Syrian citizens and their livelihood constitute a main factor that will help launching a comprehensive process of reconstruction.

11.09.2017 - 10:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

Weltsicherheitsrat: Abgestuftes Öl-Embargo gegen Nordkorea zur Abstimmung, Verhandlungen bis zum Schluss

Ich bin immer wieder amüsiert, wenn ich sich selbst als unangreifbar ansehende Monopolisten und Elitäre dabei beobachte, wie sie versuchen die Realitäten zu ignorieren und sich irgendwie zurecht zu manipulieren. Das Wort „schwach“ oder „milde“ scheint heute Morgen Dogma der vier die Informationsindustrie noch beherrschenden Nachrichtenagenturen (Reuters, afp, ap, dpa) zu sein. Dabei steht die U.S.-Regierung unter ihrem Außenminister Rex Tillerson heute im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen vor einem weder schwachen, noch milden diplomatischen Sieg.

11.09.2017 - 09:41 [ KBS.co.kr ]

Sonderuntersuchungsausschuss zu Gwangju-Aufstand wird heute gegründet

Die Untersuchung wird auf Daten einschließlich vertraulicher Dokumente und Aussagen von Personen beruhen, die zur Zeit der Demokratiebewegung in Gwangju in Diensten des Militärs standen.

Das Komitee setzt sich aus neun Mitgliedern zusammen, die Leitung übernimmt ein Rechtsanwalt.

11.09.2017 - 09:35 [ Salzburg.com ]

Südkorea fordert harte Gangart gegen den Norden

Kurz vor der geplanten Abstimmung im UNO-Sicherheitsrat über neue Nordkorea-Sanktionen hat Südkorea eine harte Gangart gegenüber seinem Nachbarn gefordert. Der Norden habe mit seinen anhaltenden Atom- und Raketentests einen Weg der Rücksichtslosigkeit eingeschlagen, sagte die südkoreanische Außenministerin Kang Kyung-wha am Montag.

11.09.2017 - 09:32 [ KBS.co.kr ]

Nordkorea droht USA mit Konsequenzen für eventuell neue Sanktionen

Nordkorea habe eine starke thermonukleare Bombe entwickelt und fertiggestellt, um die feindseligen Machenschaften und die nukleare Bedrohung durch die USA zu unterdrücken und die Gefahr eines nuklearen Kriegs auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und in der Region zu verhindern. Die USA wollten jedoch Nordkoreas Maßnahme zur Selbstverteidigung als Vorwand benutzen, um Nordkorea zu würgen und zum Ersticken zu bringen, kritisierte das Ressort.

11.09.2017 - 00:54 [ foreignaffairs.com ]

China‘s North Korean Liability

Beijing must face the reality that the Kim family’s nuclear and missile programs are opposed to Chinese interests and a threat to regional stability. As momentum once again builds in Beijing to reassess its relationship with North Korea, it is time for China to make a significant shift in its policy, once and for all.

11.09.2017 - 00:49 [ Reuters ]

North Korea warns U.S. will pay due price for spearheading U.N. sanctions

The United States wants the Security Council to impose an oil embargo on the North, halt its key export of textiles and subject leader Kim Jong Un to financial and travel ban, according to a draft resolution seen by Reuters.

The North’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said the United States was “going frantic” to manipulate the Security Council over Pyongyang’s nuclear test, which it said was part of “legitimate self-defensive measures.”